Definitely not cheaper or easier. If you want to do this, it's going to cost you money. You need a specific team to "dumb down" your game towards the low-end system. But take for example 343i on Halo. That team is huge, the costs of that game will be huge, that's GTA level of game cost development. So indeed not every studio is able to do this, but this is about Microsoft's first party studios. They have those capabilities.
I agree that it's not all about graphics. The capabilities of the SSD lay mostly in creating more detailed and immersive worlds. So we don't get the 50 of the same books in every library (just an example), but actual 1000 of different possible books because now the input towards our GPU is much faster thanks to the SSD. So we can show more stuff. From close distance to long distance. I'm merely saying that in your opinion you believe developers aren't able to dumb that down for other lower end systems. In my opinion they can, which is based on Microsoft already doing something similar with Rise of the tomb raider. Why wouldn't they be able to do this?
I think both side a lost a reason of why the generation changes is not only is before was possible to do A thing is because in order to accomplish A they need to expend to many
time and money to be worth so A never was released not because was not possible if not they will not see worth to do all the require works.
So now with a good CPU and SSD they can do things than before was not possible but more important reasonable do it, Cerny don't want the games just see another increment
in price production that is why he cares so much what the dev think, that is why Xbox follow a similar approach.
For example Medium for XSX a true new gen exclusive which says:
"I can't tell you right now about our most important feature, because we will have to save it for later. But the gameplay mechanic built around those two worlds couldn't be fully realized
on current-gen hardware. This is something that I think will distinguish our game from any other. It's also even patented. So yeah, the game simply cannot work the same way on current-gen
platforms. And that's why we are developing the game for Xbox Series X, plus PC." "I can't tell you right now about our most important feature, because we will have to save it for later. But the
gameplay mechanic built around those two worlds couldn't be fully realized on current-gen hardware. This is something that I think will distinguish our game from any other. It's also even
patented. So yeah, the game simply cannot work the same way on current-gen platforms. And that's why we are developing the game for Xbox Series X, plus PC."
For the example your for PS4/Xbox one one thing the last generation before of this has issue was with memory that with 512 MB was a pain in the ass so for the studios so
for example now games like for example Spiderman can use its memory as streaming pool which allows to improve a lot quantity of NPC and detail in the environment,
this before was possible yes but was easy? hell not, not even close.
Even some dream so high in the beginning than fails like that Paris full of NPCs in AC Unity, the thing the actual generation improve basically two things GPU and Memory but
thing like HDD and even the CPU (yeah more core easy to use but very weak) was the same basically since 2006 and that cause many problems in the moment to decide
what kind of thing your game can has.
That one of the reason of why publishers like EA and even Ubisoft will have titles only for the new gen because do a similar work in a XSX is cheaper and faster than do it in
Xbox one. Imagine you are an engineer of 343 and you had in charge to manipulate the AI for the NPC and you know you can put I don't know 10 NPCs in Xbox One and 40 NPCs
in XSX you can think doesn't matter I just do it.... well yeah is not so simple first because your QA department saw how the difficult increment a lot in the new version compare
the new version with old version and you just cannot change the damage of each enemy because that will not feel as the creative director wants.
That problem is impossible to solve not is not but cost money, time and also cut the liberty of the creative director because he is just cannot make crazy in his wants and even
some possible solution for X problem only can do in the new XSX because they need to use RT for very specific stuff.