New Dragon Ball TV Series Announced: Dragon Ball Super

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Are the new movies actually good? I just sort of assumed they were awful and mostly good for the fight scenes and nothing else, you know, like every other DBZ movie.

Battle of Gods is good. I haven't seen Revival of F, but Battle of Gods has some fun character interactions laid on top of good battles. It had a surprising amount of humor too.


Are the new movies actually good? I just sort of assumed they were awful and mostly good for the fight scenes and nothing else, you know, like every other DBZ movie.

These are actually Canon unlike the others and written by AT, taking place after Z. BoG is for sure more Dragon Ball esque. Havent seen RoF but reports are that its ok.


Really? I may watch it then. I was going to skip it since I stopped watching the movies at Bio-Broly, I think. After that I was just like lol, no more of this.


Are the new movies actually good? I just sort of assumed they were awful and mostly good for the fight scenes and nothing else, you know, like every other DBZ movie.

battle of gods was solid. It felt like a mini arc of DBZ after the buu saga... which is what it basically was trying to do.

I wish it had been a real arc though as it would have been better a little longer to build up the conflict more as everything just kind of happened and done.


Everytime this thread is on top I scream internally hoping that at least a teaser image of the new series emerges... It has to happen soon, right?


Really? I may watch it then. I was going to skip it since I stopped watching the movies at Bio-Broly, I think. After that I was just like lol, no more of this.

Bio-Broly is by far the worst Dragon Ball thing ever, so everything is uphill from there. The Janemba and Tapion movies don't make much sense in terms of plot but they have some of the best animation and fights in the franchise.

I would recommend Battle of the Gods. Could feel a little weird if you're not used to pre-DBZ Toriyama, but I really liked it.
if bog is like dragonball
and rof is like dragonball z
what is dbs gonna be like :^)

i have a Great Theory

GT didn't have Toriyama involved beyond the initial character designs and was pretty poorly received by the fans, so they'll probably try to distance it from that series as much as possible.


I actually really love the original Dragon Ball. I prefer it to Z in a lot of ways, so Battle being more DB-like makes me more interested. And yeah, I have no doubt Bio-Broly is the worst DBZ thing ever. I didn't even like the regular Broly movies much (his motivation for hating Goku will forever baffle me that someone thought that was an idea worth implementing, holy shit), but that was another level.


Freaking new art sucks.



20+ years ago, and much better than the promo art used in CMs and Kai. For shame.
I agree with you, they really need to step their fight game up in Super.
Theres a certain charm about cel animation that is completely lost today. DB, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam, etc all look amazing at their finest vs the newer stuff at its finest, IMHO.


I was watching the DB Piccolo fight a few days ago, and its better than many DBZ battles, lets see if Revival of F is better than BoG, that was boring.

The 24th tournament has some of the best animated fights in the entire franchise. It eclipses the production values of the movies. Top tier art and animation. I can't find gifs.






I was watching the DB Piccolo fight a few days ago, and its better than many DBZ battles, lets see if Revival of F is better than BoG, that was boring.

It has better fight sequences but I don't think it's a better movie.

The 24th tournament has some of the best animated fights in the entire franchise. It eclipses the production values of the movies. Top tier art and animation. I can't find gifs.

i love the way chubby goku is drawn here too.

i bought an original cel of Goku from the Piccolo Jr. fight a week or so ago. it's my pride and joy.

Astral Dog

It has better fight sequences but I don't think it's a better movie.

plot sounds like dissapointment but i was not a big fan of BoG either,pity considering the return of Frieza though :/

Maybe what they need are long arcs with proper pacing instead of a Movie, that way we may get a better and more interesting story.


plot sounds like dissapointment but i was not a big fan of BoG either,pity considering the return of Frieza though :/

Maybe what they need are long arcs with proper pacing instead of a Movie, that way we may get a better and more interesting story.

i mean when you're reading a vague online synopsis you're sort of missing the other 9/10ths that make up the film.

the set up for many of the fights in DB/Z are pretty inconsequential but the set up for Freeza isn't really something that needs great elaboration.


when do you expect to see Dragon Ball Super get an official release anyways lmao

Kai never even got simulcasted.

Kai began airing before simulcasting was a standard widespread practice. Toei knows people will watch this one way or another, and I'm sure they'd rather it be watched through an official channel. My question is will they simulcast a dub version aswell.


Kai began airing before simulcasting was a standard widespread practice. Toei knows people will watch this one way or another, and I'm sure they'd rather it be watched through an official channel. My question is will they simulcast a dub version aswell.

The new series of Kai sure as hell wasn't simulcasted and a dub for it already exists, right?


Kai began airing before simulcasting was a standard widespread practice. Toei knows people will watch this one way or another, and I'm sure they'd rather it be watched through an official channel. My question is will they simulcast a dub version aswell.

A dub version at the same time? Like dubbing as they go along. That seems pretty unlikely, would require a lot of synchronizing between Toei and Funimation.
A dub version at the same time? Like dubbing as they go along. That seems pretty unlikely, would require a lot of synchronizing between Toei and Funimation.

If they wanted to, they could do what Funi and Bones did with Space Dandy. Purposely delay the Japanese broadcast until the English Dub's finished. But I imagine that wouldn't go down as well considering DBZ's popularity worldwide.

Also, the key frame artists for the 23rd Tournament and Saiyan saga were god-like.
I'm dying for any sort of information or media from this. I want to know where this series will pick up on the timeline, what the plot will be centered around, and what characters have been up to, as well as how they look.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Ok, since this starts in a month I'll say there probably isn't going to be a simulcast and if there is there's like a .01% chance there'll be a dub too.


Is a simuldub something that happens frequently? I had no idea it was even a thing. It seems like something like that would take a lot of effort and planning ahead.
Is a simuldub something that happens frequently? I had no idea it was even a thing. It seems like something like that would take a lot of effort and planning ahead.

Funimation started doing them with Space Dandy. As of right now they have like 15 simuldubs running.


Space Dandy is unique in that it aired in English BEFORE Japanese. All their simuldubs now are a few weeks behind the Japanese airing. Still an amazing turnaround though.


Space Dandy is unique in that it aired in English BEFORE Japanese. All their simuldubs now are a few weeks behind the Japanese airing. Still an amazing turnaround though.

Oh, it's a few weeks, not like a day afterward like some simulcasts that are subbed. That makes more sense then, I could see that.


The new series of Kai sure as hell wasn't simulcasted and a dub for it already exists, right?

No, Sean just mentioned at a convention over the last weekend that he's scheduled to finish the dub for Buu Kai over the next two weeks, and he'd just finished recording his lines for Resurrection F.


The voice actors confirmed they've been working on it for quite a while now. Even before it began airing in Japan I believe. It's odd Funimation still hasn't announced it yet.



Nice! They had Battle of the Gods at a theater not too far from me last Summer, so some friends of mine and I tried to get a "GotG/BotG Double Feature" going... And then we kept failing until, like, 1/3 of us gave up and saw Guardians at the local theater a month later.

I'm going to try to be on top of things for this one, though!


The voice actors confirmed they've been working on it for quite a while now. Even before it began airing in Japan I believe. It's odd Funimation still hasn't announced it yet.

they're putting a lot of work into the script and editing, not sure they've even begun dubbing yet.
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