Demon Souls:
I'd love to replay it but no longer own a Ps3. Plus a remaster should get smoother framerate (hopefully 60 but knowing FROM's tech i'd be happy with locked 30) and lots of new player to make the online active again.
Dragons Dogma on Consoles:
Great game that suffered from letterboxing and terrible framerate on last gen consoles. It would be nice to get a remaster with enhanced graphics and smoother performane on current gen. I know it's on PC, not everyone has a gaming PC though. Also, I think the PC version did pretty well, mabye if a console remaster also sells well we can convine Capcom to gives us more Dragons Dogma
Vanquish Remaster:
One of my favorite shooters ever and it just doesn't deserve to stay dead on last gen. A current gen remaster (´+ PC version) woud be an insta buy for me
Yakuza the ultimate collection: Yakuza 1+2 HD + remasters of Yakuza 3,4 and 5
Op didn't say it had to be realistic hopes!!!
Skies of Arcadia
hahah ok another one from Sega that will never happen.
But man would be cool. The game had a fun story, a great world that would look even better on a newer engine and it would give them the chance to rethink how encounters work which would fix one of the big issues of theoriginal