Why did this guy even start talking about black people? Seriously, what the hell do black people have to do with his cows or him owing taxes or whatever the hell else?
Never fails.
I specifically remember mainstream and conservative media treating Reid's use of the word "negro" as if he had said the n word. With respect to bringing up Reid, the comparison was obvious to me, and lo and behold:
It was indeed part of the right's counter attack. The one thing I miscalculated was how fast the mainstream right (Fox, senators, RNC, etc) would retreat from Bundy. I fully expected them to do what they usually do: deflect. "What Bundy said is unfortunate but how come no one complained when Reid said the same thing."
There is indeed a hive mind on the left and the right. The right has been focusing on Reid for the last few weeks, just as liberal sites have been focusing on the Kochs for weeks; before that, liberal sites and MSNBC were doing 24/7 Christie "Bridge-Gate" coverage, including Maddow and her elaborately false theories/accusations.
Because arguments for lower taxes and less federal interference in state affairs have been intrinsically linked with arguments for white supremacy in America for hundreds of years.
I was once on a jury with one of the Republic of Texas nutters. The guy kept disconnecting the water meter to get free water. He had multiple chances to just pay the bill. Instead he spent half a year in jail until his trial because he couldn't bond out. When his trial came up he was pro se and had no case aside from the government was not legitimate. I felt sorry for him, not because he had a good position, I saw a man with mental illness that was untreated and going to be punished for a crazy ideology.
The organized groups that use illegitimacy of the government as rationale for not paying taxes have been linked to racist origins.And you ignored the part of my post that explained that. It's not a hive mind, it's just propagandists earning their money.
No, it hasn't. Have we really gotten to the point where someone complaining about how high their taxes are is suspected of being racist? Also, while racists love to cry foul about the federal government, they feel free to abuse it when they're in power. There are people who disagree with giving excessive power to the government BECAUSE they want to avoid such abuse. I do not think it's fair to lump anyone complaining about the federal government with racists.
And you ignored the part of my post that explained that. It's not a hive mind, it's just propagandists earning their money.
The organized groups that use illegitimacy of the government as rationale for not paying taxes have been linked to racist origins.
Propagandists earning their money by fostering a hive mind, one agenda to another.
Yes, that can be a factor as well, and when the noise one side chooses to generate goes against the brand they supposedly espouse, it's rather telling about what their genuine intent is. There is still a general trajectory that transcends whatever brand they're trying to hurt at the moment.In politics, a lot of the noise that's generated is just to try and hurt the other brand.
My wife saw my watching Maddow once and told me that she understands why I like her so much....she's always on point. I find if laughable that people can compare her views to those of some Fox "News" folks by means of polarization...she's educated and builds her arguments based on facts.
Who gets money from creating false equivalencies?
Y'all just hating on this true American hero for standing up against Muslim Kenyan-Born Barack Hussein Obama of the Socialist party and his unconstitutional taxes
I wonder how many people actually think this way.
No, it hasn't. Have we really gotten to the point where someone complaining about how high their taxes are is suspected of being racist? Also, while racists love to cry foul about the federal government, they feel free to abuse it when they're in power. There are people who disagree with giving excessive power to the government BECAUSE they want to avoid such abuse. I do not think it's fair to lump anyone complaining about the federal government with racists.
Thanks for posting.Rachel Maddow went HAM on the right-wing press for not understanding the racial politics history behind the Rancher's "I don't believe in the Federal Government" views and thus being completely blind-sided by the fact that he was racist.
tl;didn't watch: The origin of the movement he followed was from white southerners that wanted the Federal government troops out of the south so they could go back to treating black people poorly.
I wouldn't immediately assume that a small government fan is inherently racist, but there's sadly a very strong correlation. I've found that many of the supposed fans of 'small government' really don't care too much about whether government is small or not; they're more concerned about government services going to the wrong people. I rarely hear about excessive defense spending or corporate kickbacks - the complaints I hear are always about 'those people' getting excess welfare or other government services. And 'those people' are never, EVER white.
I wouldn't immediately assume that a small government fan is inherently racist, but there's sadly a very strong correlation. I've found that many of the supposed fans of 'small government' really don't care too much about whether government is small or not; they're more concerned about government services going to the wrong people. I rarely hear about excessive defense spending or corporate kickbacks - the complaints I hear are always about 'those people' getting excess welfare or other government services. And 'those people' are never, EVER white.
I thought I had met one of these elusive non-racist small government "libertarian" types at my last job. Then one day he asserted that a race war was underway because of one white dude getting beat up and the assailants allegedly saying 'this is for Treyvon'.
One thing that is extra sad about that view is that even if you cut off all that spending that they don't like (welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, etc.) it would not magically bring a balanced budget. That stuff just isn't the huge stuff. The big stuff is medicare, defense, social security,etc. So their racists views can't really even be justified as being just super fiscal conservative.I wouldn't immediately assume that a small government fan is inherently racist, but there's sadly a very strong correlation. I've found that many of the supposed fans of 'small government' really don't care too much about whether government is small or not; they're more concerned about government services going to the wrong people. I rarely hear about excessive defense spending or corporate kickbacks - the complaints I hear are always about 'those people' getting excess welfare or other government services. And 'those people' are never, EVER white.
They do.
Have you ever come across a car with a dozen NRA, NObama, don't Re-Nig, Don't tread on me bumper stickers?
It's quite crazy.
Rachel Maddow went HAM on the right-wing press for not understanding the racial politics history behind the Rancher's "I don't believe in the Federal Government" views and thus being completely blind-sided by the fact that he was racist.
tl;didn't watch: The origin of the movement he followed was from white southerners that wanted the Federal government troops out of the south so they could go back to treating black people poorly.
Did he look like this?
what's with the hard on for county sheriffs? just feels like weird cowboy wild west larping or some shit.
hah yeah I know, it just seems like a totally arbitrary thing to hold onto now.because if you go any higher you're into the state government, which at the time was "compromised" by Reconstruction
also county officials make more sense than city or town officials for rural areas
hah yeah I know, it just seems like a totally arbitrary thing to hold onto now.
I want to see what these custom IDs look like. I bet it's a trip.
"Having a family life and doing things"
"Better off as slaves"
Which history do I have to read to learn about the idyllic family lives of slaves in the antebellum South?
There are a bunch.WTF at the bolded. Don't tread on me is all over NH because it's their state motto, but fuck me if I've ever seen anything THAT blatantly racist. But I live in New England, so...
This is a really good segment. Maybe I should start watching Maddow at some point.
There are a bunch.
Posse comitatus. The core of his ideology. It's thoroughly explained in this Maddow clip: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-...t-context-missed-in-rancher-hype-236481603620
I actually prefer when racists are blatently obvious about it by putting stickers on their cars. It makes it easier for the rest of us to avoid them.
I actually prefer when racists are blatently obvious about it by putting stickers on their cars. It makes it easier for the rest of us to avoid them.
I've been reading about this guy and still don't understand. So he has some property and he refuses to pay any property taxes for it?
No.I've been reading about this guy and still don't understand. So he has some property and he refuses to pay any property taxes for it?
I've been reading about this guy and still don't understand. So he has some property and he refuses to pay any property taxes for it?
Hannity fucked up so bad. He's been backing this dude's story for weeks, then this happens. Now Fox has to dance all over the place. lol
Hannity fucked up so bad. He's been backing this dude's story for weeks, then this happens. Now Fox has to dance all over the place. lol
Not really. I doubt his audience cares that he was promoting a racist. I am sure 90% of them agree with Bundy about us "Negroes."
All this really does is give opponents of Hannity more ammo about him associating with racists. First Hal Turner and now Bundy, but he'll just shrug it off and lie like he always does.
Not really. I doubt his audience cares that he was promoting a racist. I am sure 90% of them agree with Bundy about us "Negroes."
All this really does is give opponents of Hannity more ammo about him associating with racists. First Hal Turner and now Bundy, but he'll just shrug it off and lie like he always does.
He has cattle that are grazing on federal land and he refuses to pay the grazing tax because the US is not a recognized nation and negroes or some crazy shit.
Do you have to learn how to pick cotton? I've never done it myself but I don't imagine it's that difficult.
You should scroll up to the Rachel Maddow link, she does a very good job of summing this whole thing upI haven't followed this idiot or what he did. But did he really claim that the US is not a recognized nation?
If yes... WOW! How stupid can one person be? And this is on top of his 1814 thinking on slavery!
She's had a number of impressive segments like this. She always gets to the root of things and breaks it down really well.This is a really good segment. Maybe I should start watching Maddow at some point.