It just really amazes me how people here have to cling so tightly to their respective box from whatever respective company they bought it from. Your purchase was made and you feel you have to verify such purchase we get it, but come on people. Can we really not be happy on either side? Yay Microsoft is launching a beast cool. Yay PS5 is sure to be in the ballpark on specs and have PSVR2 on the way as well as their amazing first party games. People have legitimate reasons for owning any console and don't need to get all butthurt because someone else prefers a different console. Me personally, I own all 3 current consoles all for different reasons. I own my Switch for it's exclusives and portability. I own my PS4 pro for VR and some of their exclusive games. I own an Xbox One X for multiplayer and multiplatform games because I believe they perform best there. I could give zero shits which one is more powerful or whatever. Did you buy a PS4? Did you have fun with it? Awesome that's what matters. Did you buy an Xbox? Did you have fun with it? See what I'm getting at here? Seriously WHO CARES which one is has more teraflops or RAM or what have you. Give me a damn good game that performs like it should and all that shit goes out the window.