do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Far cry 6 already shows a disproportionate hit to performance on a 10gb card at 4k.
A cross gen game. Arguing about what is a worthwhile difference in texture settings is moving the goalpost. Either these cards do or do not have a vram capacity bottleneck.
8gb isn't enough. It won't be enough to a greater degree moving forward.
The 3080 10G shows a disproportionate hit to performance at 4K?

The perf difference between the 12GB and 10GB can wholly be accounted for by the CUDA count.
The 6800XT that should walk a 3080 10GB especially in a game that favors AMD also has a game winning massive 16GB of VRAM well......the results speak for themselves.
Where is this disproportionate hit to performance to the 3080 10GB story coming from?
Where are you getting your information from?
While we are at it lets see where the lowly 3060 stacks up....surely in a game that munches VRAM its massive VRAM advantage will finally prove its gonna beat the 3070.

What do you mean the VRAM didnt help it to beat stronger cards?
Opppppa its pulling the same numbers as an RTX 2060S.....isnt that the card its supposed to be replacing?