So here’s the chain of things, and how they will play out.
Series X > LockHart >>> Xbox one
On this chain, Xbox one X is irrelevant because it will essentially run the xbox one data at a higher resolution.
Let’s start at the top, Series X. Games will be made for Series X as a base. They will take advantage of the 12tf of power, and include all the visual bells and whistles, high resolution textures, high polygon assets and cpu bound events such as better and more ai, as well as other cpu bound features. This will run at an average resolution of 4k but will make use of other features such as dynamic resolution etc.
We move down to Lockhart, and this is where people get confused. Now, we have a theoretical system that has less memory and a slower GPU, meaning lower tf. However the system architecture is the same modern one, the SSD is the same, the cpu is the same. These last two are important. Actual Game medium is not a concern here, be it disk or download, As performance between the two is the same.
Now, on the lockhart spec, because it’s the same architecture, it can run EXACTLY the same game, at the same resolution and same quality as the SX. However, the performance would, quite obviously, drop to a stupid level. This is basic stuff at this point.
So what do you do? Well, the cpu is the same, so anything cpu bound stays exactly the same, and won’t make a blind bit of difference.But GPU grunt is lower, so you will reduce resolution first to 1080p (as this is a 1080p machine anyway), and then reduce fidelity in other areas once you’re there, however, the resolution drop alone will free up enough resources for the game to pretty much fall exactly in line, performance wise. But there are other areas to reduce, such as overly complex RT elements and shadow mapping etc etc, all of which can be reduced further and have near ZERO visible fidelity reduction due to the drop in resolution.
However, again, what about memory? Well, because you’ve dropped your base rendering resolution, you’ve actually freed up a lot of memory and will no longer get thrashing, so you could have 12gb instead of 16 here and not even need to touch asset quality or lod.
The SSD is the same, meaning all target losing and streaming is the same over both unite.
Ergo, the Lockhart will run SX quality games at a reduced resolution and possible few smaller changes, with no real serious input needed for the developer. This part is important. Digital Foundry released a video just the other day about Doom on pc and how they can make a much slower card run at a near enough locked 60fps just using the same settings but adaptive resolution ALONE. Take a look.
Now then, we could to Xbox one, and this is where things get fucked up. Because have you have so many different things, such as a mechanical drive, or a slow ass Jaguar, that you can’t just lower the asset quality. Here, you will likely see games being made specially for this system, under the same sku. You will see things like COD Ghosts, and a Forza Horizon 2; That is, games that are essentially the same game, but made from the ground up for the lowest system. There is no other way to get the game working else.
This is why they made such a huge deal about their asset delivery system.
This is how this shit works. It’s not difficult. But I understand that you need something to take your rage and anger out on, so whatever, have at it. But why would a company put so much money into R&D for a massive 12tf system, just for them to only use the grunt of a 4k system