Don't forget partial nudity!
Remember, in the States a female nipple is more taboo than blowing someone's head off.
Don't forget partial nudity!
I recently saw the new English anime intro, it's pretty neat. It's better than seeing weird new Ash's face anyway UGH WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT![]()
Those new eyes still scare the crap outta me :c
Sinnoh Ash was best Ash.
Sinnoh Ash was best Ash.
Speaking of which, just finished the first series of Diamond and Pearl on my marathon. I'll put my thoughts together later, but initial reaction; damn, Paul was a great character.
HOLY SHITPretty sure they have not.
Paul is without a doubt the best rival the anime has had. It's a shame to go from that to Trip, who is easily the worst.
My wallet aches.
Also I heard people talking about me.
Doesn't Serebii usually have a small section for each episode showing if a Pokemon was caught or evolved or something? Seems kinda helpful, though you would still have to click on each episode to read it.
Oh dear. You've caught my imagination now.
If I lose days of my life to this, I'll hate you. -_-
I'll just leave this here as a random thought.
You know what would be cool? If someone made a list of non-filler Pokémon episodes from the very beginning. You know, basically a list of every Pokémon episode where one or more of the following happens:
- A Pokémon is caught by the main cast (or evolves).
- A Pokémon is released/traded by one of the main cast members.
- A major battle happens or a major tournament is happening.
- Important characters are introduced.
- Character development happens (lol yeah right).
- The episode is just too awesome to be missed (Pikachu's Goodbye, Bulbasaur's non-evolution, etc.)
Basically a list that would cut down on all the pointless "hah-here's-our-new-perfect-plan-oh-wait-we're-blasting-off-again" filler they had for years until Black & White. Would make watching the anime from the beginning much more interesting.
I wonder if anyone (or a group of people) has done it or is brave enough to do it.
I heard "female nipple" and came running.Remember, in the States a female nipple is more taboo than blowing someone's head off.
Holy crap this is awesome. You're awesome!Challenge Accepted.
Do you want an Orange Islands summary? I could probably get it out of the way now too, but I don't want to start if you're not going to watch it.
Yeah, that sounds good!I was planning on keeping it as lean as possible anyway.
Oh, we must hunt it down then!I put together a pretty good filler-free list for Sinnoh a long long while ago, but can't be asked to find it... Was probably in the HG/SS thread.
Man the original series has so many good episodes.Since the Kanto arc is super short (relatively speaking) I figured I may as well get it out of the way right now:
I hope Black and White doesn't end too early.
It's not going as fast as the Kanto/Johto episodes, but I think it's faster than everything else.
Definitely liking it far more than everything else though.
That must have been a nightmare. since all the Gym battles, catches and evolutions are so spread out, and then there's Contests on top of that...I put together a pretty good filler-free list for Sinnoh a long long while ago, but can't be asked to find it... Was probably in the HG/SS thread.
Holy crap this is awesome. You're awesome!
You now what, I do. I remember loving that two part battle against the Dragonite man. That was some good stuff. I probably wouldn't want to watch more than 7/8 Orange Islands episodes though. (Don't feel limited by this, just do your thing).
While I'm at it, I should probably state that my justification for "debatable" episodes usually goes: "Nothing really happens, but X is in it". So if the cameos of in game characters like Elite Four members and Champions don't interest you, you can safely skip them.
Sinnoh took forever to really get going but I'd say the last half is the best stretch of the anime.
Man they must blow their animation budget on the Team Rocket intros. I mean, where else could it be going?
Man they must blow their animation budget on the Team Rocket intros. I mean, where else could it be going?
Johto Journeys (Because there's no way I'm doing all of Johto at once)
Episodes 117-119: Don't Touch That 'dile, The Double Trouble Header, A Sappy Ending.
Episode 126: The Chikorita Rescue
Episode 131: Fighting Flyer with Fire
Episode 134: Charizard's Burning Ambitions
Episode 141-144: Good 'Quil Hunting, A Shadow of a Drought, Going Apricorn!, Gettin' The Bugs Out.
Episodes 146-147: Tricks of the Trade, The Fire-ing Squad!
Episode 151: The Totodile Duel
Episode 152: Fowl Play!
Johto Journeys was so crappy. Ugh. Never watched more than a full ep or two of it. Your list compels me to go back though.
people actually do watch the anime
I only started watching it regularly again with Black and White.
Johto Journeys (Because there's no way I'm doing all of Johto at once)