Almost as bad as Barry.Cheren? Uh.... um... oh! Mr. No Personality I Must Get Stronger! That guy. He SUX
Almost as bad as Barry.
Almost as bad as Barry.
I like the idea behind him, you just don't run into him enough.But I can't hat on Bianca too much, at least she's not Wally. I hope that any eventual RSE remake completely redoes the rival into someone interesting.
Cheren may have no personality, but I like his design. Maybe because he has glasses. He's a cool rival.
What does Bianca have?Wait a minute, don't answer that question.
who the heck is wally. If there is one thing about gen 3 i am willing to exclude in ranking it is def that guy.
wally isghetsis
I love largea largeheart
I think Cheren has a pretty well developed personality. He spent so much time studying Pokémon before becoming a trainer, and has to see all of that hard work become meaningless against the raw talent of his childhood friend. Who also, just happens to be the chosen one. He has to deal with not being the main character in his own life.
story of my life
but i agree, cheren was pretty great
he's missing what bianca has though
story of my life
but i agree, cheren was pretty great
he's missing what bianca has though
Rumble Blast is a retail game? I thought it was eShop. Holy shit.
The first Pokemon Rumble was a WiiWare game, but this one is a full retail game. It's not that there's any lack of content or anything, but it's just really boring and repetitive. Whether it's a boring download or a boring retail game doesn't really matter.![]()
Ah yes, you're right.Ok since apparently this thread isn't about revealing images of cartoon children anymore I guess it's time to check it out again.
I heard about that reference and quickly YouTubed it. I really need to catch up... Had no idea there was a new cast. I haven't watched since the break last season so I think I'm a full season behind at this point.
Went to the Vancouver City Championship for TCG on Sunday to watch some friends play and I'm somewhat interested in getting into the card game again... Probably will borrow a deck from a friend for the Surrey City Championship in January and maybe the BC Provincial as well... I don't really want to get invested as I barely have time for the other stuff I want to do and I'm hoping next year they expand the Video Game Championship series to Battle Roads / City / Provincial levels so there's opportunities to play year-round!
Look, Pokejunk we'll never see!
why is bianca carrying junk
dat Bianca gut.
dat Bianca gut.
pikachu has breasts