Don't read into it
It's kind of weird to see the PS2 looking a LITTLE slow out of the gate (at least compared to Wii and PS4) considering it is the highest sold console of all time.
When did the PS2 have that BIG jump?
Hmm...good to know.
Although I'm very picky when it comes to this stuff and usually always get games/consoles new. Hate getting used stuff (except cars XD).
Still, thanks for the links.
It's kind of weird to see the PS2 looking a LITTLE slow out of the gate (at least compared to Wii and PS4) considering it is the highest sold console of all time.
When did the PS2 have that BIG jump?
according to the people who get them, they're like new. the current theory is that they're unsold stock from the original nintendo land bundles. feel free to ask around in that thread.
Definitely recommend the Wii U if you already have another current gen system. It compliments the Xbox One and/or PS4 very well.
Month by month results are almost useless without context.I didn't realise this is a thread about LTD sales and not June 2014s result.
PS2 reached that status due to amazing initial sales along with unbelievable legs. Its sold 60 million in the generation after its own iirc. Just think about that for a sec.
If that graph is it's first year then wasn't it only available in Japan at first and the came to the US and EU later?
PS4 sales are crazy considering big hitters will start arriving this fall
Both PS4 and X1 had amazing launches but since then the sales haven't been that great. after the first two months the XB1 line is basically parallel with gamecube, and the PS4 is doing rather poorly for a top selling console
I didn't realise this is a thread about LTD sales and not June 2014s result.
Month by month results are almost useless without context.
Yea. Who needs that pesky context when people are trying to manipulate the data to fit their own agenda?
Asia market dude. I remember how PS2 is a popular gift for kids that perfomed good at their school in 2007-2008. It's popular not only because of the library of games, but also because easily pirated a perquisites for a console to gain success in Asia that is not Japan.PS2 reached that status due to amazing initial sales along with unbelievable legs. Its sold 60 million in the generation after its own iirc. Just think about that for a sec.
A rough summary so far
Hardware Monthly Sales
PS4 ~ 269k
XB1 ~ 197k
3DS ~ 152k
Wii U ~ 140k
360 ~ 62k
PS3 ~ 42k
Wii ~ 19k
PSV ~ 15k
Hardware US LTD's as of July 5, 2014
PS4 ~ 3573k
XB1 ~ 2916k
WIU ~ 2548k
Vita ~ 1840k
June Software Sales
Tomodachi [3DS] 138k Retail, 37k Digital
Mario Kart 8 [WIU] 470k [Retail + Digital]
All Other New Retail Handheld Games sans Tomodachi < 7k
UFC [PS4] 160k [XB1] 118k
Minecraft [360] 151k [PS3] 144K
Watch Dogs [PS4] 210k [360] 154k [XB1] 137K [PS3] 117k
LTD Software Sales
Mario Kart 8 [WIU] 753K Retail Standalone, 885k Total
Watch Dogs [PS4] 793K [XB1] 500K [360] 326k [PS3] 255k
Wii Fit U [WIU] 48K
Tomb Raider DE [PS4] 179k [XB1] 99k
Donkey Kong Country TF [WIU] 285k
PvZ Garden Warfare [360] 295k [XB1] 163k
Titanfall: [XB1] 1010k Retail Standalone [360] 614k
Infamous SS: PS4 648k
FF13: Lightening Returns [PS3] 139k [360] 74k
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles [PS3] 77k
FFXHD [PS3] 276k
South Park SoT [360] 289k [PS3] 236k
Dark Souls II [360] 289k [PS3] 236k
Tearaway [PSV] 67k
TW101 [WIU] 83k
Cream, I know I might be getting on your nerves asking for that every month, but do you happen to have an update on Yoshi's New Island?
3.5:2.9 PS4 to Bone LTD doesn't seem all that dominating. 20% difference?
So 197k for X1, 269k for ps4.
X1 numbers are not bad at all, but PS4 is literally untouchable right now.
Infamous total sales are not great considering it was the only big exclusive in a barren period.
Hopefully this means a new i.p next time from Sucker Punch. Please.
PS4, compared to PS3 has grown significantly in US (so far) and EU as well.
Considering the PS3 is at 84 million or something like that now, PS4 certainly has a notable chance to over take the Wii's LTD. PS2 is just unreachable.
holiday should be good, but in the sense that holidays are generally always good. i don't know what's there that will really push hardware sales into new heights. 2015 is the year where it seems everything will start hitting.
PS4, compared to PS3 has grown significantly in US (so far) and EU as well.
Considering the PS3 is at 84 million or something like that now, PS4 certainly has a notable chance to over take the Wii's LTD. PS2 is just unreachable.
As PS4 is going to be the dominating console for this generation, based on the launch and last 7 months, I think the PS4 at worse might end up like the PS1 and Wii (100-105m) and at best somewhere in between the PS2 and the PS1.
Considering the PS3 is at 84 million or something like that now, PS4 certainly has a notable chance to over take the Wii's LTD. PS2 is just unreachable.
Asia market dude. I remember how PS2 is a popular gift for kids that perfomed good at their school in 2007-2008. It's popular not only because of the library of games, but also because easily pirated a perquisites for a console to gain success in Asia that is not Japan.
The graphs provide context for both. Not sure what your problem is.Context is pivotal to understanding LTD results too. Point?
What truth are you exposing?Whats my agenda? Expousing the truth?
The funny thing is I didn't play much of TLUO and returned it because they offered a full refund to me at amazon and my backlog is huge.. I am seriously considering getting this version on the PS4 if it offers a true upgrade from the original..
imo, the new market realities in japan are going to seriously hinder the PS4's run to 100mil.
That train never stops!!!!Minecraft, man.
Doesnt MasterChiefCollection come out in November? So are people suggesting PS4 would lose November? Especially considering how 3rd parties are key sellers and they are selling better on PS4? Not to mention at the end of day remastered games dont sell 5m+ usually. Heck, considering that XB1s LTD in USA is below 3m, how the heck would they even sell 2m, if the mighty Titanfall has sold just about 1m+ on XB1.
...You know what, even if XB1 would sell more than PS4 in November, By about 100k, it would still be at least 400k behind PS4.
XB1 just cant beat entire LTD of PS4 in USA :v
i understand the thought process, but i think it's too optimistic.
the console market is nearly gone in japan. it's probably a good 3-5m units sony won't get back. in the us, the platform is off to a good start, but it's acting like a second place console right now. the 360 didn't reach wii's numbers on its own either- there was a huge push in 2010 for kinect, with a $500m marketing campaign to get it there. if you're directly comparing it to the wii, it's already at that point where things will start lagging behind.
europe is one big question mark. it is undoubtedly sony's turf, but how well the ps4 is doing and compared to the ps3, nobody really knows for sure right now thanks to intentionally vague shipment numbers.
70-80m sounds about right to me. that is if it's about as popular in the us as it is in europe, can pick up a cool 5m in japan, and make up the rest around the world. it really depends how long it will stay on the market. that depends how rapidly the market shifts and how useful consoles will be in the near future.
That you would post an LTD graph as proof that things are hunky dory, when it illustrates my point quite well. It shows mediocre sales of the PS4 in June, and poor to awful sales of the Wii U and XBOne.The graphs provide context for both. Not sure what your problem is.
What truth are you exposing?
Xbox One was close to 200K. I feel happy for this sales although it is still behind PS4. And also happy for Wii U. Sad to see Vita is still struggling in US.
I really expect all consoles/handhelds have good sales. Sad to see fanboys want to see any of gaming device go to die...
The Wii is long gone out of the reach of the PS4 (for the first 4 years or so), the hype among non gamers was way too strong for that console, only to be matched by its fall of grace with the rapid sales decline, discontinuation and failure of its follower the WiiU. It's a shortlived console, but what a rollercoaster it was. The Wii name is a bit of an anomaly in the industry.
A more valid approach is that of the PS2 vs the PS4, both were and are poised to dominate the console space for a long period of time. The PS4 has the best launch but the month to month sales has been lacking behind the PS2 as we can see in the steepness of the line graph. It's is going to be interesting to see if the PS4 can catch on with the best selling console ever.
imo, the new market realities in japan are going to seriously hinder the PS4's run to 100mil.
i understand the thought process, but i think it's too optimistic.
the console market is nearly gone in japan. it's probably a good 3-5m units sony won't get back. in the us, the platform is off to a good start, but it's acting like a second place console right now. the 360 didn't reach wii's numbers on its own either- there was a huge push in 2010 for kinect, with a $500m marketing campaign to get it there. if you're directly comparing it to the wii, it's already at that point where things will start lagging behind.
europe is one big question mark. it is undoubtedly sony's turf, but how well the ps4 is doing and compared to the ps3, nobody really knows for sure right now thanks to intentionally vague shipment numbers.
70-80m sounds about right to me. that is if it's about as popular in the us as it is in europe, can pick up a cool 5m in japan, and make up the rest around the world. it really depends how long it will stay on the market. that depends how rapidly the market shifts and how useful consoles will be in the near future.
How much has PS3 sold in Japan, 9 million. The PS share has already shrunk in that country. For arguments sake, If catastrophe hits the PS4 and only manages to sell 6 million, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't have a big impact on the final LTD.
The PS4 is most likely going to be the PS1 of this gen. It may sell as much as the PS1 did by the end of the gen in the US which I don;'t have the numbers for currently.Does anyone know the final ltd of the PS1 in the US? I don't see the PS4 selling anywere near the 360,Wii or PS2 in the US. In europe I don't see the PS4 selling anywere near the PS2 and Wii(most likely). The rest of the world besides Japan is unknown currently.The rate the PS4 is selling currently indicates that it may end up with an LTD around 5 or 6 million by November most likely in the US.