Professor Beef
I'm pretty sure Gen 2 had the worst Pokemon.
Do we all agree R/S/E was the worst generation? Nearly soured me off the whole franchise.
-Worst world
-Worst Pokemon
-Worst Rival
I'll give you Sceptile. I'll give you that much , But there is no way Blaziken should be on anyone's list.
I'm pretty sure Gen 2 had the worst Pokemon.
I'll give you Sceptile. I'll give you that much , But there is no way Blaziken should be on anyone's list.
Do we all agree R/S/E was the worst generation? Nearly soured me off the whole franchise.
-Worst world
-Worst Pokemon
-Worst Rival
Whoa there junior, are you sure this is an argument you want to start? Things could get pretty ugly...
Wood Hammer & Earthquake all day.Torterra is the most awesome Grass-type starter and it's not even close.
Whoa there junior, are you sure this is an argument you want to start? Things could get pretty ugly...
Do we all agree R/S/E was the worst generation? Nearly soured me off the whole franchise.
-Worst world
-Worst Pokemon
-Worst Rival
WHOA. 3rd Gen is awesome in many ways.
- Two opposing teams about the environment much different from Team Rocket goons
- A lot of good pokemon like Blaziken, Salamence, Swampert, Breloom, Flygon, Metagross, Dusclops, Aggron, Ludicolo, Slaking, etc...
- Double battles. I especially liked these in emerald
- HM Dive, with one of my favorite tunes from the pokemon series period
- Hoenn as a region is a much more vast, diverse, and interesting region then both Kanto and Johto combined. Unova is a close second now.
- First inclusion of the Battle Frontier
- I'm pretty sure it's the first inclusion of EVs and IVs. I think. Go ahead and bash if I'm wrong.
But really it's still an enjoyable generation of games and I still go back and play my Emerald from time to time.
So this is my first time posting in Poke-GAF so.....sup guys!
- I'm pretty sure it's the first inclusion of EVs and IVs. I think. Go ahead and bash if I'm wrong.
Gen IV will probably be my favorite for a while just because it was so good to ice Pokemon.
Admit it - Abomasnow makes Ice-types twice as good just by itself.
Ah ok. Pokemon would've been too simplistic back in the day if they didn't have it in.It's their introduction in the form that we currently know them. A similar system existed in the earlier games, it was just reworked (amount of DVs/IVs doubled, a cap added to the stat exp/EVs) for R/S.
WHOA. 3rd Gen is awesome in many ways.
- Two opposing teams about the environment much different from Team Rocket goons
- A lot of good pokemon like Blaziken, Salamence, Swampert, Breloom, Flygon, Metagross, Dusclops, Aggron, Ludicolo, Slaking, etc...
- Double battles. I especially liked these in emerald
- HM Dive, with one of my favorite tunes from the pokemon series period
- Hoenn as a region is a much more vast, diverse, and interesting region then both Kanto and Johto combined. Unova is a close second now.
- First inclusion of the Battle Frontier
- I'm pretty sure it's the first inclusion of EVs and IVs. I think. Go ahead and bash if I'm wrong.
But really it's still an enjoyable generation of games and I still go back and play my Emerald from time to time.
So this is my first time posting in Poke-GAF so.....sup guys!
Oh, that's right. You play singles.So, most Ice types are built defensively, or at least slower Pokemon. And what types does Ice resist? Oh right, Ice.
Great attacking type, terrible defensive type. Abomasnow only means you're forced to use more Ice Pokemon which is a terrible idea, or it means your Pokemon are losing health to Hail too. And Abomasnow can only switch into one weather changer, Poli. Not to mention Abomasnow has about a thousand weaknesses and his STABs can be eaten by by most Steel Pokemon, and his average attacking stats don't do much.
He gives you 100% accurate Blizzards, but considering it does nothing for Ice's shitty defense (it should make Ice types gain 1.5x boost on defense, ala Rock in Sand Storm), and Ice is weak to just about every priority imaginable.. well, no, Ice blows.
Oh, that's right. You play singles.
Get with the times.![]()
Thanks!Welcome, and high five. I agree completely.
-I thought it was an interesting take and it was nice of them to make a little bit of a difference between the 2 versions. Just i hated moving into that style of enemy. Abuse of Pokemon is enough for me.
-Blaziken renders this invalid.
-Fair point.
-Good music, boring mechanic
-Too much water.
-Good point.
-Good point.
I can understand when people say it's too much water. I personally don't mind it, but then again I know the region so well it doesn't matter so much. Underwater sections could've had more potential...maybe if they make 3rd gen remakes they will add some extra areas.
I'd love it if they improved the region. With HG/SS wasn't one of the reasons they made it because of the internal clock? With R/S/E being easily playable i'm not sure there is any point.
money x nostalgia for the tons of people who started with gen iii.
I'd love it if they improved the region. With HG/SS wasn't one of the reasons they made it because of the internal clock? With R/S/E being easily playable i'm not sure there is any point.
This.Regions are old hat, Call me when they start to include continents.
Basically just have the player traverse all previous regions on a modified story of the original trainers. with each new region comes a pokedex upgrade and new pokemon to catch. Have ALL pokemon regions specific and all catchable with the exception of Event pokemon. Develop one version of the game.
After they are done they can start making Gen 6.
Regions are old hat, Call me when they start to include continents.
Basically just have the player traverse all previous regions on a modified story of the original trainers. with each new region comes a pokedex upgrade and new pokemon to catch. Have ALL pokemon regions specific and all catchable with the exception of Event pokemon. Develop one version of the game.
After they are done they can start making Gen 6.
Sadly i don't think that will happen, But Hey they could even through Hoenn in that would be nice.
You guys just need to marry someone who plays Pokemon too. That way you're not trading Pokemon with yourself like a tool in your forever aloneness.
It wont happen because it would be too far out of nintendos comfort zone. Without getting into a anti-nintendo rant they are too involved with doing the bare minimum and making fast cash than long term investments with increasing rewards.
The entire collection of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Shinnoh and Unova plus 649 catchable pokemon and a quest line that would span the collective and running at B/W level of detail would easily push the game past 700MB worth of Assets. From a technical standpoint thats like creating 9 unique versions of B/W and no offence to game freak but i think its beyond them (at least with a realistic time scale)
It also would put a huge halt into people buying from the back catalogue of games and would hurt future titles because it would require them to be TRULY unique and not just remakes of regions. The trading scene would probably die with it aswell.
As a fan it would be a great experience but from a developer and publisher stand point its suicide your giving the fan base the ultimate experience instead of the bait and wait strategy that put pokemon where it is today.
Does your sister in law play Pokemon?
I think it would be difficult to integrate all of the regions, i mean you'd be maxed out pretty soon. I would prefer bigger regions though. More environments would be nice.
I'd wait a few more years for nostalgia. Any title they make will make money.
Does your sister in law play Pokemon?
She's more of the MonHun type. Sorry, Billy.
She's more of the MonHun type. Sorry, Billy.
Now it's gonna look really weird when I buy Tri soon, isn't it?
You're getting it soon? I'm getting it tomorrow! You never post in the MH Comm thread.![]()
You noobs will need someone to help you when you start playing. Let me know what lobby you're in and I'll join (with my low level character).
She's more of the MonHun type. Sorry, Billy.
oh hello