Played the open beta and liked it enough to buy it to play with friends.
I can't help but shake this feeling that the characters feel a bit... manufactured? Overly focus tested? Sterile? Can't quite put my finger on it. It's like the uncanny valley of personalities. Every character is full of... character (haha), but it's maybe so much so that it just feels fake? Maybe I'm just ranting, but that's my only actual gripe with the game. Can't seem to connect with any of the characters.
It's probably been asked but what's the difference between shield and armour?
I love playing as zen, but I just can't seem to figure out how to use the multi-orb charged attack effectively. I often just pop the discord and shoot the regular orbs. Any tips?
have yet to play as tracer yet. but i relate them to that fly in a room that you can never quite kill, but ends up distracting you for a few hours. except this fly has guns and can rewind time.
It's probably been asked but what's the difference between shield and armour?
I'd watch the hell out of an overwatch tv show
speaking of which, overwatch tv show when
It's probably been asked but what's the difference between shield and armour?
I just decided I'll be buying this game. (Won out over DOOM).
I'll be boxing up a bunch of games when I get home and trading them in. Haven't done that in YEARS. But I can't spend income on new $80 games anymore... I just can't!
I love playing as zen, but I just can't seem to figure out how to use the multi-orb charged attack effectively. I often just pop the discord and shoot the regular orbs. Any tips?
He's extremely tough to use with such squishiness and no mobility, but super fun and awesome IMO. Everything hits so hard with the discord orb on. The charged alt fire plus discord seems like it can one-shot almost anything, perfect for stationary Bastions, snipers or slowly advancing Reinhardts.How do I use Zenyatta properly? He's the only character I don't really understand super well.
Yeah also the orbs time out after 3s of not having line of sight, so you can sort of duck in and out of cover to just keep resetting that cooldown, rather than having to stay exposed in line of sight the whole time.He's a super squishy support with crazy high DPS. Never be in range of a sniper, never be on the front lines. Stay in the line of sight with your allies so your heal keeps working and throw out your discord orb against tanks so your team can shred them or force them to back off.
Learn to time a multi orb charge for when you're coming around the corner. You might find the perfect target to put your crosshairs on. Otherwise, generally, you're better off going with discord and then hitting them with your primary fire.
Only time I use it if there's a discorded enemy right around the corner.
I'm not trying to complain about the game. It's fun. It's great value at $40. I don't mind the cosmetic micro-transactions. It's just that I see so many people absolutely love the characters (perhaps even more than the gameplay) and I can't relate to it. I want to, but I can't. That's all.When you cant find shit to complain about Overwatch:
"Characters have TOO much character"
Damn son, thats...thats good.
Shields recharge!
I honestly haven't a clue what armour does.
Shields recharge!
I honestly haven't a clue what armour does.
armor is extra life that only lasts once
That seems like the right way to go to me. The regular orbs + discord is already a whole bunch of damage. The charged shot works if you know you can hit something right around a corner (pop out art the last minute) or especially for stationary/big targets like a Bastion or Tohl turret, or a distracted sniper.I love playing as zen, but I just can't seem to figure out how to use the multi-orb charged attack effectively. I often just pop the discord and shoot the regular orbs. Any tips?
The only thing that could possibly improve Overwatch is the inclusion of sandvich. Or a spy.I'm not trying to complain about the game. It's fun. It's great value at $40. I don't mind the cosmetic micro-transactions. It's just that I see so many people absolutely love the characters (perhaps even more than the gameplay) and I can't relate to it. I want to, but I can't. That's all.
Am i the only one who says "hamaklgubzdfghjkjbnvcxyxscvbn" everytime Hanzo does his ultimate?
The only thing that could possibly improve Overwatch is the inclusion of sandvich. Or a spy.
Thanks for confirming. I wasn't entirely sure.
Really? Always right to left? Good to know.
lol didn't even notice that typo
Mcree is a Nightcrawler fan?
yes I know what the acronym means
great tips!Actually the best character in the game. Just have to manage your skill cooldowns and know the distance each "jump" will carry you and you'll just own the game. I really like picking her against Rindhearts because she can blink behind them and force them to turn around, exposing them to the rest of your team's focus fire or die by your hand. Snipers get bodied the same way.
I only play her so much because it's almost too intense for me (I get stressed) but she's by far my favorite character in the game or any FPS game for that matter.
This is as a PC player, however. I can't imagine playing her with a controller because fast turning around is essential to her gameplay style. I'd feel incredibly restricted by controller turning.
Zen needs a floating Dhalsim-like jump...
His mobility/armor sucks.. give him something to work with. Damn.
Am i the only one who says "hamaklgubzdfghjkjbnvcxyxscvbn" everytime Hanzo does his ultimate?
McCree friend, after dying to a combined Genji and Hanzo ult at the same time:
"There was so much angry Japanese yelling I didn't know what was going on"
Why is there no arcade/brawl stats page? I'd love to see some ridiculous numbers in it really.
Why is there no arcade/brawl stats page? I'd love to see some ridiculous numbers in it really.
Man, Zarya gets no post game love. PotG with a triple kill and 2 good barriers, and 70% average charge nomination? 1 vote.
have yet to play as tracer yet. but i relate them to that fly in a room that you can never quite kill, but ends up distracting you for a few hours. except this fly has guns and can rewind time.
Played the open beta and liked it enough to buy it to play with friends.
I can't help but shake this feeling that the characters feel a bit... manufactured? Overly focus tested? Sterile? Can't quite put my finger on it. It's like the uncanny valley of personalities. Every character is full of... character (haha), but it's maybe so much so that it just feels fake? Maybe I'm just ranting, but that's my only actual gripe with the game. Can't seem to connect with any of the characters.
Zen needs a floating Dhalsim-like jump...
His mobility/armor sucks.. give him something to work with. Damn.
I'm in same boat. These $80 new game prices in Canada have me refusing to buy new games outright. I've made myself a deal that I have to finish Uncharted collection before I can get Overwatch.
have yet to play as tracer yet. but i relate them to that fly in a room that you can never quite kill, but ends up distracting you for a few hours. except this fly has guns and can rewind time.
Yeah, I don't think it's bland at all. (I agree what you think about Fuse.) Just.... weird haha. Like, inches short of making Pixar characters but instead we ended up with the Dreamworks smirk.The Overwatch characters instantly reminded me of Overstrike before that game actually did undergo focus testing, which sucked all the joy out of the game and turned it into bland and generic TPS number 84 when they rebranded it as Fuse.
Yes there is a custom game optionCan you create and play games solely with your friends? Like versus each other? Or is it pure online only and/or against bot stuff?
Can you create and play games solely with your friends? Like versus each other? Or is it pure online only and/or against bot stuff?