Here are several. Enjoy.
The Xbox Series X touts a lot of power to support bigger games than its predecessor. Previously known as Project Scarlett, Xbox Series X is launching with a
Is not FUD, is a sad reality is normal an console in the release date doesn't have many first-second party games which justified the buy a console,
only people like us (early adopters) buy a console without a game which justify it, all the games you mention are BC, released in other consoles
or barely AA size.
Even when Halo was crossgen is most important IP of Xbox so you still can justified is worth to see how will look and play it in the XSX, but now what
because even games like Cyberpunk its main markets are PC and PS4, also the patch for next gen graphics will be released until the next year.
The other huge seller titles like FIFA, Assassins and CoD will have versions for the current gen.
Is like if Sony lost the release of Spiderman for this year, then until the PS5 will have the same situation.
Also Xbox is not the big dog in the market between the main platforms, for market acquired is PS and for sales is Nintendo, they live more in the mind of
the average consumer than Xbox even for the enthusiast PC gamer they will have new GPUs, so the competency will savage, lost your main IP is far of
be a joke and I am sure Phil has to take the decision because the game is just not ready.