Lol I know what you mean, I've probably run 3DMarks 25 times since I bought this cardAnd the worst thing is that the score can vary quite a bit, sometimes I increase something in Afterburner but in the benchmark the final score is lower than it was before just because of the variations. And in the end of the day we're probably talking about a few fps of difference when we're already well above 60fps, so it's not all that important for gaming I think. But it's kinda fun in a weird way. I've never done it before so for me it's like trying a new game out, I mean you even have a leaderboard of sorts
I'll try the voltage thing once I've read up on it a bit more.
Edit: For some reason I'm locked out of the voltage tweaking. Even when booting in LN2 mode. Why is that??
Is the MSI Gaming App issue showing itself this way?It can't be started at my computer for some reason.
Afterburner says GeForce GTX 1080 TI, not MSI GTX 1080Ti Lightning Z as can be seen in the screenshots at Guru3D in their review.,38.html
I've used their guide to click unlock voltage control etc but the nub is still grayed out for me.
Sometimes you have to do this:
Step 1: Go to your MSI Afterburner Profiles folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Profiles)
Step 2: Right-click the file named "VEN_10DE&DEV..." and go > Properties > Security
Step 3: Select "Edit" and then click on "Users (username\Users)" and with the permission boxes below, check "Allow" for the first box - Full control. Click OK and OK again (this allows the file to be saved after editing it).
Step 4: Now you can open the file named "VEN_10DE&DEV..." in WordPad and replace everything you see with this:
Step 5: Save the file and restart MSI Afterburner
This assumes you've already checked the box for unlock voltage in AB.