"I'm only a fan when Xbox does it"
-Phil and all Xbox stans
-Phil and all Xbox stans
Totally agreed. Locking away Destiny 2 content for at least one year is disgusting.
OH, the thread is just for shit posting and knee jerk reactions them? Ok guys, have fun!
Most likely. Sorry, but this comes from a company that forced me to play RoTR a year later, because MS paid someone to do it. I'm pretty sure he would not say exclusive deals are bad if MS had them and not Sony.Because it's on Xbox.
I thought his response was on content that will never come to another console, not timed.
Did I miss something?
To be fair I think he is referring to content that NEVER reaches another platform like the PS4 Destiny strike, not so much timed stuff.
Don't get me wrong, both are dumb as shit but the former is the worst kind IMO.
After doing it for the past few years..
But paying to keep games off another platform for limited time is ok, right Phil?
Not saying the Destiny situation is ok, because it's not, but this is typical Phil speaking from both sides of his mouth.
Of course since it much harder for them to do it now .
I thought his response was on content that will never come to another console, not timed.
Did I miss something?
Spencer answers my questions on these topics and more with the down-to-earth style that has won him an army of fans on social media
Right, like FIFA. That was a 4 year deal though so that could have been signed a long time before.Like they did with FIFA?
Launch exclusive = you get the game a month or so later
Content exclusive = you never get it
It's the difference in getting a call of duty map 30 days later vs never getting a destiny strike (a huge part that game).
But shit works so it's not going to stop.
Never liked Phil. He was always to me that weird uncle that tries to be cool.
I really miss Don Mattrick.
The 360 comment was stupid but at least he was honest.
Also with him there were games. Phil reduces the size of their lineup with every year.
What if Phil was never the savior to begin with and instead we helped palpatine rise to power?
I respect him even more after saying that.
OH, the thread is just for shit posting and knee jerk reactions them? Ok guys, have fun!
But paying to keep games off another platform for limited time is ok, right Phil?
Man, this guy is so full of shit.
Wtf ms started this shit last gen...
from a technical perspective, is the most powerful console by quite a wide margin. So, when I stood on-stage and I said this will be the best place to play all those games, theres nothing technically that would keep any developer from not making that true."
I thought his response was on content that will never come to another console, not timed.
Did I miss something?
There's a difference between funding a game's development and asking for exclusivity in exchange, rather than paying a small sum for 6 months of exclusivity. If Microsoft was fully funding these games and allowing them to vastly improve upon their vision for the game, that would be one thing. But they arent, so there is really no benefit to the consumer to the exclusivity window.
Like they did with FIFA?
That was Sony, just like Destiny 2.
Agreed. The Destiny 2 reveal during the Sony conference was dirty .
This so much. If he had the funds from Microsoft to invest, he would buy all kinds of exclusive games and items. And that's just normal imo. It's not a pro-consumer thing, but I always find those things very tricky.Phil is indeed not a fan of other companies getting marketing deals with exclusive content.
Correct like the FIFA exclusive content deal Xbox did not continue and renew under the leadership of Phil Spencer![]()
Oh. Wait. I got that backwards then, I thought Destiny was Xbox One exclusive. Or was that just an exclusive marketing deal?
Correct like the FIFA exclusive content deal Xbox did not continue and renew under the leadership of Phil Spencer![]()
Correct like the FIFA exclusive content deal Xbox did not continue and renew under the leadership of Phil Spencer![]()
I wont defend Phil if hes spouting what I believe to be horseshit (see: constant promises to revitalize first party) but theres three games people are bringing up here:
-The Division
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
Deals that could have started way before his tenure, the Fifa one definitely did
There is a degree of hypocrisy considering how he's benefited though
I'm struggling to remember any Msoft exclusive content deals since Phil took over. I also remember that Rise of the Tomb Raider, which kind of goes against this sentiment?
People change I guess. I have to imagine they would have no trouble getting exclusive content deals if they want them.
What surprises me most is how he still manages to pull the wool over the eyes of some people here. Denial is a powerful force.