This country could use more well articulated libertarians on the news and in talk.
i'm sure he has an episode of Penn & Teller BS about it, they do lots of different subjects.
He is right in this argument. Mass shooting pale in comparison to car accidents every year, swimming pool drownings, things you don't hear about. Mass shootings happen in such small amounts compared to what people "say" happens with all of the guns and crazy people out there in America. And it propagates a culture of fear.
When he talks about priorities he means that we should focus on things that actually kill people. More (many?) people die per year from preventable disease than mass shootings, so we should focus on that as a society. More kids drown per year than are murdered, so instead of making them scared a classmate is going to kill the, we should build fences around pools.
I would assume that Penn's reaction to your question would be to ask whether you have concrete evidence that gun culture effects an area's violence or whether the effect is "obvious" to you the way it's obvious to that legendary news anchor that CoD trains autistic kids to murder.
Even if there was, I doubt he'd show much interest in a marginalization campaign since there's the other more deadly concerns he brought up to tackle first.
As long as economics doesn't come up, I agree.
I don't disagree with him about mass shootings, I think it's just irresponsible to say "Mass shootings are rare, therefore let's not worry about guns".
Gun violence occurs outside mass shootings, and guns are just one issue of a multifaceted issue that most likely explains exactly why violent crime is soooo high in the US compared to pretty much any other developed nation. You need to address gun culture, you need to address poverty and social nets, you need to address the effects of locking people up so easily (1/6th of people in the US in jail because of marijuanna related crimes, criminals much more likely to become reliant on the system or repeat crime in the US, disproportionately high amount of minorities in the system etc).
Tackling just ONE of these problems doesn't do the issue of violent crime justice, tackling them all is what will get you the best results.
I don't disagree with him about mass shootings, I think it's just irresponsible to say "Mass shootings are rare, therefore let's not worry about guns".
Wendy exposed Puffy and Ma$e's relationship.
Is Wendy Williams supposed to be a woman?
I feel like he was also trying to limit the perspective to child safety. Then again he didn't get much of a chance to say anything, since they more or less brought him on the show in a failed attempt to humiliate him.
I don't disagree with him about mass shootings, I think it's just irresponsible to say "Mass shootings are rare, therefore let's not worry about guns".
Gun violence occurs outside mass shootings, and guns are just one issue of a multifaceted issue that most likely explains exactly why violent crime is soooo high in the US compared to pretty much any other developed nation. You need to address gun culture, you need to address poverty and social nets, you need to address the effects of locking people up so easily (1/6th of people in the US in jail because of marijuanna related crimes, criminals much more likely to become reliant on the system or repeat crime in the US, disproportionately high amount of minorities in the system etc).
Tackling just ONE of these problems doesn't do the issue of violent crime justice, tackling them all is what will get you the best results.
This is just uncomfortable to watch the level of stupidity here.
Penn coming in with some reason and truth. It's scary to think if he wasn't on that panel the whole audience would be clapping brainwash style "hur dur videogames are bad and violent", "hurr durr lets take 350 million guns off the streets".
Whenever debating someone, facts and logic will always prevail.
Wendy exposed Puffy and Ma$e's relationship.
Please do tell.
Even within the realm of "gun violence" the amount of people dead by mass shootings is small compared to the rest of the people that die every year.
I don't know the exact numbers, but I'm sure that it is more than the 100 or so between the movie theater and Newtown. Those events are famous from this year, but what about the hundreds of people that are murdered every year?
You can't just "take it all on" because then you're left with ineffectual strategies for all of them.
Wendy exposed Puffy and Ma$e's relationship.
I think that using the mass shootings to jump into a discussion about violent crime in general isn't necessarily a bad idea. It's not like people who want gun control want it just to stop mass shootings, they want it to reduce homicides in general.
Who says? You think the US only has enough time, resources and social services to tackle one issue at a time? Do you think symptoms like violent crime are the result of only one issue, and not usually the result of many variables coming together? There isn't just one guy looking to fix all the problems in the US, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
Penn called CoD art. Gaf now hates him.
most, if not all, of the discussion in this video was to stop mass shootings and keeping guns out of the hands of people who are "crazy" or have "mental issues."
no, not necessarily. but if what you were saying were absolutely the case we'd still have a competent space program and accessible mental health services and getting rid of our homeless problems.
the truth is that we don't and there is a finite amount of money and time to deal with "all of the issues." You have to pick and choose.
We could use more economic libertarians of the non-dogmatic variety. If we can find them.![]()
I agree and go by Scott "Understanding Comics" McCloud definition of "anything you do in your spare time as a means of expression" is art.All games are art, just like all paintings are art. Some are better than others and taste is subjective.
That was a completely repugnant thing for her to claim, but sadly has been all over the place in the wake of this.Router said:Also nice to see Penn get pissed off at people spreading misconceptions about mental health. The number of times over the past 2 weeks I have wanted to choke someone in the media for pulling that shit is huge.
She is not supposed to be taken seriously.
Show is gold for The Soup though.
It has become a meaningless label and an umbrella for morons to hide under when they're ashamed to admit they are a republican.
1. Make private prisons illegal - it removes any opportunity for corruption and lobbying that might influence prison populations.
2. Decriminalize marijuanna - you'll reduce the amount of prisoners dramatically, and remove people from the perpetual prison cycle (or poverty) they get thrown into because of it.
3. Make efforts to encourage a more 'gun free' society, this... is complicated, and I wouldn't really know how to approach it. This is less realistic in the US (I think, I really don't know what it's like there) but I think there are plenty of anti-gun organizations in the US who are trying their best to do so.
"hurr durr lets take 350 million guns off the streets".
Really now. I guess corruption in public institutions is just unheard of?
So people need to talk about it until it -is- something they think is an issue. It's happening right now, people are working to legalize it on a state-by state basis. I guess what I am saying is... do what you can to influence the government, as the government is an extension of you.Yup, very obvious but the government doesn't seem to think the amount of prisoners we have is an issue.
It's really not like everyone is just walking around with guns everywhere in America. There are a lot of owned guns but they're stored away, only taken to ranges or hunting, etc.
If you were walking around randomly in most places and were told that guns had been eradicated (other than cops), you'd believe them at least on visual appearances in the vast majority of the country.
Well, maybe not "Hollywood", but you do see people like Bill Maher or Jenny McCarthy take a very public, very uninformed stance on the issue.It's Hollywood's fault kids aren't getting vaccinated? Jillette's no smarter than any of them, except maybe Williams.
If we make crime legal, there will be no crime. Sleep on that
It has become a meaningless label and an umbrella for morons to hide under when they're ashamed to admit they are a republican.
You don't agree? He probably just met Hollywood as in media in general. A lot of people don't vaccinate their kids because of those ridiculous claims that vaccinations caused autism. Also some celebrity parents are the type who take a public stance on stuff like not vaccinating their kids, so maybe he meant that Hollywood types contribute to the common attitude of not valuing evidence and disregarding statistics.It's Hollywood's fault kids aren't getting vaccinated? Jillette's no smarter than any of them, except maybe Williams.
Well, maybe not "Hollywood", but you do see people like Bill Maher or Jenny McCarthy take a very public, very uninformed stance on the issue.
The asperger/autism comment was extremely ignorant and I'm glad Penn attacked her on it on air.
Well, maybe not "Hollywood", but you do see people like Bill Maher or Jenny McCarthy take a very public, very uninformed stance on the issue.
You don't agree? He probably just met Hollywood as in media in general. A lot of people don't vaccinate their kids because of those ridiculous claims that vaccinations caused autism. Also some celebrity parents are the type who take a public stance on stuff like not vaccinating their kids, so maybe he meant that Hollywood types contribute to the common attitude of not valuing evidence and disregarding statistics.