RE8 started it's development as a cross-gen title, it's a last-gen game being updated with few bells and whistles to look next-gen. It showed from the trailer itself. Game optimization occurs in last phase of game-development, so it'll likely be sorted. The trailer looked framey, but it's not due to the hardware. It pushed much more graphically intensive visuals than RE8. Another Capcom project in Pragmata being a prime example, the trailer ran at 4K/60, it also had most intensive use of RT out of all games in the event as pointed out by DF.
As for Dusk, he's reliable for Capcom related news. But, all the stuff about MS willing to lose more money than Sony on consoles/the difference in power being staggering should be taken with a grain of salt. He was quick to backtrack on "multiplatforms will run significantly better on Xbox X". For, any logical person, it's expected that Series X will push more resolution/more fidelity. It comes with in-built advantage in the hardware on GPU side as well as bandwidth. But, using one outlier of a game (in RE8) as an example to think, that's how multi-plats are expected to run in next-gen is silly.
TLDR; RE8 is under-going performance issues on PS5 dev-kit, multi-platforms are expected run better on Series X. Hardly earth-shattering news, but I guess discourse in coming days and weeks will tell otherwise.