I honestly wouldn't mind trying some custom games were everyone picks a single character or something.We are all soldiers now
This is gonna sound salty but i don't see the point in voting for the other team when the round is over.
I wrote up a post earlier, maybe check it out. I'm not a pro or anything but I tend to do very well with Zen and he's probably my favorite character overall.
As long as you crank up the sensitivity it's fine.I'm actually curious to know how the controller is working for you on PC. I've been tempted to plug in my Xbox controller but haven't yet.
I honestly wouldn't mind trying some custom games were everyone picks a single character or something.
This is gonna sound salty but i don't see the point in voting for the other team when the round is over.
as the resident zarya/zenyatta player I feel like I should write up a guide or something instead of just responding to every post. I don't think I'm good enough so I'd feel like a fraud though.
Arcade Mode is just a bunch of Lucio overload.
I'm actually curious to know how the controller is working for you on PC. I've been tempted to plug in my Xbox controller but haven't yet.
I honestly wouldn't mind trying some custom games were everyone picks a single character or something.
Junkrat is bae.
Me neither. I don't automatically vote for anyone on my team either. Only if it was for being on objective or healing and other useful stuff. Can't give 'em votes too easy.
I honestly wouldn't mind trying some custom games were everyone picks a single character or something.
gg ez
This checks out.
I'm of the opinion that people need to get out of the mindset of pocket heals a la Team Fortress 2. Map awareness and health pack spawning should be primary. Beyond that, healing should only be for actively pushing a clustered area.
Symmetra's portal is so good if placed correctly. Her turrets sticking to roofs create great chokepoints that require a concerted effort to stop.
I just suck with her in general, though.
Are there any eastereggs in this game?
For me I use Symmetra when I have to Defend and I see there's someone else already playing as a healing support member. Healing is so crucial so I think it's a fools errand to use Symmetra if nobody else is either Lucio or Mercy for example.
You can't destroy her mech to cancel the explosion. You have to just run for cover. Or if you are Reinhardt, just hold up your shield or Mei can block it with her Ice Wall.
Junkrat's RIP Tire can be destroyed to cancel the explosion, however. Maybe you are getting it confused with that one?
On Dorado, watch as your entire team attempts to play the Futurama theme with the bells at the spawn point.
I've been playing a lot of Lucio because he's insanely useful in almost every situation. That said, he's so passive. His gun's pretty good and you can get some kills, but basically your job is to "be there". It sucks because I feel like he's so useful, but I hate feeling obligated to play as him.
Thought I was imagining this. Lol. Was kinda cool to hear that randomly.On Dorado, watch as your entire team attempts to play the Futurama theme with the bells at the spawn point.
Funny story. Yesterday our whole team was standing on the payload. In comes Junkrats wheel of death we all braced ourselves for death, right befote it went off our McCree took it down. We all knew he had just saved all of our lives. Somehow the game knew it too. The POTG was McCree shooting a wheel once.Why is play of the game only awarded to multi kills? I'm over here healing fools and coming in clutch with the shields and ults and the widowmaker getting two kills in a row gets the play of the game
Just half kidding
I've been playing a lot of Lucio because he's insanely useful in almost every situation. That said, he's so passive. His gun's pretty good and you can get some kills, but basically your job is to "be there". It sucks because I feel like he's so useful, but I hate feeling obligated to play as him.
Good tracers are my bane
Funny story. Yesterday our whole team was standing on the payload. In comes Junkrats wheel of death we all braced ourselves for death, right befote it went off our McCree took it down. We all knew he had just saved all of our lives. Somehow the game knew it too. The POTG was McCree shooting a wheel once.
Btw it was absolutely POTG.
Good tracers are my bane
They are the bane of every hero and player.
Fair nuf. So it's not an auto win. You gotta nail the headshot off the deflect.
I always vote for the supports, on my team or otherwise.
Gotta give them some love somehow since the game won't give them POTDs ever
It isn't an auto-win, but it's also easier to do than you might think if the Widowmaker isn't wise to it. You need about a second to bait out the charge and that gives you plenty of time to place your crosshair.
That's only going to work for a certain amount of time though since the Widowmakers are going to catch on to it pretty quickly.![]()
I confess I'm somewhat hesitant to play as a Support in matches. Just sort of worried about holding the team down if I'm not doing it well, though I suppose that's why you can change heroes.
I love Zen and that' write-up is pretty much what I do. You can plop a heal orb on someone just because or toss one on during battles as a spot check, but if you have to decide between healing or debuff/weapon spamming, go with debuff every single time.
Pop the debuff and immediately start firing. Strafe while doing so because you're squishy. Rinse and repeat, basically. Heavies drop insanely fast with that orb on them.
Reapers are my main problem when playing Zen. It doesn't take more than a few hits to die and they can just ghost away when the going gets tough. I can handle Tracers really well by leading my primary attack a bit. Her character leans a lot so you know exactly where to put the crosshair. She goes down really quickly with a debuff.
Played the open beta and liked it enough to buy it to play with friends.
I can't help but shake this feeling that the characters feel a bit... manufactured? Overly focus tested? Sterile? Can't quite put my finger on it. It's like the uncanny valley of personalities. Every character is full of... character (haha), but it's maybe so much so that it just feels fake? Maybe I'm just ranting, but that's my only actual gripe with the game. Can't seem to connect with any of the characters.
Good tracers are my bane
I can't disagree more. have you played Battleborn? I would describe the characters in that game as fake and manufactured. (I love that game BTW)
however the heroes in this game could carry a cartoon by themselves.
A habit I've been trying to get into is checking the enemy score screen constantly. If you see Reaper on there you can be absolutely 100% certain he is coming for you. Tracer fights usually end up one of 3 ways - I get instagibbed from behind, I two shot her, or I scare her off. Usually the last one against good Tracers, one discord headshot and they nope the fuck out. I also need to get out of the habit of holding down LMB and actually place my shots. I've been killing Hanzos in particular a lot more consistently this way.
How big do you guys think the Esports scene will be? Currently, on second day release it's at 113k viewers on Twitch at 5:30PST and Summit makes up roughly 23% of those viewers. He's mainly a CS and variety streamer so he probably won't stick with Overwatch long term. We will also see other streamers lose new release viewers overtime. Do you think this will be another Heroes of the Storm or will it be able to compete with the top 4 in Esports and viewership? Why or why not?
There's no point in voting at all.
You can, if you so desire, recognize who you thought played well. There's nothing to be gained or lost by recognizing a player from the other team. They aren't your enemy. You're not losing anything. They're just a guy who played a game. Frankly I find people who refuse to vote for the other team pretty weird. What, you played a game against them so now you hold some sort of grudge? How dare those assholes get matched against you?
Are we 12? Is this karate kid?
I love playing as zen, but I just can't seem to figure out how to use the multi-orb charged attack effectively. I often just pop the discord and shoot the regular orbs. Any tips?
Wait, so voting doesn't do anything, no exp or better chance for loot etc? Thought it served a purpose?
I have no problem with voting for someone who I just played against, good game is a good game.
Haven't played Battleborn, but I don't think that matters.I can't disagree more. have you played Battleborn? I would describe the characters in that game as fake and manufactured. (I love that game BTW)
however the heroes in this game could carry a cartoon by themselves.