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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Avi is a little on the nose, but I give it 6/10.


I am not sure if I have a problem with the fud per se, it's just the overall quality of it.

They need to get some serious quality control over there when fabricating this shit up.

At least make it sound close or viable.

The problem is that he is not some random dude or dudette. He is a mod over there. He should know much much better.



I think the world is dead without humor, I don't take everything to heart when I read stuff, nor do I expect people to be too offended if I try and have a laugh with them.

What I do draw the line at is sloppy fanboyism, if you are going to be a troll, be the best fucking troll you can.
At least then there might be something positive to take away from all the bullshit.

After 3 months on this forum, I am used to the huge amount of bullshit that has been posted here, some of it has been ridiculous, some of it has made me laugh.

When I stop laughing on this forum, that's the day I stop coming here.
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The problem is that he is not some random dude or dudette. He is a mod over there. He should know much much better.

The good thing about all this is that it will get proven at some point. Which also means he's risking his credibility in a big way with this.

So far he's making the power gap appear this large.

Xbox Series X: 4K 60FPS
PS5: 1080P 60FPS

I find that hard to believe. But we will find out sooner or later.
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So bad news guys, just heard from my sources that PS5 can’t run any games. None. Capcom, you know, they tried, just kept trying all the games, but none of them could run. Even at 1080p. Cerny was lying when we saw all those games running smoothly on PS5, turns out that was just Xbox footage. Big leak right here, no doubt. Hard for me to come to terms with it all too... cause obviously I’m fucking around. Thankfully, the Xbox will have all the games now, all exclusives, even at 4K 120 FPS, and delivered so smartly. Thank you Phil daddy, gimme dat game paaaassss!

That cat is out of the bag now. kyliethicc kyliethicc was the missing piece of the puzzle, the linchpin of MS's success. Everything has fallen perfectly into place. 010011000100111101001100


I think the world is dead without humor, I don't take everything to heart when I read stuff, nor do I expect people to be too offended if I try and have a laugh with them.

What I do draw the line at is sloppy fanboyism, if you are going to be a troll, be the best fucking troll you can.
At least then there might be something positive to take away from all the bullshit.

After 3 months on this forum, I am used to the huge amount of bullshit that has been posted here, some of it has been ridiculous, some of it has made me laugh.

When I stop laughing on this forum, that's the day I stop coming here.

Somebody tell Sircaw a good fish pun, stat!


I dont believe the RE8 rumour because he said 1080p, while XSX is 4k. If he said its running great at 4k/60 on XSX but struggling on PS5 at 4k to reach 60fps. I could believe that.
As for the tiresome 'fud' talk, would you be shouting Fud if the rumour was it was flawless on PS5 but struggling on XSX?

I think there is probably a bit of hyperbole and exaggeration from his contact. Along with PC to XSX being simpler. The other bit that sticks out a little is XSX is fine at 4K60 but MS still hasn't shown anything actually running on it properly. Maybe they need to get some pointers from Capcom?
I think the world is dead without humor, I don't take everything to heart when I read stuff, nor do I expect people to be too offended if I try and have a laugh with them.

What I do draw the line at is sloppy fanboyism, if you are going to be a troll, be the best fucking troll you can.
At least then there might be something positive to take away from all the bullshit.

After 3 months on this forum, I am used to the huge amount of bullshit that has been posted here, some of it has been ridiculous, some of it has made me laugh.

When I stop laughing on this forum, that's the day I stop coming here.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
It's more like hot air bs. Microsoft you can tell is having all types of issues cant even have one game running on their hardware, Halo looked meh yet thy started showing gpu chips and shit smh.
Do you really believe this?


Can't wait for the next Dealer podcast.

PS5 DOOMED, Resident Evil 240p checkboarded 15 fps, XBOX TRUE 8k 240 fps.

Come back soon Bo_Hazem Bo_Hazem

I miss you. NO HOMO
Know the saddest part?

Some RE fans are going to fall for this shit and pre-order an XSX because of this FUD, only to see RE8 run butter smooth on the PS5. Then Dealer, TImDogg, BlueNugroho and their ilk are going to be like ... *whistles*

At any rate, anyone who actually thinks that RE8 will run at 5fps on release is delusional.


my sources also confirm that resident evil 8 does not run on ps5. this is why PS5 gets a Version of Resident Evil 2 that was made for PS4 originally but then they scratched that idea and did the big RE2 remake.
here is a leaked video.

Resident Evil 8 will share alot of assets shown in the video.

Meanwhile the Trailer for Resident Evil 8 you all saw will be running on XSX downsampled from 16k to 8k 60 or 4k 120hz because the HDMI port cant yet handle more bandwidth ... ( but actually it can! when tvs come with 8k 240hz the xsx version will be ready but they cannot use that claims since noone can use it for the next few years ) Also i heard that the PS5 should get a Pro version early on as well and even the PS6 should come pretty quickly. Sadly both Consoles are much weaker then the XSX and Sony did what they had to do. They buy XSX and rebrand it as a Playstation.

Those filty Playstation guys, buying up all the XSX driving up the price and then Moneyhat all the games that they release only on their rebranded XSX! But Microsoft is actually working on a BC patch that will enable to play all Games on XSX as well.
If u want God of War Ascension to run on your XSX no problem, BC can do it. 32k 240fps no problem all day long.

I cannot disclose my sources because my ass does not want to be named.


please all calm down wtf is going on here

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
Know the saddest part?

Some RE fans are going to fall for this shit and pre-order an XSX because of this FUD, only to see RE8 run butter smooth on the PS5. Then Dealer, TImDogg, BlueNugroho and their ilk are going to be like ... *whistles*

At any rate, anyone who actually thinks that RE8 will run at 5fps on release is delusional.
Why would it run smoother on PS5?


Know the saddest part?

Some RE fans are going to fall for this shit and pre-order an XSX because of this FUD, only to see RE8 run butter smooth on the PS5. Then Dealer, TImDogg, BlueNugroho and their ilk are going to be like ... *whistles*

At any rate, anyone who actually thinks that RE8 will run at 5fps on release is delusional.

This is meaningless. An olive branch for the salmons.

Always count on haters to spread PS5 fud. Has been going on for almost a year now. Think about that.


Strikes me that old Dusk Golem might be a bit more of an Xbox fan, and decided to make a bigger deal out of some legitimate information he had, to make the Ps5 seems worse... and it’s bit him on the ass quite comprehensively 😂

Honestly these days I no longer believe you need to be a Xbox fan to do shit like this. You just need to be a hater.


Xbox has no games opinion
Halo Infinite is the quality of games on XSX what the fuck?
No games run on XSX name one
XSX can't do ray tracing (after medium removed it from their website) ok....
Lockhart holds back XSX just like cross gen won’t?
XSX is unbalanced and a brute forced system this is the fud you pick?

Man you really reaching for the stars here huh? This is what you pick? Pathetic.

I knew it was slim picking but thank you for proving my point.
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Xbox has no games
Halo Infinite is the quality of games on XSX
No games run on XSX
XSX can't do ray tracing (after medium removed it from their website)
Lockhart holds back XSX
XSX is unbalanced and a brute forced system

Xbox has no game i never saw someone told this. There is a difefrence between no game that apeal us and no game at all.

No Game run on XSX sorry but that's fact and not our bad if MS make two show (1st with indie and second With Halo) with the mention running on PC and the expected XSX gameplay. That's not FUD and you should blame MS for this.

For the moment that's fact for RT too. That's MS who played strong arms with 12Tf and RT capacbility. And for now the only show where game had been demonstrate with RT and on a console is the PS5 event. On MS side No RT for Halo launch and RT mention removed from MS website and again that's fact.

Lockhart doesn't exist right now, but people were saying crossgen (so Xbox One , One X...) will held back the XSX and Halo confirm that. it was a possibility and become a reality with Halo.

For XSX architecture what's wrong with assertion? Yeah it's also a fact that the architecture is "classic" and done for raw poser. That was MS that come with marketing strategy of the most powerful console. And yes compared to PS5 XSX is a brute force architecture.
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