1. Where did i say that XSX doesn't have dedicated hardware too?... Didn't i mentioned Velocity Architecture!? (The name that Ms gave to the combination of both hardware and software features support to the SSD complex).
And i was talking about performance in general, not just about eliminating bottlenecks _ wasn't that the topic of your post that i quoted, and of the discussion you were engaged with: decompression, number of lanes of the controller, priority channels...
You missed the entire point of my post, maybe read it again?
Yes, ps5 has custom hardware to support the entire process, and yes XSX has custom hardware and software to compensate
where it lacks on hardware
...but software doesn't close the gap
and ps5 will have a dedicated software API too that we haven't heard of yet! Hell for what we know it could even wider the gap lol
Which brings us to your number 2:
2. Again, wasn't talking about bottlenecks and WRONG! it's not just firmware updates, there will be a new dedicated API:
That's just a little bit of information Cerny gave us on GDC, it's not much, it's not the full picture, but it's proof of existence! So stop spreading bull of "no API just firmware updates" _ there is a dedicated API to the SSD and I/O complex, to improve processes and to improve the hardware performance, just like Direct Storage... we don't know nothing about it because it wasn't yet officially revealed.
You didn't tell me shit that i didn't already know, and the rest was just conjecture and guesstimates of yours _ without proof to back it up until benchmarks and tech dives after launch reveals the all picture, you're just speculating like everyone else...
so cut that crap that you "have to keep telling people things"...
you are not an authority on nothing! And you don't 'tell' anyone nothing! Lol rolleyes.gif