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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Yes, he can reflect Zarya, Mei, McCree, Hanzo off the top of my head.

Genji can't reflect Zarya. She's actually one of the best counters to him for that reason.

But he can reflect someone notable you didn't mention: Widowmaker. Reflect a charged headshot and it's bye-bye to her. It's one of the more satisfying moves you can pull off with him.

Edit: oh you meant Zarya's ult, that's true
Genji can't reflect Zarya. She's actually one of the best counters to him for that reason.

But he can reflect someone notable you didn't mention: Widowmaker. Reflect a charged headshot and it's bye-bye to her. It's one of the more satisfying moves you can pull off with him.

Wait, a charged headshot on HIM reflect to her body will kill her? Or does it have to be him aiming at her head? Cuz I know that a widowmaker bodyshot won't kill a widowmaker. I don't totally get how his reflect works all the time.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I know it's been probably beaten to death already, but how exactly is Symmetra a support character? Because she can throw a small bit of shield to people? If that was the case, Torbjorn might as well be one too for throwing armor at people...

Sure Symmetra also got a portal that could count as support utility, but that's her ultimate... her job as "support" is not nearly the same as the other 3.


How do I use Zenyatta properly? He's the only character I don't really understand super well.

He's a super squishy support with crazy high DPS. Never be in range of a sniper, never be on the front lines. Stay in the line of sight with your allies so your heal keeps working and throw out your discord orb against tanks so your team can shred them or force them to back off.
I know it's been probably beaten to death already, but how exactly is Symmetra a support character? Because she can throw a small bit of shield to people? If that was the case, Torbjorn might as well be one too for throwing armor at people...

Sure Symmetra also got a portal that could count as support utility, but that's her ultimate... her job as "support" is not nearly the same as the other 3.

Pretend she's in the defensive category. Her other support aspect, though, is the teleporter.


Wait, a charged headshot on HIM reflect to her body will kill her? Or does it have to be him aiming at her head? Cuz I know that a widowmaker bodyshot won't kill a widowmaker. I don't totally get how his reflect works all the time.

A fully charged Widowmaker bodyshot does 150 damage; a headshot does 300.

So it doesn't have to actually be fully charged, but it does have to be a headshot - enough to do 200 damage back to Widow.
A fully charged Widowmaker bodyshot does 150 damage; a headshot does 300.

So it doesn't have to actually be fully charged, but it does have to be a headshot - enough to do 200 damage to Widow.

But he has to score the headshot on HER to make it a headshot, right? Reflecting what would've otherwise been a headshot on you doesn't give you a headshot automatically?


Wait, a charged headshot on HIM reflect to her body will kill her? Or does it have to be him aiming at her head? Cuz I know that a widowmaker bodyshot won't kill a widowmaker. I don't totally get how his reflect works all the time.

Typically it reflects to where you are aiming, and follows the characteristics of whatever it is you reflected. I've killed a lot of incidental targets while reflecting phara rockets and junkrat grenades.


I know it's been probably beaten to death already, but how exactly is Symmetra a support character? Because she can throw a small bit of shield to people? If that was the case, Torbjorn might as well be one too for throwing armor at people...

Sure Symmetra also got a portal that could count as support utility, but that's her ultimate... her job as "support" is not nearly the same as the other 3.

She should be a defensive character honestly because she does her best work when you're on defense, but they needed 1 more support character so they didn't just have 3 and thought she fit their just a bit better. At least that's how I see it.
Well, you guys have sold me. I have $40 in xbox money just burning a hole in my account. For $20? Why not. Can't wait, even though I'm mostly be playing solo because my friends suck. Feel free to add me GAF!

Xbox GT Cheeseburgla
I know it's been probably beaten to death already, but how exactly is Symmetra a support character? Because she can throw a small bit of shield to people? If that was the case, Torbjorn might as well be one too for throwing armor at people...

Sure Symmetra also got a portal that could count as support utility, but that's her ultimate... her job as "support" is not nearly the same as the other 3.

She supports in four ways.
  1. The shields. Very straightforward, but enough to be a boon in close fights.
  2. Her ult. A quick jump into the fray when placed well, saving precious seconds.
  3. Turrets are also quite beneficial, although they're more useful for locking down an already-controlled area or preventing flanking than as an offensive tool.
  4. Finally, her weapon: it will annihilate targets, given a chance, and Symmetra is generally not anyone's primary target... by the time they do target her they're better off running, seconds from death.
She's incredibly useful, provided a team can stay alive without constant heals.
I'm so sick of playing with randoms. 2/3 times they have no idea what they're doing. No one on our team even tried to contest a point in this match I just did.

Please add me guys or post your battletag. I'm playing on PC.



Also, i need confirmation on this, does Zenyatta's Ultimate heal through walls? or maybe the guy i was trying to heal was actually out of range and i didn't notice, donnow

Lock your aim in one place, wait for her to appear near it. Your projectile is big enough that you'll probably hit.

Yeah, i also need to stop panicking when she comes at me as well :|


I started having way more fun w/ the game when I switched from McCree to Lucio. McCree requires 100% perfect concentration / CS:GO aim. Too mentally demanding.

I can sit back in my chair while eating raw Apple Jacks and consistently get on the voting screen w/ Lucio.
When i'm 1v1 a Tracer with Hanzo i feel like a damn Storm Trooper :(
Yea, it's though, but shooting those scatter arrows at the ground and seeing Tracer get melted as she's closing in or when she gets out of the recall feels good. Still, a good Tracer is indeed a fucking headache.


Why is play of the game only awarded to multi kills? I'm over here healing fools and coming in clutch with the shields and ults and the widowmaker getting two kills in a row gets the play of the game

Just half kidding


I know it's been probably beaten to death already, but how exactly is Symmetra a support character? Because she can throw a small bit of shield to people? If that was the case, Torbjorn might as well be one too for throwing armor at people...

Sure Symmetra also got a portal that could count as support utility, but that's her ultimate... her job as "support" is not nearly the same as the other 3.

She has shields, group portal and a turret that slows enemies. Seems like a support role to me, I dunno. I guess she's could go in defense in a pinch.
This is gonna sound salty but i don't see the point in voting for the other team when the round is over.

There's no point in voting at all.

You can, if you so desire, recognize who you thought played well. There's nothing to be gained or lost by recognizing a player from the other team. They aren't your enemy. You're not losing anything. They're just a guy who played a game. Frankly I find people who refuse to vote for the other team pretty weird. What, you played a game against them so now you hold some sort of grudge? How dare those assholes get matched against you?

Are we 12? Is this karate kid?
She supports in four ways.
  1. The shields. Very straightforward, but enough to be a boon in close fights.
  2. Her ult. A quick jump into the fray when placed well, saving precious seconds.
  3. Turrets are also quite beneficial, although they're more useful for locking down an already-controlled area or preventing flanking than as an offensive tool.
  4. Finally, her weapon: it will annihilate targets, given a chance, and Symmetra is generally not anyone's primary target... by the time they do target her they're better off running, seconds from death.
She's incredibly useful, provided a team can stay alive without constant heals.

This checks out.

I'm of the opinion that people need to get out of the mindset of pocket heals a la Team Fortress 2. Map awareness and health pack spawning should be primary. Beyond that, healing should only be for actively pushing a clustered area.

Symmetra's portal is so good if placed correctly. Her turrets sticking to roofs create great chokepoints that require a concerted effort to stop.

I just suck with her in general, though.
How do i locate the googledoc OW sheet again? I need to add some more peeps.

All you PS4'ers that dont have me feel free to add away... PSN: TheCanisDirus
This is gonna sound salty but i don't see the point in voting for the other team when the round is over.

Me neither. I don't automatically vote for anyone on my team either. Only if it was for being on objective or healing and other useful stuff. Can't give 'em votes too easy.


But he has to score the headshot on HER to make it a headshot, right? Reflecting what would've otherwise been a headshot on you doesn't give you a headshot automatically?

Yes Genji has to score the headshot on her; you deflect the bullet back towards the area you're aiming. If you have your crosshair on her head she's dead.


Any fellow Zarya players? Don't see her too much. Trying to get better with her. Any tips anyone has to share? I feel like I spam "grenade launcher" too much.

She's not very popular. I think she's really fun, but she's also very hard to play properly.

This is gonna sound salty but i don't see the point in voting for the other team when the round is over.

Eh, I always vote for healers, given the chance. No matter the team.
Guys, I'll be jumping in to play a couple of hours with a friend, if there's anyone playing alone that wants to join: Overture#2989 - PC, EU WEST (Portuguese/English).


I'm a little late to the party on this - I wasn't going to bother getting it, but the character trailers pulled me around!

Funny thing is, on Amazon the Origins Edition + Amazon exclusive feelies was actually ~£5 cheaper than regular Origins edition, and £10 cheaper than buying it digitally! So I can't play until tomorrow, but I'm doing it on the cheap.
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