New Dragon Ball TV Series Announced: Dragon Ball Super

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they're putting a lot of work into the script and editing, not sure they've even begun dubbing yet.

it also wouldn't be surprising if before they announce anything they work out a bidding war between nick and cartoon network as nick is who originally aired dbz kai but alas adult swim got the rights to air kai last year (at least the first part)

If cartoon network has full rights to it now, and just wants to continue with weekly episiodes right into the second series of kai... lets see they are on ep 25 of 97 thus... we could be looking at 72 weeks before we reach the second half of kai and there is what 62 or 63 episodes to the second half of kai? so that is what 134 episodes to air, thus assuming no breaks for movies (which they often do in decemeber and at random other times) we could be looking at 134 weeks before they move onto db super or a little over 2.5 years from now... which if we include breaks could easily result in 2.5 years after super airing in japan it comes out in english on tv....
which would of course make the english release about 134 episodes behind the japanese release @_@

thus hopefully no matter what is going down with kai (even if it takes another year for it to start coming out in english) they give a different slot for DB super.. otherwise the english dub may be a long long wait @_@


Wait wut? Frieza is Gold? hahahahahaha they have ran out of ideas i avoided all spoilers about F and after watching that trailer I am going expecting shit and praying for a decent movie...
Ah yes the trailer that showed basically nothing sure looked like shit. Of course!
I'm glad they announced dates, but whats with the music? Are they going back to their old days of getting the likes of Disturbed to do soundtracks?! :'(


Unconfirmed Member
I really hope the animation is similar to the Dragon Ball Z Kai opening. I didn't like the animation shift in the God movie when they flew through the city. Hated it.


WHat do you guys consider making the saiyan's hair blonde in terms of laziness

Eh, it's not super complex or anything like that, but as far as I can tell Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan are straight up recolors (I say this only seeing them in screenshots and via video game representation, so maybe there's a more difference in motion that I'm not aware of?) of a previous look. And then with Frieza all of his forms looked different, but his new is just his final form gold from what I've seen. So yeah, they strike me as particularly lazy, to be honest.
I'm just now catching up on all this super saiyan god stuff. I totally had no idea and pretty much ignored everything dragon ball because I thought it wasn't canon. :D


Eh, it's not super complex or anything like that, but as far as I can tell Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan are straight up recolors (I say this only seeing them in screenshots and via video game representation, so maybe there's a more difference in motion that I'm not aware of?) of a previous look. And then with Frieza all of his forms looked different, but his new is just his final form gold from what I've seen. So yeah, they strike me as particularly lazy, to be honest.

They have differences in motion.
When it comes to the saiyans the transformations were never THAT big of a dfference from each besides SSJ3 I guess.

Kaioken- aura recolor

SSJ1 - eye/hair/aura recolor and your hair stood up(stays the same for Vegeta)
SSJ2 - added lightning sparks and slight hair change for Goku and Gohan
SSJ3 - loss of eyebrows, hair grows to ridiculous length

SSJ God - loss of some muscle, eye/hair/aura recolor, aura has fiery effect
SSGSSJ - eye/hair/aura recolor, hair stands up again

Frieza's golden form was more disappointing because the villains usually have wildly different transformations
When it comes to the saiyans the transformations were never THAT big of a dfference from each besides SSJ3 I guess.

Kaioken- aura recolor

SSJ1 - hair/aura recolor and your hair stood up(stays the same for Vegeta)
SSJ2 - added lightning sparks and slight hair change for Goku and Gohan
SSJ3 - loss of eyebrows, hair grows to ridiculous length

SSJ God - loss of some muscle, hair/aura recolor, aura has fiery effect
SSGSSJ - hair/aura recolor, hair stands up again

Frieza's golden form was more disappointing because the villains usually have wildly different transformations

They needed to give Frieza that cool face mask thing that Cooler had.

Astral Dog

WHat do you guys consider making the saiyan's hair blonde in terms of laziness

well it looked freaking cool at the time, you cant deny, with that spiky hair, golden glow, eyes, and personality change.
And that was a long time ago, you would expect a bit more creativity anyways from new transformations. Golden Frieza is a joke.
The fight animation in the new movie does look pretty good. Or at least better than I expected.

And rewatching BoG, the fight between Goku and Beerus looked better than I remembered.

It was pretty damn great in BoG. I literally just got done watching it. That's definitely DBZ alright, and I would say it's DBZ at its best. The comedy, the fighting, even the overall story setup and execution, everything just seemed really on point. A very clear and obvious setup for the future of the series.
Yeah Golden Frieza is him mocking the gold of
The super saiyan change

I personally loved Battle of Gods. Animation was great, visuals were great. Loved the humor and the beerus and whis characters


Talking about the saiyan transformations and all, was there every any name for whatever Vegeta and Trunks were when they came out of the time chamber? I knew they said it was a level about Super Saiyan, but Gohan was the first legit SS2, right? Just wondering, just got to that part in Kai and they keep talking about how they reached a level above Super Saiyan and all, which I'd forgotten.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Talking about the saiyan transformations and all, was there every any name for whatever Vegeta and Trunks were when they came out of the time chamber? I knew they said it was a level about Super Saiyan, but Gohan was the first legit SS2, right? Just wondering, just got to that part in Kai and they keep talking about how they reached a level above Super Saiyan and all, which I'd forgotten.
I think it's Ultra Super Saiyan? It's basically an imperfect SS2 that slows them down tremendously. It has the power, but actually makes their speed worse.


Talking about the saiyan transformations and all, was there every any name for whatever Vegeta and Trunks were when they came out of the time chamber? I knew they said it was a level about Super Saiyan, but Gohan was the first legit SS2, right? Just wondering, just got to that part in Kai and they keep talking about how they reached a level above Super Saiyan and all, which I'd forgotten.

Ascended (Vegeta) and Ultra (Trunks) SSJ

Gohan was the first SSJ2.


Eh, it's not super complex or anything like that, but as far as I can tell Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan are straight up recolors (I say this only seeing them in screenshots and via video game representation, so maybe there's a more difference in motion that I'm not aware of?) of a previous look. And then with Frieza all of his forms looked different, but his new is just his final form gold from what I've seen. So yeah, they strike me as particularly lazy, to be honest.

Gold Freeza actually has quite a few design differences aside from color (armor lines on his chest, different leg and forearm armor, no shoulder orbs, muscular eyebrows like a SSJ3 - although the last one was done for Freeza by the anime sometimes). The main issue is that his overall silhouette doesn't change.


Yeah, that's pretty much how it plays out. Wasn't sure if a name was ever put to it or not.

They were never really given names in the series, just generic "a level past Super Saiyan" labels. The Ascended, Ultra, and Full-Powered names came from side materials I think.


They were never really given names in the series, just generic "a level past Super Saiyan" labels. The Ascended, Ultra, and Full-Powered names came from side materials I think.

Ah yeah, I seem to recall the names for the Level 5 personality cards had that name in TCCG now you mention it. At least that Ascended one for Vegeta digs at my memory.
Toei cheaping out as always. That laser beam from Frieza's finger was sound effects straight out of One Piece.

Well, many of One Piece sound effects are from... Dragon Ball, ha ha. Don't know if that laser beam sound effect is from One Piece in the first place or not though.


He was actually revived as his cyborg form, even still in chopped up bits like he was when Trunks sliced the hell out of him.

I knew he can withstand a lot based on how he survived Namek's explosion and all, but damn, he can actually survive being cut into little pieces? Damn.


Is this series going to likely just ignore SSJ2 and 3 and just focus and God the entire time?

Like how GT basically ignored SSJ2 and 3?


Well, Cooler survived and he was just half a head :O

Really? I don't think I ever watched the second Cooler movie.

Is this series going to likely just ignore SSJ2 and 3 and just focus and God the entire time?

Like how GT basically ignored SSJ2 and 3?

Yeah, as mentioned above, Goku goes SSJ3 in GT at least once (I want to say even twice?), but it was established in Z that while the form is powerful, it takes up too much energy too quickly to be effective in any longterm battle. I think it's mostly a last ditch effort thing. I don't know about 2, though, but for the most part he never really fought a large, credible threat until SSJ4 was revealed from what I can recall.

But anyway, yeah, I assume at this point the God thing is basically a reboot of the Super Saiyan concept. I would've except either Goku or Vegeta to go below that in the new show at all unless there's some specific plot point surrounding it.
Goku and Vegeta will most probably just use SSJG from now on.

SSJ1 is now just specific to Gohan (and Gotenks).

SSJ2 doesn't exist no more.

SSJ3 will probably be specifitc to Gotenks.


Really? I don't think I ever watched the second Cooler movie.

Yeah, as mentioned above, Goku goes SSJ3 in GT at least once (I want to say even twice?), but it was established in Z that while the form is powerful, it takes up too much energy too quickly to be effective in any longterm battle. I think it's mostly a last ditch effort thing. I don't know about 2, though, but for the most part he never really fought a large, credible threat until SSJ4 was revealed from what I can recall.

But anyway, yeah, I assume at this point the God thing is basically a reboot of the Super Saiyan concept. I would've except either Goku or Vegeta to go below that in the new show at all unless there's some specific plot point surrounding it.

wasn't is said somewhere near the end of Z that they don't bother with ssj1 at all anymore they just go straight to 2, so it's not that 2 is being ignored it's just that they skip 1?


wasn't is said somewhere near the end of Z that they don't bother with ssj1 at all anymore they just go straight to 2, so it's not that 2 is being ignored it's just that they skip 1?

It may very well have been. There's so little difference between the two at the end of the day, visually, that you could easily say that without much issue.
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