Not famous enough if I never heard of them until now.
You see, if you explored properly, this would not be an issue.
Not famous enough if I never heard of them until now.
You see, if you explored properly, this would not be an issue.
Billy fails.![]()
so basically im supposed to know to use HMs which you never need to go to places I don't know exist to catch Pokémon no one told me ever existed?
so basically im supposed to know to use HMs which you never need to go to places I don't know exist to catch Pokémon no one told me ever existed?
To be fair on Billychu, I had to read a guide to find Cobalion.
To be fair on Billychu, I had to read a guide to find Cobalion.
I'd found the rooms where Terrakion and Virizion spawn long beforehand though.
After the success of the Autumn Friendly in 2011, The Pokemon Company International will be running another ladder-based tournament next month with a ruleset mirroring the VGC '12 format called the Global Battle Union 2012 International Challenge. 50,000 entrants will be accepted with 25,000 spots reserved for Japan. There shouldn't be much to worry about though as last year's tournament saw an increase on the cap as the original 10,000 player limit was quickly reached. With the addition of Korean and Japanese players, this should be the largest competitive Pokemon event in history!
Registration will be open from March 15th to March 21st and the tournament itself will run from March 22nd to March 26th. Being just a few weeks before the VGC '12 Regionals, it should be a great opportunity for those in the US and Canada to practice their teams in a more accurate environment than Pokemon Online! Unfortunately this will not happen before the majority of the European Nationals.
Additionally, Japan will also be having its own tournament called the Pokemon Global Link Spring 2012 Japan Cup. It's going to play a part in how they award invites to the World Championships in Kona, Hawaii later this year so it should be one to look out for. Maybe we'll see similar incentives internationally in the future?
You can discuss both the GBU 2012 International Challenge and the PGL Spring 2012 Japan Cup in our forums! Good luck everyone!
Wisey fails too lawl.
Again, I explored every other route and point of interest in the game extensively, it just never occurred to me to surf to that particular area.
What kind of Water type doesn't have access to friggin' Ice Beam?
According to some bronies I overheard the other day, Keldeo would be "20% more awesome" if it had access to Ice Beam.
What kind of Water type doesn't have access to friggin' Ice Beam?
Time to play some POKEMON
I really need to put together a team asap.
Time to play some POKEMON
I really need to put together a team asap.
Yes. You access it through the Battle Competition option after the title screen. Same as the Autumn Friendly.So this is online? I might do this.![]()
(thanks for that, but scans aren't allowed on GAF.)
I didn't get Black/White so I'm waiting for Gray. I have never played any of the third games except Yellow which was a while ago. Are they really different on some way compared to the original two or is it just a third version with some minor differences?
I didn't get Black/White so I'm waiting for Gray. I have never played any of the third games except Yellow which was a while ago. Are they really different on some way compared to the original two or is it just a third version with some minor differences?
Oh, I wasn't aware of that! I didn't post the scan, just the link to it. Should I delete my other post?
Most of the time it's minor enhancements. Though the last few have had some stuff that makes them the superior version.
Yellow: Start with Pikachu; get access to all 3 Starters from R/B; other stuff, etc.
Crystal: GBC Enhanced (Full Color!), Expanded story on Suicune, Battle Tower, Animated Pokemon, other stuff (stuff mostly not in the US version, like cell phone interaction; stuff that predates the cool Wi-Fi stuff that came in D/P).
Emerald: Get access to Rayquaza earlier, story involves both Team Aqua/Magma, Battle Frontier, very fast gameplay (seriously, it's super fast), Animated Pokemon return, better graphics (compared to R/S).
Platinum: Expanded main story; early access to Giratina (Origin Form), Battle Frontier returns from Emerald, more availible pokes.
Is there any way to trade pokemon from a gameboy micro to a 3DS? Or, do I have have to have a DS or Lite to trade from LeafGreen to 4th or 5th Gen games?
Is there any way to trade pokemon from a gameboy micro to a 3DS? Or, do I have have to have a DS or Lite to trade from LeafGreen to 4th or 5th Gen games?
Yes, you need an original DS or DS Lite. And you can only trade Gen 3 to Gen 4, you can't skip it and go to Gen 5.
Once they're in Gen 4 though, you can then trade using that DS or DS Lite to your 3DS (it requires two systems to trade.)
Always loved how soon you got access to Gible and the Earthquake TM in Platinum. Also can't forget Crystal finally giving us the option to play as a girl. Too bad they weren't able to implement that in the first generation.
Yes, you need an original DS or DS Lite. And you can only trade Gen 3 to Gen 4, you can't skip it and go to Gen 5.
Once they're in Gen 4 though, you can then trade using that DS or DS Lite to your 3DS (it requires two systems to trade.)
I wonder how that will work with Gen VI when they release it, we don't have something similar to the GBA slot. I guess they could use the DS download play but requiring a system that old doesn't seem right.
Remakes from all previous generations with the new 3DS engine![]()
Not that it matters now that we can trade via wifi though.
Hnnnnnngh. I agree.![]()
greenblue would have been so awesome.
That thread really makes me want to play Pokemon. Too bad there's nothing really for me to do in any of them without deleting my save file.Holy shit. Actual Pokemon anime discussion in Off Topic.
More anime discussion than has ever happened here. -_-
That thread really makes me want to play Pokemon. Too bad there's nothing really for me to do in any of them without deleting my save file.
hurry up and release grey nintendo
That thread really makes me want to play Pokemon. Too bad there's nothing really for me to do in any of them without deleting my save file.
hurry up and release grey nintendo
Hello fellow gaffers, need some advice:
I have already played and beaten black version. Now I am itching to play pokemon again...should i get white version, or pick up soul silver/heart gold?
I feel like if I get white, then I will just be playing black again. However, I don't want to get SS or HG and feel like i'm the only one playing that generation. Any advice? Is there an active online community for SS/HG? thanks!
A lot of people in this thread are playing through the older generations actively, or at least off and on. I just beat HG for the 3rd time a few weeks ago. If you picked it up, it's not as if you couldn't talk to us about your progress.
HG/SS are pretty decent titles, as is Platinum. Speed of the battles and a few other mechanics are a bit slower than B/W though. It'll allow you to capture a lot more Pokemon and have access to the all important Move Tutors too.
OK thanks a lot. I guess I will pick up either HG/SS...are either preferred?
And then you neglect the most important and crucial difference between HG and SS, the cover art.The only real differences are what Legendary you get first (Ho-Oh or Lugia) and the Version Exclusives.
Check those out and figure out which one you want more.