Which reminds me, I wish Nintendo World Store had a wider selection of plushies. Was looking through them the other day, contemplating buying one.
I demand you take photos of all the plushies and post them on here, and then buy the ones people want and ship them out. <3
Wait so that My Little Pony Pokemon is real? Do we know yet how to catch it or will it only be given out a special events?
I wish they would cut down on the legendaries, It seems like they've multiplied every generation.
while bw and dppt have the same amount of legendaries (13), bw added 156 total new pokemon while dppt only added 107.
13 is an insane number, I know we will get 20 more next gen.
If you have a PC with a wireless card built in (and good heavens if you don't), you can actually wirelessly connect your PC and your DS as if you had two DSs. Load up one of the event distribution carts into an emulator on your PC and you can give yourself all the wifi events.I bought SS late and it seems i missed all the wifi events.
If you have a PC with a wireless card built in (and good heavens if you don't), you can actually wirelessly connect your PC and your DS as if you had two DSs. Load up one of the event distribution carts into an emulator on your PC and you can give yourself all the wifi events.
Well, in the case of tricking your DS into thinking your PC is another DS, you'd only be created a WEP wireless network for the two minutes it requires to complete the 'transaction'. If you make it a hidden network, the likelihood of someone finding it and decoding the WEP key in those two minutes is so small it isn't worth worrying about. Even if they crack the WEP code, they'd then have whatever firewall you had setup to stop them from doing anything sinister quickly.I could only get the WiFi legendaries years later by using some website and DNS stuff on my DS to fake events because I couldn't connect to WPA2 connections. It's stupid. Don't make stuff require online if your hardware only supports outdated wireless security
I also dislike the practice of locking these off to wifi events. It's a little bit better these days now that we can get ROM dumps of the event carts, but what is someone who wants to play R/S/E or FR/LG meant to do? Either you use an action replay or you don't get to experience important content in your game.
The lack of Pokémon DLC is the sole reason I'm thankful Nintendo haven't gotten their internet shit together.You are gonna love the inevitable DLC legendaries and plotlines in future games.
The lack of Pokémon DLC is the sole reason I'm thankful Nintendo haven't gotten their internet shit together.
And really, they'd have to be on the cart anyway for the DLC to work so I'd just say "fuck them" and AR that shit in there something fierce.
Well, in the case of tricking your DS into thinking your PC is another DS, you'd only be created a WEP wireless network for the two minutes it requires to complete the 'transaction'. If you make it a hidden network, the likelihood of someone finding it and decoding the WEP key in those two minutes is so small it isn't worth worrying about. Even if they crack the WEP code, they'd then have whatever firewall you had setup to stop them from doing anything sinister quickly.
Similarly, my wireless network at home is WPA2. If ever I need to connect to WFC, I plug my laptop into my router and create a bridge network running in WEP, each time using a different WEP key. Again, takes five minutes tops to do whatever I want to do in WFC and then the WEP network is gone.
Yeah I know about the sites. Only problem with those is that they're full of unofficial events, too. It's very easy to create your own Pokémon wireless events. Any Pokémon/level/move/item combination can be created and your official cart will accept it and download it.I'm talking about a website where you can load up events to download, it's basically the same principle though. The issue was that I'm not in charge of my wireless network so I couldn't connect until I got an Android phone with tethering.
It won't, though. In order to guarantee the DLC Pokémon can be used against/traded with people who didn't purchase/download the DLC, the Pokémon data would have to be present in all carts from day 0.I don't mind DLC. It means new Pokémon will be a surprise.
Well, technically none of them were "legit"The 3DS can do firmware updates wirelessly in local play. There's no reason they can't do the same for DLC.
And all the Pokémon I downloaded were legit. I'm not sure if the site I used had fake ones, but all of the ones I downloaded were real. Not like it matters because they just sit in my boxes.
It won't, though. In order to guarantee the DLC Pokémon can be used against/traded with people who didn't purchase/download the DLC, the Pokémon data would have to be present in all carts from day 0.
Fighting games and racing games have the same problem.
Well, technically none of them were "legit"![]()
There are ways they could make it work.
I'd be down for like downloadable Sevii Islands-like areas. That'd be cool.
We should get things like this instead of a third version.
I don't mind DLC. It means new Pokémon will be a surprise. As long as you can Streetpass free DLC to others, it'll be great.
I don't see any DLC being cheap, They know people will pay.Octo Islands: $40 DLC
If you actually spoil yourself about the Pokémon ahead of time by looking at sites that hacked the game data, you only have yourself to blame.Yep. Look at the Keldeo reveal; that could have been a big surprise, with everyone talking about it. Instead, no one gave the remotest shit, other than for the purpose of My Little Pony jokes.
Do they, though? Pokémon's primary audience is children, the kind of customers who receive a game cart once a year as a birthday present or something. The primary market for DLC is 18-35 year olds with their own disposable income and credit cards.I don't see any DLC being cheap, They know people will pay.
If you actually spoil yourself about the Pokémon ahead of time by looking at sites that hacked the game data, you only have yourself to blame.
Uh, what? I'm not talking about information available to you because the game is out in Japan. I'm talking about unrevealeds.If by "spoil yourself" you mean "use the internet", ok. I find it hilarious that NoA wanted reviewers to not spoil new Pokémon despite releasing the game 6 months after it was out in Japan.
You could only know about Keldo and the like ahead of time by specifically going to sites that look at the game data they wouldn't have normal access to.
Just wanted to say I sold my DS Lite, Poké Platinum, HeartGold AND White cartridges last year (full of event pokemon and transfers from Sapphire and Emerald) and thoroughly regret it.
Pokémon. It's an addiction man.
Well, in the case of tricking your DS into thinking your PC is another DS, you'd only be created a WEP wireless network for the two minutes it requires to complete the 'transaction'. If you make it a hidden network, the likelihood of someone finding it and decoding the WEP key in those two minutes is so small it isn't worth worrying about. Even if they crack the WEP code, they'd then have whatever firewall you had setup to stop them from doing anything sinister quickly.
Similarly, my wireless network at home is WPA2. If ever I need to connect to WFC, I plug my laptop into my router and create a bridge network running in WEP, each time using a different WEP key. Again, takes five minutes tops to do whatever I want to do in WFC and then the WEP network is gone.
why would you do that
New trailer released for the Kyurem movie..
Never knew Kyurem could run and leap like that.![]()
Kyurem stil sucks.New trailer released for the Kyurem movie..
Never knew Kyurem could run and leap like that.![]()
Dopes who doubt Kyurem's mad swagger deserve to get owned by Glaciate.
That's like when I won a copy of Pokemon Crystal that had Celebi, the three birds, surfing Pikachu, and Suicune on it and sold it later for money.Just wanted to say I sold my DS Lite, Poké Platinum, HeartGold AND White cartridges last year (full of event pokemon and transfers from Sapphire and Emerald) and thoroughly regret it.
Pokémon. It's an addiction man.