New Dragon Ball TV Series Announced: Dragon Ball Super

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I predict this show's focus being getting everyone to SSG and then making the goal of SSJ2 for people like Goten and Trunks obselete.
this is def after RoF

"The release of the TV series Dragon Ball Super based on the Akira Toriyama story begins this July. After the meeting with the God of Destruction, Beerus who had awakened from a long sleep, and after Frieza's resurrection who was once feared as the "emperor of the universe". An even more mysterious character now comes into play."


Those same animators who made the animation in the gif still work at Toei


Freaking new art sucks.


Animation by kazuya hisada, he was an animation director & key animator on dragon ball /z his currently character designer and animation director of One piece so don't expect him to show up in dragon ball Super.

20+ years ago, and much better than the promo art used in CMs and Kai. For shame.
This is Toei current poster boy animator Naotoshi shida his a better animator now then his ever been, his almost everywhere So expect him in dragon ball super.

This is what his current style looks like



wasn't is said somewhere near the end of Z that they don't bother with ssj1 at all anymore they just go straight to 2, so it's not that 2 is being ignored it's just that they skip 1?

No, no one ever said that at least in the manga. But ssj2 seemed like the default go to as it didnt waste energy like ssj3 and was stronger than ssj1.


Those same animators who made the animation in the gif still work at Toei


Animation by kazuya hisada, he was an animation director & key animator on dragon ball /z his currently character designer and animation director of One piece so don't expect him to show up in dragon ball Super.

This is Toei current poster boy animator Naotoshi shida his a better animator now then his ever been, his almost everywhere So expect him in dragon ball super.

This is what his current style looks like

Going by the look of this gif, was he also supervising Strong World?



Loving the fluid animation of the aura
Ascended (Vegeta) and Ultra (Trunks) SSJ

Gohan was the first SSJ2.

Vegeta was USSJ, Trunks was able to get to USSJ2. Both were forms they thought was an ascended saiyan but they were failures. All they did was increase their power level and gain muscle mass that bottlenecked their speed.

Goku realized this in the HBTC. Gohan was the first truly ascended saiyan, or SSJ2.
Those same animators who made the animation in the gif still work at Toei


Animation by kazuya hisada, he was an animation director & key animator on dragon ball /z his currently character designer and animation director of One piece so don't expect him to show up in dragon ball Super.

This is Toei current poster boy animator Naotoshi shida his a better animator now then his ever been, his almost everywhere So expect him in dragon ball super.

This is what his current style looks like

Hisada is only second to Keisuke Masunaga in my eyes. Loved his work on DBZ.


Guys, I'm looking for the name of the last Faulconer song that plays in the original DBZ. Literally the last song of episode 291, after Goku leaves. It's a variation of New Earth Music, but I can't find its exact name.

Can anyone help me? Thanks.
I've just finished watching the original DB. Pretty great, but those last few episodes were just the worst. Didn't make any sense.

The thing with them putting out a fire is all anime filler.

Yeah that was a truly bizzarre little run of episodes. They go on a scavenger hunt while the Ox King nearly burns alives...for several episodes.

Edit: Piccolo's nothing if not consistent, I guess.


I'd love to see the style of Super closer to the original Manga - Krillin with white eyes e.g. or the faces of everyone without that weird chin :p


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But yeah, it's nice seeing how all of the characters have changed. And Piccolo's there, too! I really hope he stays relevant in Super; he was, like, the "Lancer" character before Vegeta turned good. I always felt that both of them and Goku should roughly be on the same level, if not with one slightly being stronger (Like Vegeta being stronger for a brief window in the Cell Arc). I dunno, they're just the main trio, in my eyes. Chaotzu's the only one Z Fighter I could take or leave (What does he even do, again?), but if Goku and Vegeta have ascended past "god" level, then the guy who actually fused with God should get a power boost, too.


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Bahahahhaa! Dead.

Same @ Picollo hahaha.

I really would love to see some of these more minor characters get a power up or at least have a more active role in the new series. As a Picollo, Tien, Yamcha fan that was always my biggest complaint about DBZ as the series went on.


Ah yes, I can spot the change in appearance in that pic from when Piccolo fuses with Nail and then when his appearance changes again when he fuses with Kami.


I'm dying at that Piccolo and Yamcha....dayum lol. But yeah, Piccolo doesn't need to change, he was always my favorite next to Future Trunks.
Yamcha actually beat Goku at the beginning of the series, and a second time with Puar when he cut Oozaru Goku's tail. Two of his few badass moments along with banging Bulma.


Yamcha actually beat Goku at the beginning of the series, and a second time with Puar when he cut Oozaru Goku's tail. Two of his few badass moments along with banging Bulma.

He was beating a starving Goku though. As soon as Goku had recovered he had no chance.



Remind them ho's, Piccolo-san~!

Zubz said:
But yeah, it's nice seeing how all of the characters have changed. And Piccolo's there, too! I really hope he stays relevant in Super; he was, like, the "Lancer" character before Vegeta turned good. I always felt that both of them and Goku should roughly be on the same level, if not with one slightly being stronger (Like Vegeta being stronger for a brief window in the Cell Arc). I dunno, they're just the main trio, in my eyes. Chaotzu's the only one Z Fighter I could take or leave (What does he even do, again?), but if Goku and Vegeta have ascended past "god" level, then the guy who actually fused with God should get a power boost, too.

I still am a fan of the idea that was posted pages ago: find a way to get Piccolo to fuse with his Dead "Dad", and fully reclaim the power that his Nameless Namek predecessor possessed.

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