So you want us to be stuck with vasiline blur mess till 2023The point I was making is PS2 was 480, PS3 was 720, PS4 was 1080, so PS5 should be 1st to do 2160. But PS4 Pro already did 4k and so that shifted expectations, while PS5 will even be capable of 8K output. Its as if the PS4 launched with HDMI 2.0 and 4k output support.
Both companies could have just held back from any 4K aupport until next gen and launched 4-6 TF consoles for $400 in 2020 and then launched the consoles we are getting at 10-12 TF in 2023, or even 2026+.
The mid-gen refreshes of 2016-17 has shifted the power, pricing, and expectations of generations. HDMI 2.1 and 8K output are basically the "Pro" features like the PS4 Pro could do 4K. They could have held that back for a PS5 Pro in 2023.
After Nvidia announced the prices and performance for those cards... a PS5 at 599 or more is stupid.
If they can't get the price down to 500 at least, there is no point.
Exactly, and I agree. Releasing for $600 today is not the same as releasing for that amount when the PS3 was released. It is, though, still quite a jump from what the PS4 launched at.Remember that $599 in 2006 is $779 today. And the Xbox 360 was $399.
Sony would have to launch the PS5 at $799 while the XSX was $599 to repeat such a mistake.
Jim seems to contradict himself really hard, there's this quote and there's the fast adoption one. Unless he's taking their brand strength for granted like they did on PS3 launch, there's no fast adoption at those prices.“I think the best way that we can address [the challenges of releasing a new console in a pandemic recession] is by providing the best possible value proposition that we can,” Ryan said. “I don’t necessarily mean lowest price. Value is a combination of many things. In our area it means games, it means number of games, depth of games, breadth of games, quality of games, price of games… all of these things and how they avail themselves of the feature set of the platform.”
Jim Ryan on PS5. That doesn't sound like its gonna be cheap. Only way I think Sony does $500 and $400 is if the XSX and XSS are $500 and $300.
Lying? I doubt it. The RSX probably had a totally different topology compared to PC GPUs from that era since it was specifically designed for an unconventional heterogeneous CPU that blurs the line between itself and GPUs...
"The RSX is designed to work closely with [the Playstation 3's Cell processor] in a closed-system environment"... "The Cell processor has multiple processors that can execute different threads and produce geometry, texture, and shader information for the RSX to consume." -- Jen-Hsun Huang (quotes are from another forum, so not going to link)
Wrapping CELL up in the RSX? Sure, David Shippy did it too...
"Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores… it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm." -- David Shippy
By the way, the Shippy quote I pulled came from an article of him clearing the record on his book.
If by "Sony rasterizer" you mean the 1 Ghz GPU that Toshiba designed for PS3 but couldn't produce in sufficient yields, then yeah the plan fell apart. If you're referring to a CELL-based GPU Kutaragi supposedly had in mind for PS3 initially, then that's a fallacy. I touched on it in a prior post...
Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD
I wanna see a new tomb raider with Abby from tlou2 as the main character. Can you imagine the climbing sequences, bounding over mountains in a single pull. That's just wrong. Laura must remain the typical supermodel archeologist
That's a myth. The entire point of the CELL Broadband Engine was to create a general purpose CPU capable of mimicking the functionality of a cellular neural network (CNN) -- a once novel parallel computing paradigm first proposed by Leon Chua and Lin Yang in 1987. Here's some takeaways from their paper....
- The key features of neural networks are asynchronous parallel processing, continuous-time dy-namics, and global interaction of network elements.
- Some encouraging if not impressive applications of neural net- works have been proposed for various fields such as opti- mization, linear and nonlinear programming, associative memory, pattern recognition and computer vision [5]-[12].
- Cellular neural networks share the best features of both worlds; its continuous time feature allows real-time signal processing found wanting in the digital domain and its local interconnection feature makes it tailor made for VLSI implementation.
- Cellular neural networks are uniquely suited for high-speed parallel signal processing.
- Conventional digital computation methods have run into a serious speed bottleneck due to their serial nature. To overcome ths problem, a new computation model, called “neural networks,” has been proposed, which is based on some aspects of neurobiology and adapted to integrated circuits [2]-[4].
The features and applications bolded in the takeaways can be found on CELL-related presentation slides from IBM...
and if you read some of Kutaragi's interviews, you'll find that he used similar language to Chua and Lang when discussing his objectives for CELL and its nature within the context of a network...
"The idea of a computer architecture that emulates living organisms struck me as I was swimming through a sea of ideas. A network made of cells that works like a single computer? I felt this wild urge to try out that sort of thing." -- Ken Kutaragi
"The chip came out far beyond my expectations. When this product was launched, I set out a number of propositions, like "I want distant cells on earth connecting and communicating with each other organically," "there should be object-oriented ideas,"" -- Ken Kutaragi
So no, a PS2 on steroids wasn't the thing Kutaragi was chasing when he realized the CELL Broadband Engine. He was in pursuit of an architecture that would fundamentally change computing in hopes of changing the digital landscape on a global scale. It was his hope since the '80s (the decade Chua and Lang submitted their paper on cellular neural networks to the IEEE) and PS3 was the vessel he literally put his hope in...
EET: Then the Cell processor was conceived for gaming? -- EETimes
Kutaragi: No, it is for computing but I wanted to change the concept of computers. The name of our company is Sony Computer Entertainment; I wanted to merge computer technology and entertainment. It may be regarded as game applications for the time being, but I wanted to realize the day when “computer entertainment” would mean all such entertainment applications, including games"... "The PS1 and PS2 were based on computer technology, but they were still transitional. At the next stage, I hoped to tackle computer technology from the start. I have harbored that hope since the 1980s." -- Ken Kutaragi
"Though sold as a game console, what will in fact enter the home is a Cell-based computer." -- Ken Kutaragi
To partially reiterate and end, Kutaragi's ultimate goal with the CELL Broadband Engine (not to be reached until around year 2026/27 by my estimate)...
was to birth a neural network-based AI for the creation, management and distribution of music, movies, games and other digital content from/to any location in the world upon request (be it verbal or non-verbal) using a variety of devices...
"The model image for the Cell-based network may be the Internet: Servers around the world form one virtual “computer,” and each PC accesses it. One Cell or cluster of Cells can also function as a server; but whereas the present Internet mainly handles characters, applications on the Cell network will also handle semantics and reasoning." -- Ken Kutaragi
And now this
2 SKUs is just dumb.
The PS4 version can be upgraded.2 SKUs is just dumb.
Yeah, that's dumb too.You can always upgrade to the PS5 version for only 10$ more. What's dumb is having two retail SKUs without the option to upgrade.
I mean he practically substain geometry engine could be a RDNA3 feature that's why he defines ps5 RDNA3 (partially). A bit simplistic and strechted but it's not that completely foolish to believe.Does anybody here even trust this guy? Like even 5%?
Does anybody here even trust this guy? Like even 5%?
What’s the diff between when PS3 came out, followed by PS4?2 SKUs is just dumb.
EST its 11:30 am here right now.
UK Retailer Expects PS5 Pre-Orders "Any Day Now", May Not Go on General Sale | PlayStation Fanatic
In an email sent out by UK retailer Simply Games, the retailer is expecting PS5 pre-orders any day now but the PS5 may not go on general
I give it two more hours.Yeah we are expecting pre-orders “any day now” since August.
I give it two more hours.
Screencap this.
lol but seriously. Sony said they are not opening pre-orders on a moment’s notice. So that UK retailer can relax.
It took me 15 minutes to digest. Where the fuck did these marketting guys get their degree from?You can always upgrade to the PS5 version for only 10$ more. What's dumb is having two retail SKUs without the option to upgrade.
You know what I think is really confusing?
As least with the PlayStation versions it's really easy to distinguish the two.
After Nvidia announced the prices and performance for those cards... a PS5 at 599 or more is stupid.
If they can't get the price down to 500 at least, there is no point.
Gives more credence to the fact that we might see a Splinter Cell game make an appearance at the upcoming UbiForward event less than a week from now.Ubisoft registers “SPLINTER CELL” title rights with the USA names office
Trademark Status & Document Retrieval
OOOOOh nice it's been too long since we had a Splinter Cell.Ubisoft registers “SPLINTER CELL” title rights with the USA names office
Trademark Status & Document Retrieval
It took me 15 minutes to digest. Where the fuck did these marketting guys get their degree from?
I do mean Microsoft not Activision. The information on the cover is dictated by platform holder. Activision only put the art and title of their game.My guess is that it's probably not really their fault. Microsoft and Sony probably told them how to handle the design of the boxes. Microsoft clearly wanted to push the cross gen look which is why you have this kind of labeling especially after Activision didn't want to adopt smart delivery. It's why with other games it's alot less confusing like with Farcry for example.
I do mean Microsoft not Activision. The information on the cover is dictated by platform holder. Activision only put the art and title of their game.
You’re assuming they’re going for the same market. They’re not.After Nvidia announced the prices and performance for those cards... a PS5 at 599 or more is stupid.
If they can't get the price down to 500 at least, there is no point.
A portion is... as I've said before I could change to pc at any time.You’re assuming they’re going for the same market. They’re not.
Bryank75 do you think Sony might wait until October to start talking PS5 again, by talking I am referring to another event where you see in depth gameplay demos, UI reveal, price and pre order info and probably a couple of unannounced titles gets revealed and then November the console launches. Or do you think Sony already has an event edited out and ready to be aired the moment Microsoft reveals Series S and pricing for Series S and X?
I think they have everything ready to go and are just waiting on XBox. The only thing they have is two different prices for each SKU.... depending on the XBox prices.Bo_Hazem
Bryank75 do you think Sony might wait until October to start talking PS5 again, by talking I am referring to another event where you see in depth gameplay demos, UI reveal, price and pre order info and probably a couple of unannounced titles gets revealed and then November the console launches. Or do you think Sony already has an event edited out and ready to be aired the moment Microsoft reveals Series S and pricing for Series S and X?
Or do you think Sony already has an event edited out and ready to be aired the moment Microsoft reveals Series S and pricing for Series S and X?
1 to 5M of consoles is 1 to 4% of the total number of consoles the PS5 will sell. They would not make up the billions of loss revenue from cutting the price of the PS5 by $100.A portion is... as I've said before I could change to pc at any time.
There are many like me, even if it's between 1 to 5 million sales of consoles...that is a huge amount of revenue because they are high spending customers.
They will never make up for that by bringing anything to PC. Horizon sales were pathetic and all the other spending of these people will go to Steam or EGS.
I think there is a huge amount of arrogance behind the idea that they can get away with putting anything on PC and not suffer negative consequences.
I reached a point where I don't care of what they show. At the end I need to play Spider-Man, God of War and Horizon in the upcoming 6 yearsBo_Hazem
Bryank75 do you think Sony might wait until October to start talking PS5 again, by talking I am referring to another event where you see in depth gameplay demos, UI reveal, price and pre order info and probably a couple of unannounced titles gets revealed and then November the console launches. Or do you think Sony already has an event edited out and ready to be aired the moment Microsoft reveals Series S and pricing for Series S and X?
Don’t be so glass half empty. The gfx on console will be eye melting.A portion is... as I've said before I could change to pc at any time.
There are many like me, even if it's between 1 to 5 million sales of consoles...that is a huge amount of revenue because they are high spending customers.
They will never make up for that by bringing anything to PC. Horizon sales were pathetic and all the other spending of these people will go to Steam or EGS.
I think there is a huge amount of arrogance behind the idea that they can get away with putting anything on PC and not suffer negative consequences.
It's a consideration, since that will cover a 3070 and is almost enough for a 3080.1 to 5M of consoles is 1 to 4% of the total number of consoles the PS5 will sell. If $600 is too expensive for some people, I don’t see those people spending $2000 on a gaming PC.
I am down for this, it's sorta frustrating to wake up every day and keep watching the June 11th event reaction videos on youtube and wait patiently until we hear and something more concrete about PS5Honestly they can have an event for the hardware and save the price announcement for another.
I reached a point where I don't care of what they show. At the end I need to play Spider-Man, God of War and Horizon in the upcoming 6 years. Price, power, and features won't make a difference
If I am not satisfied with graphics and performance, I might upgrade my PC for the few good 3rd party games that release once every 10 years.
Those games were not on the same architecture. These are the same game with with one having a patch.What’s the diff between when PS3 came out, followed by PS4?
Screenshot or die!Ive just get an email advertisment from Sony called PS5 is closer and closer. EU , Poland
And to ease your suffering with the auto-refresh feature, here's a video I uploaded an hour ago: