Gravijah said:which means arceus created entire worlds that we don't even know about yet.![]()
Andrex said:That never occurred to me...
Boney said:this is worse than zelda timelines
Shoddy Battle might. It's been a while since I've used it.Gravijah said:is there a team builder that allows me to plug in pokemon & moves to see what types i'm covering and what i have weaknesses to?
Gravijah said:is there a team builder that allows me to plug in pokemon & moves to see what types i'm covering and what i have weaknesses to?
Andrex said:
Seriously. I'm always blown away by how many settings can be carved out of Pokemon.Gravijah said:which means arceus created entire worlds that we don't even know about yet.![]()
Isn't there an app on the Pokétch in Diamond and Pearl that does something like that?Gravijah said:close but i can't plug in moves.was using it a bit ago.
Kind of, but not really.Chet Rippo said:Isn't there an app on the Pokétch in Diamond and Pearl that does something like that?
Kaper said:I know the OP says to post comments about HGSS and DPP in their respective threads, but I'm years behind and I don't want to necro those threads. I need to tell others how awesome these games are, what do I do?
Neither is Drain Punch.Andrex said:Wait, Roost isn't a TM in Gen 5? Wtf.
Stealth Rock isn't a TM in Black and White either.Andrex said:Who cares about that, this is a key flying move I'm talking about.
Andrex said:Possibly make a LttP thread?Or post here, it's fine.
Kaper said:GSC were amazing games
Sure, why not.Kaper said:Would anyone be willing to take a couple Eevees of mine to the Ice/Moss Rocks in DPP? I can offer anything I can obtain in my current playthrough. I can also offer tons of love, if required, as well.
Wiseblade said:
Kaper said:The Pokemon from 152-251 will always be the best, you're just a hater!
Gravijah said:so i have found the truth, andrex.
Andrex said:People stealing my username online. Usually it's some guy in Mexico. Since I'm not 14 that obviously isn't me.![]()
As for you, how did you find the Grav? It's all starting to come together...
You're so wrong, and you don't even know it. it's almost sad.Kaper said:The Pokemon from 152-251 will always be the best, you're just a hater!
Unless you really like new evolutions or legendarys, I'd say Gen 4 has the worst.Gravijah said:i'd actually say that gen probably has the worst overall selection of pokemon, but i still love 'em.
Chet Rippo said:Unless you really like new evolutions or legendarys, I'd say Gen 4 has the worst.
Out of the 107 Pokémon introduced in Generation IV, 29 were expansions to existing families.Chet Rippo said:Unless you really like new evolutions or legendarys, I'd say Gen 4 has the worst.
Chet Rippo said:Unless you really like new evolutions or legendarys, I'd say Gen 4 has the worst.
Wiseblade said:Out of the 107 Pokémon introduced in Generation IV, 29 were expansions to existing families.
Which is pretty ridiculous. Did Mantyke really need to exist? Did Budew? Happiny? Was the world just itching for Rhyperior and Magmortar? Was there a lickylicky shaped hole in the world of Pokémon that needed to be filled?
The answer to all of those questions, is no.
How did Mime Jr make Mr. Mime viable? How did Chingling make Chimecho viable? How did Bonsly make Sudowoodo more Viable? What about Munchlax? At least Pichu learns Nasty Plot, these ones contribute nothing of value.Andrex said:I don't know how you could spin it that introducing new, more powerful evolutions of old fan favorites and making their lines actually competitively viable is a bad thing. Unless you have some sort of weird anti-Gen 4 agenda.
that doesn't work for Magmortar, Lickylicky and Probopass.Andrex said:I specifically said: "new, more powerful evolutions," not pre-evolutions you dope.
Babies are useless but fun. Mime Jr. specifically is a great little Pokemon.
Wiseblade said:that doesn't work for Magmortar, Lickylicky and Probopass.
Wiseblade said:that doesn't work for Magmortar, Lickylicky and Probopass.
EvilMario said:Magmortar's arm is a cannon, how could you not like it? Vire is 'okay', and Rhyperior is an abomination.
Gravijah said:we also got:
two new eevee evolutions
who are all great.
As in not only are they ugly, but have little/no usefulness in battle.Andrex said:I don't get the point you're trying to make here.
Wiseblade said:As in not only are they ugly, but have little/no usefulness in battle.
Gravijah said:we also got:
two new eevee evolutions
who are all great.
Kaper said:Baby pokemon were never a good idea. I was hoping the gen 2 babies would be a one time thing, be because as others have said, they don't add anything and most don't even look good. Stats-wise, yeah it's gotten better since the early generations, but I want my pokemon to look good, too. Gen 1/2/3 were pretty solid overall in terms of design, but gen 5 is really hit or miss. Icecream cone pokemon, Swoobat, Trubbish/Garbodor, Gothita and it's evolutions, and Vulaby/Mandibuzz are the worst of the bunch.
Wiseblade said:I'm not a fan of Honchkrow
Wiseblade said:I'm not a fan of Honchkrow or Yanmega. And how could you leave out Weavile?
As in not only are they ugly, but have little/no usefulness in battle.
Andrex said:Definitely no @ Froslass, worst Pokemon design of all time IMO.
I'd have rather left then as cool looking novelty Pokémon than give them ugly evolutions that aren't even that good in battle.Andrex said:Oh, so you'd rather use Magma, Lickitung, and Nosepass?
Having further evolved Pokemon that are more viable ("more viable" is what I've always been saying) is only a good thing. I don't know why you're hating, you really do have an anti-Gen 4 agenda.
Definitely no @ Froslass, worst Pokemon design of all time IMO.
I like Garbodor and Vanilluxe. What's not to like about a living trash monster and a giant ice cream? Druddigon's cool too.Andrex said:I must be the only one who like Vanilluxe and Garbador. They're simple designs that set out to do what they accomplished.
Also you forgot Druddigon.
Froslass is pretty cool!Gravijah said:you're crazy, it's one of my absolute favorite. plus the typing!
Exterminieren said:People hate Froslass now? What merry hell is this?