Any 2070 or equivalent and higher. You are assuming that it takes a PC 2-3x more power to implement a game's graphics features on a console. That's just not the case. A console with 1080Ti performance will still stuggle with true 4k res games. And depending on the type of game and who developed it - 60FPS is off the table @ 4k.
MS and Sony engineers probably know what they are doing and Digital Foundry analysis already proves SDD will make a difference.
Man just buy RTX 3080 20GB version instead of 10GB version and thank me later.
The question is what kind of upgrade is needed over the 20 series to handle with ease ports of console games designed with 12 tflops gpu´s in mind instead of 1.3 tflop gpu´s. Nvidia´s cooked 30% ain´t gonna cut it.
Means nothing when PC doesn't focus on 4k but on 1080p.
To give you a idea, Battlefield 5 sits at 4k on 5700xt 61 fps.
At 1080p u need a RX 470 8gb gpu or the first nvidia gpu i could find which is 1070 sits at 86 fps.
Honestly PC won't need much even remotely to get the visuals rolling, and if they use raytracing with it, yea gg performance will tank even harder.
Even at 1080p you expect a certain level of performance, somebody with a 2060 who plays ps4 ports at 60-120fps/1080p is gonna need a considerable upgrade if he wants to keep playing at those framerates.
I'm questioning you saying that consoles will focus on 4k and the PC will focus on a lower resolution. The PC has been powerful enough for 4k gaming for years now. Why would that suddenly be not the case? Why would the PC only be able to handle games at 1080p/1440p? A high-end PC will always have more VRAM available than a console (even next-gen).
I am talking about minimums needed. Not about what a PC could possible push out. Nvidia could release 3060/3070 perfectly fine with 8gb of v-ram. Nvidia is well known for there v-ram starving game they often play which i hate and i don't see them change really on this front.
I´m not assuming that, let´s say it´s 1:1 and Rockstar decides to make a console remaster of RDR2 that uses 9x the gpu power so it barely runs on xbox X series, do you think a 2070 would be able to handle with ease a port of that?.
Not really check the benchmarks between 5700xt 4k and any gpu at 1080p and see comparable fps outputs.
Now slam raytracing with it and suddently performance of that 5700xt if it had raytracing as afficient as 2000 series, u will slam that GPU performance wise back into pre PS4 area.
Now imagine them aiming for 8k resolution, rofl.
So you believe that because of the bump in resolution there wont be an evolution of graphics in consoles... like a 10/12tflops in a console enviroment is too weak for that. We disagree then.
What in a remaster would increase the bandwidth loads by 9x? That's an unrealistic number.
The computational workload, not the bandwidth, I meant to say remake anyway.
He's right. You can't increase the bandwidth to 4k (that includes ALL framebuffer targets, not just the final frame), higher res textures go up by at least 4x (2k -> 4k) and you're now bandwidth limited again. And that's without using RTX for anything. That's why I stress that the games you see on PC now @4k ultra is what you'll likely be seeing on next-gen consoles minus some features for 60FPS or with all features @ 30FPS.
A 2080Ti is significantly more powerful than a 1080Ti (assuming this will be the target of next-gen consoles) and it struggles with games @ 4k Ultra 60FPS w/out RTX. Detroit on the PC is a realworld example. That game with it's settings will not run on a next-gen console @4k/60 because the 2080Ti can't run it @ 4k/60.
Workload is never the bottleneck. It's always memory bandwidth. I'm struggling with that right now on a 2080Ti with my development so I know damn sure the 1080Ti won't give good memory bandwidth.
So you can´t have too much bandwidth?.
Here is a pic of me fiddling around with CUDA on my 2080Ti and this simple example is using a small optimization on layout the memory allocated in a linear fashion to force the threads to do fetch/stores from adjacent memory addresses. I'm iterating through a 1MB image of pixels and simply storing their values in a data structure.
Even aligning the data access to memory in a 1:1 fashion, I'm still hitting the cache significantly. The SMs are doing work but nowhere near what they should be doing.
Here's a chart of the memory flow (in Nsight Compute):
Next-gen consoles will absolutely be memory bandwidth limited especially if they shoot for true 4k.
My bet for 3070 is:
1) 5-10% faster than 2080 (with claims it is 20-25%)
2) Doubled RT performance (with even cooler claims)
3) Priced around 2080 levels (unless AMD spoils the feast)
Cool, so if the next gen consoles will be bandwidth limited at 4k, where does that leave pc gamers who want to play the ports at 4k and 60fps?. Twice, triple a 2080ti?.
The 1080ti turned out to be a real badass card with some legs. The 2080ti is just too much for not enough imo.I'm optimistic for 40-50% gains over the 1080ti which is exactly what I've been waiting for. The 2080ti just didn't do nearly enough at such a high premium to justify upgrading my 1080ti.
Yeah, seems like Nvidia accidentally made the 1080ti too good, and gimped themselves on their 20xx series so they tried to hype raytracing to get people on board.The 1080ti turned out to be a real badass card with some legs. The 2080ti is just too much for not enough imo.
Yeah, seems like Nvidia accidentally made the 1080ti too good, and gimped themselves on their 20xx series so they tried to hype raytracing to get people on board.
We'll be lucky if the new consoles slightly excede the 1080ti with the addition of raytracing.
I'm optimistic for 40-50% gains over the 1080ti which is exactly what I've been waiting for. The 2080ti just didn't do nearly enough at such a high premium to justify upgrading my 1080ti.
We'll be lucky if the new consoles slightly excede the 1080ti with the addition of raytracing.
A 2080ti is more than sufficient for next gen and will easily match or exceed whatever they throw into the new consoles. Not sure where you're getting this "a PC must be 2-3X more powerful" to meet the consoles. It hasn't been the case in....12 years?!