Hey, feel free to praise one level of government finally getting around to enforcing its proper laws against another level of government. I certainly think it's great on them, but that doesn't excuse any level from violating rights through the law in the first place.I wonder what those federal troops were doing at elementary schools. I guess they were acting as private citizens who just happened to be in uniform.
You>ThemFuck this temporal relativity. I was raised by and around some of the most racist shit heads in rural Kansas and I knew better from the very beginning. Racist have always been wrong and amongst the the worse people in any population they infect.Always.
Hey, feel free to praise one level of government finally getting around to enforcing its proper laws against another level of government. I certainly think it's great on them, but that doesn't excuse any level from violating rights through the law in the first place.
How in your view did slavery end, the civil rights act happen, LGBT acceptance happened?
I guess he realized that he would never win that seat back.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukphPw_cDiE&feature=youtu.be
Former US congressman defends his comments
Says "Cliven Bundy isn't a racist"
We saw people as being people. You shouldn't judge a person for who they love nor should you judge them because they aren't exactly like you. I think people live in fear. A fear from something different. They believe that their fathers were right and they should honor them. I also believe hatred is a tool. A tool used when intelligence can't be used.
Thanks to Cliven Bundy, we'll now forever associate states' rights with racism.
How tragic.![]()
How did people start seeing people as people if in your opinion they're a product of their environment? How did this change? Divine intervention?
I notice how you only focused on LGBT. Did racists not interact with blacks? Your deference to peoples environment shouldn't allow change racists would raise racists in perpetuityI think a large part was that men and women came out from hiding in the closet and we realized that they were literally afraid of being who they were. I feel that people began to understand what gay really meant wasn't something bad, but that they should be given the same rights as other human beings. I think the LGBT community has shown how proud they are, which also emphasizes that we still have a large population who are against it. But I think the biggest part is states allowing gay marriage because it shows that we as a nation do not discriminate a person for their personal lives. I feel that men were raised thinking they should always be attracted to girls and that they should only act in a particular way. We've broken those pillars down by understanding that the person isn't just gay, but they are a person just like us.
I never had any gay friends growing up. The only gay person I knew of was ridiculed in high school for no reason. I feel that we mistreat people who are of a different sexual orientation. And it came from respecting and understanding that they are real people. I also think rallies and LBGT community events also raise awareness.
All this stuff about black people being slaves to the government makes me wonder how we're doing in Canada. Do conservatives (Canadian or otherwise) feel as though black people in Canada are being enslaved by social assistance? How are black people doing in regards to things like... rate of incarceration (I don't know if we track that by ethnicity), poverty rate, etc?
I notice how you only focused on LGBT. Did racists not interact with blacks? Your deference to peoples environment shouldn't allow change racists would race racists in perpetuity
Is this "Welfare is the new Slavery" argument catching on with stupid people? First the Duck Dynasty guy, and now this genius, who's one of the (to use the words of the republican prophet R.Reagan) biggest welfare queens in America are all trying to propose this argument.
It's like the Ebola of stupid shit in how quickly it transfers and how quickly it kills any support from them.
What do they say about Native Americans?
You mean suppression because some racists were homosexuals themselves?
All this stuff about black people being slaves to the government makes me wonder how we're doing in Canada. Do conservatives (Canadian or otherwise) feel as though black people in Canada are being enslaved by social assistance? How are black people doing in regards to things like... rate of incarceration (I don't know if we track that by ethnicity), poverty rate, etc?
In 2000-01, there were 766 black inmates in federal prisons. That number jumped to 1,294 by 2010-11, according to Sapers 2011-12 annual report.
Thats a 69% increase over 10 years.
Black people make up about 2.5% of Canadas population. Yet they now represent just over 9% of the federal inmate population, the report says.
YepKind of annoyed that his naked racism is distracting us from the fact that he is a thief, a tax cheat, a hypocrite and a seditionist.
Literally fomenting armed resistance of a lawful government because he wants a free ride.
He's the perfect distillation of the tea party.
He was going to risk people's lives because he wants free cattle feed.
Kind of annoyed that his naked racism is distracting us from the fact that he is a thief, a tax cheat, a hypocrite and a seditionist.
Literally fomenting armed resistance of a lawful government because he wants a free ride.
He's the perfect distillation of the tea party.
He was going to risk people's lives because he wants free cattle feed.
But even their power is diminishing.They might be insignificant in terms of numbers, but they certainly aren't insignificant in terms of power. Which is far more relevant.
After a certain point in your life your brain should be developed enough to know common sense. After a while you just can't defend them. Live and let live but stay the hell out of my life, is how I'd see it.People hate racists and yes they have good reasons why. But I doubt half of us would of thought differently if we were to have grown up in that era. It's not because we are bad people, but the generation didn't know any better.
No one can go back in time and give you one reason to why it happened. Hell I'd bet we each have a family member that was a full blown racist. It's sad, but unfortunately true.
Is this "Welfare is the new Slavery" argument catching on with stupid people? First the Duck Dynasty guy, and now this genius, who's one of the (to use the words of the republican prophet R.Reagan) biggest welfare queens in America are all trying to propose this argument.
It's like the Ebola of stupid shit in how quickly it transfers and how quickly it kills any support from them.
I'm differentiation LGBT rights and civil rights
I made a typo BTW
I've noticed how some Black Conservatives often talk about how Black people who vote for Democrats are living on plantations.Is this "Welfare is the new Slavery" argument catching on with stupid people?
Sex was never talked about. When civil rights were being fought for I imagine a huge correlation was happening, but it was never talked about. I think at the time segregation was keeping men and women from living their normal lives (working, owning property). LGBT segregation has probably always existed. I also think we had men and women who were afraid of being attracted to someone of a difference race, especially of the same sex. Love and sex were censored tremendously.
Isn't "didn't have nothing" a double negative?
Is this "Welfare is the new Slavery" argument catching on with stupid people? First the Duck Dynasty guy, and now this genius, who's one of the (to use the words of the republican prophet R.Reagan) biggest welfare queens in America are all trying to propose this argument.
It's like the Ebola of stupid shit in how quickly it transfers and how quickly it kills any support from them.
Huh? Who's pretending that?Feel free to continue to pretend that the laws you complain about sprung up out of nowhere and were imposed on an unwilling populace.
Why do you keep focusing on LGBT stuff? I'm talking about civil rights.
How did racial progress happen if people that grow up in racist environments end up being racist through no fault of their own?
Huh? Who's pretending that?
I think that?People such as yourself who think all that was required for the end of segregation, etc. was for the mean old government to stop being mean.
yep, he didn't use the right code words.
I think that?
.Kind of annoyed that his naked racism is distracting us from the fact that he is a thief, a tax cheat, a hypocrite and a seditionist.
Literally fomenting armed resistance of a lawful government because he wants a free ride.
He's the perfect distillation of the tea party.
He was going to risk people's lives because he wants free cattle feed.
.Kind of annoyed that his naked racism is distracting us from the fact that he is a thief, a tax cheat, a hypocrite and a seditionist.
Literally fomenting armed resistance of a lawful government because he wants a free ride.
He's the perfect distillation of the tea party.
He was going to risk people's lives because he wants free cattle feed.
Fuck this guy.
This feels like the most racist thing I've ever read, but I really can't be with having far greater than two weeks of internet experience.
Why hasn't anybody what David Duke thinks of this?