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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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it worked for switch. ;p iirc it had an awful launch line up and its main game was available on the wii u.
But that game in considered for many as one of the best in the history, replicate this will be a miracle even for Nintendo.

Btw I was checking and if Xbox doesn't announce something for this November this could be the worst launch lineup (exclusives) since
Megadrive era.
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Later they added Super Smash, and that's an automatic seller...
The Switch succeeded mainly because it’s a handheld. Nintendo makes great handhelds. From there, connecting it to a TV was an added bonus. Reasonable price, solid exclusives. Well known brand, family friendly, popular IPs.

There were plenty of reasons, back in 2017 at launch, why the Switch should go on to succeed, and it did.


This game is the new Knack, I'm beginning to think it will become one of those cases of something so bad it's good.



Every once and a while I listen to the RDX podcast, and today I just had to because I needed to hear their reaction to the Halo Infinite news. For being an Xbox podcast, they always seem to take jabs at Sony for no reason and its always so awkward. This time they all spoke about how the PS5 isn't launching with a killer app either, and thus don't understand why people should be anymore excited for it.

Just had to vent about the damage control. It's really a guilty pleasure listening to them.


Man... Microsoft just can't win, horrible first (and way overhyped) showing that fell flat on its face, followed by that Halo Infinite gameplay (only good thing it did was create Craig the brute meme). Now we learn that Halo Infinite has been delayed and Fable is still pretty early in development, what is going to be their big game at launch now that Halo is gone?...
Can someone please remake this gif saying "GamePass" instead of NeoGaf?



What doesn’t seem to sink in that genuinely good competition is win-win for all colours of players. My post history in this thread details how bad I think Microsoft canning Xbox or making it a streaming only platform would be.

It is but the question in my mind is whether MS is that “good competition”.

Xb1 has been a write off. This new gen was their chance to bring it and they haven’t. It’s not that MS are doing an unremarkable job - they’re not doing any recognisable job at all in this console competition.

Their messaging is bad, their products are evidently not up to the quality expected, and there remain question marks over the hardware. Since May and the first reveals all we’ve seen from Xbox is increasingly disappointing content and now just straight bad news.

The question is what are Sony doing. I’m more than content to believe the COVID has screwed thongs up. But, if Sony can indeed deliver something that is competent in the same commercial environment that is seeing Xbox collapse, then I’d have to say MS isn’t good competition.

But in light of what is happening with Xbox I could also see Sony getting their own doses of bad news out there and perhaps we’ll reevaluate where Xbox is in all of this.

I really think it’s time for a console market shake up and MS leaving the custom hardware space may give rise to alternative competitor who will do a better job - perhaps better than both MS and Sony.


It is but the question in my mind is whether MS is that “good competition”.

Xb1 has been a write off. This new gen was their chance to bring it and they haven’t. It’s not that MS are doing an unremarkable job - they’re not doing any recognisable job at all in this console competition.

Their messaging is bad, their products are evidently not up to the quality expected, and there remain question marks over the hardware. Since May and the first reveals all we’ve seen from Xbox is increasingly disappointing content and now just straight bad news.

The question is what are Sony doing. I’m more than content to believe the COVID has screwed thongs up. But, if Sony can indeed deliver something that is competent in the same commercial environment that is seeing Xbox collapse, then I’d have to say MS isn’t good competition.

But in light of what is happening with Xbox I could also see Sony getting their own doses of bad news out there and perhaps we’ll reevaluate where Xbox is in all of this.

I really think it’s time for a console market shake up and MS leaving the custom hardware space may give rise to alternative QaqW1a1competitor who will do a better job - perhaps better than both MS and Sony.
I could see Apple or Samsung joining the console market and releasing the the Apple Fruit Box or the Samsung GameCon.



seems like the pricing of next gen is not this month.

Yeah this is the knock on effect now.

I think MS delay eveything they were perhaps going to do his month at least while they choose new messaging. Perhaps they’ll go for a “soft launch” if the hardware production is ready.

If Sony really are looking to compete closely with Xbox on price, this may also mean they just wait it out too. So both sides might be in a holding pattern for longer still.

But if Sony have their own bad news to bring we’ll get that in the next couple of weeks I guess. MS have made the first major delay announcement - in truth it’s the only one they could make - but I wonder if it will be the last of this launch cycle....
Microsoft really put themselves in a pickle with their console launch. Just consider that if they had not shuttered Lionhead studios back in 2016, they could have had Fable Legends for Game Pass, and a single player Fable 4 for at least the Xbox One by now. The foolishness and short-sightedness at work there is just incredible,

According to three separate sources familiar with Lionhead's relationship with Microsoft in 2012, Xbox executives insisted the studio make a new Fable in the games as a service mould. A single-player focused role-playing game would not be allowed, Lionhead was told. "There's no way anybody's going to be making single-player boxed products any more," sources say Microsoft executives told Lionhead. "I want something that's games as a service."

"You make a service game or you get closed down," was how another source with knowledge of the conversations remembers them. "It was the new big push from Microsoft and I heard that all first party studios got a similar message, however some had more of a push back against it."

And then the elephant in the room: Fable Legends simply wasn't the game many Fable fans had wanted. Fable fans wanted Fable 4, a single-player role-playing game that would blow their socks off on Xbox One. They did not want a free-to-play reimagining built around competitive multiplayer.

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Sony is waiting for Microsoft so don’t expect any news. Both company’s are incompetent in handling this so far honestly.

The narrative that both companies are equally bad so far is really not correct. Sony has completely focused on PS4 until just a few weeks ago with two heavy hitters coming in late - TLoU2 and GoT.

If Sony is still silent a month from now - fair game - but right now Sony is doing good.
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Yeah this is the knock on effect now.

I think MS delay eveything they were perhaps going to do his month at least while they choose new messaging. Perhaps they’ll go for a “soft launch” if the hardware production is ready.

If Sony really are looking to compete closely with Xbox on price, this may also mean they just wait it out too. So both sides might be in a holding pattern for longer still.

But if Sony have their own bad news to bring we’ll get that in the next couple of weeks I guess. MS have made the first major delay announcement - in truth it’s the only one they could make - but I wonder if it will be the last of this launch cycle....
Holy shit ... price reveal and pre-orders TWO MONTHS before launch? That's insane!

At this point they'll reveal the price when you go to the store to buy the damn things!


At this point - if you were EA or Ubisoft, etc - would you be thinking that Xbox was worth their license cut - and be wanting to negotiate a discount? Even if PlayStation ended up with a next-gen console monopoly - and upped their percentage - and Nintendo had the handheld monopoly, would publishers really be against that at this moment - when dropping a complex platform with a smaller install base might improve profitability and optics when releasing their game on console?

I think Xbox's promotion of gamepass and bungling of software development to match PS4 exclusives will certainly be making publishers nervous about committing to xbox development at the same level they have in the other three generations. I think a good looking game now running an XsX hardware would go a long way to change the current story.

Even just a Dead or Alive or Virtua Fighter would settle everyone IMHO.


Basing this on 4 consoles this gen. And every single pc card that's ever been released since tflops became an acceptable metric.

More tflops means more pixels that can be rendered. More pixels means better resolution. This isn't rocket science. A 2080 will always perform better than a 2070. A 5700xt will always perform better than a 5600 xt. It's just numbers.
It's not rocket science as you said but it's not simple either, as basing it on the stated 'maximum theoretical peak' TerraFLOPS is not the definitive metric. Those PC GPU cards have a lot more going on attempting to squeeze out the TFLOPS closest to it's stated maximum peak, but usually is about a third to two thirds of its max (a lot of factors at play, but only unexciting benchmarks can reach almost 100%)

XSX and PS5 are not PC's. And even though XSX and PS5 have almost the same hardware as each other they differ in architecture, they have both added their own unique ways of accelerating their GPU to squeeze more out closer to their stated maximum. Because of all the customisation these console GPU's will perform higher than a TFLOPS equivalent PC GPU cards sitting on the PCI-E port. Now the real question is which console gets closest to it's theoritical maximum TFLOPS, it's not who has the most theoritical maximum TFLOPS (which is only part of the equation)

If you think I'm crazy or biased for saying PS5 has the advantage here then hear me out. Eventhough its peak is 2TF less than XSX, Sony implemented many advanced techniques that leverages out more TFLOPS on average much closer to it's maximum peak 10TF (advancements like cache scrubbers and bigger CU caches and hardware geometry engine which saves TFLOPS from being wasted on culled unseen geometry), these improvements are not available on the XSX so it will be averaging lower TFLOPS (but ofcourse it still has it's peak 12TF which it will never reach unless running a superficial benchmark)

But hey we can just leave it and not come to blind conclusions based on TFLOPS alone or other speculations like mine. Probably best wait till we get real results when the consoles arrive, then we know for definite... Let the games do the talking!

Edit: I'm trying to keep my explanations none technical as possible
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I could see Apple or Samsung joining the console market and releasing the the Apple Fruit Box or the Samsung GameCon.

I’d like to see a consumer electronics company join the market. Samsung certainly but they’ll take longer to get their offering up to quality given the lack of software expertise and base there.

Apple would be an easy bet - I’m just curious if they’d try and compete on cutting edge or whether they’d go more of a Nintendo route and just do their own thing.


I’d like to see a consumer electronics company join the market. Samsung certainly but they’ll take longer to get their offering up to quality given the lack of software expertise and base there.

Apple would be an easy bet - I’m just curious if they’d try and compete on cutting edge or whether they’d go more of a Nintendo route and just do their own thing.
I think that Apple would go the Nintendo route, considering that they like to make their products into niches.


Just thought of something to myself. Since all this talk of Game Pass has 4 generations of BC stuff and BC is value.
Any ex 360 folks who went PS4 going to go back to Xbox?
Anyone on PS4 willing to give up their current PS4 library to go back to the Xbox ecosystem, bearing in mind that the PS5 is BC with PS4 games?

What about your Plus+ subscription?
I have about another 2 years left on that due to stackin so I doubt I'll be leaving anytime soon.
Switching is fantasy stuff. But second console is a possibility only if online becomes free.

My reasoning is quite simple, I’m happy to have the equipment lying around for incidental and casual use. But I see no value in paying a monthly fee if I’m not dedicated entirely to the system. Casual and occasional use does not inspire value from an ongoing subscription. It’s not even a matter of money, it’s just the principle of the matter.

I really believe Microsoft could get myself and other like minded individuals to pick up an Xbox if they took that step. If some of us find the experience a delight, we may become more and more entrenched within it. But it cannot happen without that first initial hook.


it worked for switch. ;p iirc it had an awful launch line up and its main game was available on the wii u.
It was a campletely different situation though.

1) The Switch came out at a time with no competition and a pretty unique offer, it being both a home and a portable console at the same time.

2) Its untapped target market was huge because it appealed to 3DS owners as well, of which there are a lot and the hardware jump between the two consoles was very significant for a relatively reasonable price.

XSX is functionally identical to the PS5, which is probably launching less than two weeks apart, with straight up more games and at least one variant that will be on par in price if not cheaper.

It is also a tougher sell in general for current Xbox players, since there will be nothing that in practice makes it really and unequivocally stand out from an Xbox One X for god knows how long (guess why Microsoft is so hastily discontinuing the One X, hint hint). Even before we add PC to the equation.


Why are Sony games seemingly unaffected by this?

Or am I opening my big mouth too soon?

I think there might be another twist in all this yet.

I mean on one hand, ok you can say MS are just incompetent. Personally I don’t believe that.

Yet MS are in this weird position now so something has led them to this point. If it’s not incompetence then it’s other factors.

Those other factors will have affected Sony too - perhaps even to a similar extent.

So yeah - I’m bracing myself for the possibility of more negative news but from Sony this time ...
At this point - if you were EA or Ubisoft, etc - would you be thinking that Xbox was worth their license cut - and be wanting to negotiate a discount? Even if PlayStation ended up with a next-gen console monopoly - and upped their percentage - and Nintendo had the handheld monopoly, would publishers really be against that at this moment - when dropping a complex platform with a smaller install base might improve profitability and optics when releasing their game on console?

I would think that those monopolies would be a much bigger issue than supporting a platform that is so similar to the PC platform they already support in the first place (at least if the suits are using their noodle). 🤷‍♂️

Primarily, I'm hoping MS doesn't make an eventual exit for personal, purely selfish reasons, I have a lot of software over there that I would like to keep. But, shit happens, I loved my DC too. They've obviously made a commitment for this upcoming generation, time will tell beyond that, I guess.
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Come on, surely you were here the last time around :)
I was. They had Ryse, KI and that motorcycle game which was crap. But Ryse at least looked very nice and I'm sure it sold a few consoles. Right now they have absolutely nothing.

Good. Right thing to do. Save the game. The hardware will be ready and waiting.
I have a slogan for them: Xbox - the next, next gen console

This forum being giddy over MS's failures is so childish.
It's not like you can't take the money and buy a PS5 with it. It's not going to be much more expensive (if any) and, for fuck sake, it's just a toy. You're not betraying your country, just making a good decision as a gamer for now and for future. Also, a lot of gamers see this situation as a win for the community because a lot of us consider GP a bad thing for the industry we love. And, finally, some of us just want Microsoft to burn.

So lads and lasses...

How about a nice cup of tea?
I counter this with another suggestion, dear sir.

I don't see them going exactly like Nintendo. Apple love to overprice their products.
Console industry is a cut-throat business. I don't see a company like Apple trying again (if you don't know, google Pippin). They prefer their ridiculously high profit margins from overpriced hardware. But they also make more money from services. So maybe another streaming offer, probably in cooperation with some other company. I'd say it'd be Microsoft but they have a genuine distaste for each other.


Industry Verified
The question is what are Sony doing. I’m more than content to believe the COVID has screwed thongs up. But, if Sony can indeed deliver something that is competent in the same commercial environment that is seeing Xbox collapse, then I’d have to say MS isn’t good competition.

There is no way they can blame covid. The game has been in dev for 5 years. By US statistics covid has been in the states for 6 months.


I don’t want to agree. I really don’t. The hardware is there. I really thought, OK, Halo Infinite (based on the 2018 trailer), A Forza Title, and maybe a Fable title within the launch window and Flight Simulator 2020... this thing will be a kick ass thing I might need to own around l, if not at, launch.

Now it’s something I’ll get later when the new and exclusive games are there.

The status of Fable right now and assuming it’s going to be an AAA game - that won’t be out on Xsex.

It’ll be for the gen following Xsex.


When I heard Cyberpunk is enough to sell XSX, I think the people forget where CD Projekt Red has more sells.

Cyberpunk will work great to sell more new GPUs in PC and more PS4.

Those sales show why getting a marketing deal with Microsoft was a bad idea for CDPR. Analysts at other companies will certainly take notice.

Moreover, I wanted to stress how bad the whole situation is for Microsoft. They claim that the delay is due to COVID, which of course is a lie and everybody knows it. It's due to bad management of dev teams and the responsibility goes to Phil Spencer. But it's not all. Blaming it on COVID sends a message that Microsoft, a corporation which right now poses itself as a market leader in cloud computing and earns billions on that, couldn't transition their own teams to work from home in a smooth way. They also own Github, which is the biggest software repository (team software development, including game development, doesn't exist without repositories nowadays), which was recently hacked.

I've heard from many people I know in the industry (software, not only gamedev) that Microsoft management is in total disarray right now. We can already see it not only in the Xbox division but also more and more updates for Windows/Office fucking up royally at release. I have people coming with broken laptops which just stop working after updates and it is happening more and more often. Unless they do something about the systemic problem they have at home, all those billions in cash aren't going to help them in future, just like they can't help Xbox.


There is no way they can blame covid. The game has been in dev for 5 years. By US statistics covid has been in the states for 6 months.

Yeah I can see that point.

But even so, working in disconnected teams in the late stages of development still takes its toll. Particularly if the prior workflow was based on centralised work places with builds/tests/reviews at that location.

As things stand, the new expectation is to switch from office working to remote working all the way through launch, while the last 4.5 years of work was using a centralised work pattern. I can’t dismiss the effect that can have as a large team reorients to the new working paradigm.

It’s just not the same turnaround speed if people are suddenly told to work from remote locations - unless/until the new workflow is established that is.
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You guys are so overreacting to the Halo news. LOL

I'm hoping we get a Forza announcement/details soon, just to silence the Sony patrol for a minute. :messenger_beaming:
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I’d like to see a consumer electronics company join the market. Samsung certainly but they’ll take longer to get their offering up to quality given the lack of software expertise and base there.

Apple would be an easy bet - I’m just curious if they’d try and compete on cutting edge or whether they’d go more of a Nintendo route and just do their own thing.
Apple already is in the gaming market. iPhone, IPad, Apple TV. App Store and Apple Arcade service. They have big name games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty Mobile, plus indies like Sky (sequel to Journey) and various other mobile games.

It’s not real console gaming, like we would want, but it is a legit sector of the gaming market.

Will Apple ever release a dedicated game box? With Apple Silicon, SSD, and dedicated gaming controller? No way. They just want to sell iPhones.

Honestly though, I wish they would. The Apple TV 4K is tiny! It’s silent, passively cooled, solid state, and can run games at up to 4K. Sure it’s mobile games but still, for the size of the device, it’s impressive. And now Apple’s new chips are far ahead of what that Apple TV has inside.

If they made a gaming box, it’d be super impressive, solid state and compact, and best of all, silent. Sadly, it wouldn’t have many ports or be user upgradable at all. And it would cost a lot.
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Industry Verified
Those sales show why getting a marketing deal with Microsoft was a bad idea for CDPR. Analysts at other companies will certainly take notice.

Moreover, I wanted to stress how bad the whole situation is for Microsoft. They claim that the delay is due to COVID, which of course is a lie and everybody knows it. It's due to bad management of dev teams and the responsibility goes to Phil Spencer. But it's not all. Blaming it on COVID sends a message that Microsoft, a corporation which right now poses itself as a market leader in cloud computing and earns billions on that, couldn't transition their own teams to work from home in a smooth way. They also own Github, which is the biggest software repository (team software development, including game development, doesn't exist without repositories nowadays), which was recently hacked.

Big facts. The fact they are lying of the reason speaks volumes and people aren't seeing that. This is a managing issue, a " this is bad but I'm not going to say anything" at a senior level.

Perfect example, go watch Linus tech tips "Vizio quantum px 2021 first hands on" video. Absolute perfect example of what's going on here. Don't worry I'll link below what I'm trying to say.

Linus video:

Stop the fomo: reaction to line video:


Apple already is in the gaming market. iPhone, IPad, Apple TV. App Store and Apple Arcade service. They have big name games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty Mobile, plus indies like Sky (sequel to Journey) and various other mobile games.

It’s not real console gaming, like we would want, but it is a legit sector of the gaming market.

Will Apple ever release a dedicated game box? With Apple Silicon, SSD, and dedicated gaming controller? No way. They just want to sell iPhones.

Honestly though, I wish they would. The Apple TV 4K is tiny! It’s silent, passively cooled, solid state, and can run games at up to 4K. Sure it’s mobile games but still, for the size of the device, it’s impressive. And now Apple’s new chips are far ahead of what that Apple TV has inside.

If they made a gaming box, it’d be super impressive, solid state and compact, and best of all, silent. Sadly, it wouldn’t have many ports or be user upgradable at all. And it would cost a lot.

Absolutely. Apple are certainly the closest to having an offering that could be scaled up to compete with Sony (and Nintendo).

Interestingly while MS have a record of joining competition late and failing, Apple are the opposite. They have traditionally turned up with a product that is solid if not innovative - and that’s the innovation!

I don’t mind the cost so much but I would be worried they’d go for a subscription model and that they might curate the games and make it unappealing. That and the lack of Steve Jobs. I don’t know if Apple has the capability to really see the opportunity and commit without someone like Jobs.

But I think if MS step aside now, this could be Apple’s time to finally get into AAA gaming and perhaps they do a better job of pushing Sony.
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Those sales show why getting a marketing deal with Microsoft was a bad idea for CDPR. Analysts at other companies will certainly take notice.

Moreover, I wanted to stress how bad the whole situation is for Microsoft. They claim that the delay is due to COVID, which of course is a lie and everybody knows it. It's due to bad management of dev teams and the responsibility goes to Phil Spencer. But it's not all. Blaming it on COVID sends a message that Microsoft, a corporation which right now poses itself as a market leader in cloud computing and earns billions on that, couldn't transition their own teams to work from home in a smooth way. They also own Github, which is the biggest software repository (team software development, including game development, doesn't exist without repositories nowadays), which was recently hacked.

I've heard from many people I know in the industry (software, not only gamedev) that Microsoft management is in total disarray right now. We can already see it not only in the Xbox division but also more and more updates for Windows/Office fucking up royally at release. I have people coming with broken laptops which just stop working after updates and it is happening more and more often. Unless they do something about the systemic problem they have at home, all those billions in cash aren't going to help them in future, just like they can't help Xbox.

all that doom and gloom...

I recommend you look at some financial analysts forecasts for msft stock prices and their recommendations, also their financial results for The last couple of years, that management that is in “disarray” delivers excellent growth and forecasts are suggesting that it will continue, but yeah, som broken pc’s are a proof that company is failing.



How is Sony in any better position with this launch?. Less powerful console, BC that is up in the air about what we will get, and will certainly be worse than XSX BC. Crazy and often bizarre SSD talk for 6 months, shoddy laucnh line up that IMO is worse than the XSX launch line up, even if Spiderman MM makes launch.

1) source for the BC will certainly be worse than XSX BC?
2) how has the SSD talk been crazy and bizarre?
3) does the XSX have a launch line up? Medium and Scorn? that's it right?

To be fair I also expected more exclusives at launch, first party ones, on the PS5 but sadly that's not the case but to say that the PS5's is worse, even if it's your opinion, is weird af since it just doesn't make much sense. I mean, one can say 'tastes differ' and then dismiss all the games the PS5 has, it doesn't change the fact that the PS5 DOES have more games at launch...


so disrespectful to people that need to budget for this type of purchase

If 400-500$ once a decade or so is too much then I think such people should just find another hobby. Running is totally free for example. If people are really on a budged they should've been saving for some time already, the consoles were announced whole year ago, it's not quantum physics to know they won't be 99-199$, to say the least, those people should already have 500-600$ lying around, waiting to be used.
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You guys are so overreacting to the Halo news. LOL

I'm hoping we get a Forza announcement/details soon, just to silence the Sony patrol for a minute. :messenger_beaming:
I mean we got forza news last month them saying it's in early development and showing off a CGI trailer. The game is a long ways off.


Absolutely. Apple are certainly the closest to having an offering that could be scaled up to compete with Sony (and Nintendo).

Interestingly while MS have a record of joining competition late and failing, Apple are the opposite. They have traditionally turned up with a product that is solid if not innovative - and that’s the innovation!

I don’t mind the cost so much but I would be worried they’d go for a subscription model and that they might curate the games and make it unappealing. That and the lack of Steve Jobs. I don’t know if Apple has the capability to really see the opportunity and commit without someone like Jobs.

But I think if MS step aside now, this could be Apple’s time to finally get into AAA gaming and perhaps they do a better job of pushing Sony.

Never mind Apple. What are Amazon up to, eh? Because if they decided they wanted to get into gaming... ooh boy.


If 400-500$ once a decade or so is too much then I think such people should just find another hobby. Running is totally free for example. If people are really on a budged they should've been saving for some time already, the consoles were announced whole year ago, it's not quantum physics to know they won't be 99-190$, to say the least, those people should already have 500-600$ lying, waiting to be used.
And a lot of people complaining are the same that buys a 500$ phone every 18 month. 😂
Never mind Apple. What are Amazon up to, eh? Because if they decided they wanted to get into gaming... ooh boy.
Uhm..they are already trying that. Amazon Studio`s first game is a carwreck that got pulled back into development mere weeks after the release and the second gets delay after delay.
Turns out infinite budget can`t magically create know-how.
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At this point - if you were EA or Ubisoft, etc - would you be thinking that Xbox was worth their license cut - and be wanting to negotiate a discount? Even if PlayStation ended up with a next-gen console monopoly - and upped their percentage - and Nintendo had the handheld monopoly, would publishers really be against that at this moment - when dropping a complex platform with a smaller install base might improve profitability and optics when releasing their game on console?

I think Xbox's promotion of gamepass and bungling of software development to match PS4 exclusives will certainly be making publishers nervous about committing to xbox development at the same level they have in the other three generations. I think a good looking game now running an XsX hardware would go a long way to change the current story.

Even just a Dead or Alive or Virtua Fighter would settle everyone IMHO.

This is an interesting post. With Xbox seemingly going mad for Game Pass, where does that actually leave EA, Ubisoft, Activision who have zero games on the service? I wonder how EA Access performs on Xbox and whether Ubisoft is still planning for Uplay+ to appear as well.
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