I expected Assassin’s Creed Valhalla to run at 30FPS on next-gen consoles, I mean, the game is already poorly optimized on PC as it is.
If PS4/XB1 Jaguar CPUs can run that same game at 30 FPS, then Xbox Series X & PS5 can run that game at a way higher FPS, 120 FPS or above that’s if we take the CPU alone, there’s just no way a Jaguar CPU can be as powerful as a Ryzen 7 3700X CPU that’s in these consoles.
It is Ubisoft’s poorly optimized engines, or maybe they’ll use Ray Tracing techniques and push the game with ultra settings at Native 4K and there you go, that’s your AC Valhalla on your next-gen consoles.
But hey, expect many more games to run at 30 FPS, but what I am waiting for is the full-on next-generation games being built from the ground up, games that will show us the true power of these next-gen consoles, I wanna see how Horizon Zero Dawn 2 will look like on PS5 and I wanna see how Hellblade 2 looks like.