I'm new to Neogaf and signed up to get some info to see if anyone knew any info about PS5. While I don't work in gaming industry I do work in the related field of Security, Common Criteria, etc. What I would honestly like to know is why are people so threatened about PS5 being weaker or stronger than Xbox, when the most important factor is games and experience? From a fan perspective both platforms have something to offer for everyone, and talking about specs as if it constitutes gaming platform supremacy is petty. Whether PS5 turns out to be 9.2TF or 13-14 Teraflops, the experience of those games is what is most important. Most people don't even have 8K tv, even a 4K TV to support some of the refresh rates people are bragging about. I also seen people nag and treat people like Osiris, Vet, etc (insiders) poorly for saying what they heard, but I'm hear to tell you that as someone who works in I.T. industry, insiders is just that, someone who are able to get a piece of information through second or third party means, technically they could all be right or all could be be wrong, but vast number of manufacturers typically deal with multiple types of prototypes at any given time up until the parts have to be manufactured. Secondly 3rd Party studios may not get the same development kit, in order to insure that the trade secret remains a secret, I doubt outside of Son'y own Studio and maybe some 3rd party with absolutely strong NDA have real access to what the system is capable of. It would be a career suicide from someone to outright release these specs to the public without Sony's consent. It's also possible that Sony's internal circle don't truly have these specs either, outside of Mark Cerny, his team and senior management, due to how business generally operate to protect the integrity of information, this is called compartmentalization, which only certain departments in a internal organization have certain pieces of the puzzles, and only certain individuals has access to all. When patents of the device isn't quite available to the public, then it's a trade secret and they protect it my piece mealing it together. Now individuals who says they have definitive information is also likely wrong here, without leak from a senior management from Sony leaking( extremely unlikely) due to impact on it's place as a publicly traded company, and the threat of being blacklisted, they wouldn't release information intentionally. Now from what I have witnessed the pass couple of generation Xbox and PlayStation will probably will have simliar specs, but unlikely to have 30 percent difference is specs, without risking being 30 percent or more expensive.
My Speculation and to crush some dreams out there:
-PS5 will not be 14 TF or 13 TF either, not because they can't but because the risk to business it's associated with it as a console manufacturer. Cost is only part of the equation, yield, heating issues in the enclosure all factors in, to be honest I was surprised Xbox Series X was 12 TF because thats a considerable upgrade, so i'm interested in seeing what the price is going to be.
-PS5 will most likely not be 9 TF either, mostly because of what insiders like heisen and osiris has said that the performance is relatively close, they might not have the most accurate specs on the device, but the ability to get info on the latest games and performance from 3rd party is invaluable when making a speculation on specs, and I have said above it's most likey only Sony's internal management and Mark Cerny having the true specs of this thing. My assumptions is that is will fall in between 10.5-12.5 TF range which is more than enough for next generation games folks, its nothing to scuff at or be angry about.
- I think 499 is probably the sweet spot this generation price point and the most likely price point for both devices are aiming to be, granted I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox end up costing more than PS5 if PS5 specs was overall lower( 12TF is no joke is performance nor price.)
-Die size doesn't allow you to know the CU count folks, because we really don't know what customization has been done on it. Esram ram is for example occupies space, we don't know what type of specialization these devices has like instructions que, etc, we can speculate based on PC counter part, but outside of that these units resembles more of the RISC based SOCs than a generally CISC based architecture we are all used to on PC platform.
I think we can all agree than both platforms will be amazing and have some exciting games yet to be seen.