Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

I'm betting that one of the two of them will think Alien Covenant was not terrible. Or certainly much better than Prometheus, anyway. Probably Mike "Schlock" Stoklasa.

I thought it was great, myself. Really enjoyed it and I wasn't much of a fan of Prometheus. The rest of Gaf seem to be shitting on it from a great height, so it seems like I'm in the minority.

On a scale of "me personally I thought it was the greatest film ever made" to "very cool" where does alien covenant fall?


Has anyone made any gifs of Mike and Jay getting slowly hypnotised by Rich at the end of their Guardians of the Galaxy review?

They would make some incredible boredom gifs.


Subete no aware
I really liked the idea of doing an Avengers review with everyone who has ever been on BOTW. They should use some of their Patreon money to make that happen. :p


Here is an archive of the old Black Cougar website that is safe for work,

They were selling 12" Black Cougar dolls for $20 plus $5 shipping

The one that is up now is a cam site if you weren't able to see it yet

I've noticed they have the Guyver movies starring David Hayter and Mark Hamil.

They could do a BotW with western anime movies from the mid-90's. Guyver, Crying Freeman, Fist of the Nothstar.

Great ear on Rich there. I would've never have guessed that someone who voiced Frank West would be in such a low budget POS movie.

Yea, I was really surprised to see he was right on that.
It's not too surprising that they let guest bring movies they want to share, and they end up being good shit.

I'm going to say they probably already owned them. Much like Zardoz prominently shown on the shelf. It's the kind of weird they would buy.

on the video: How the hell did Rich recognize West's voice? That's so random.
(also booze is fun)




Man, that was a great episode! So many good quotes!

"What's a crepe?"
"It's a literal run time!"
"Where's the beef?"
Jack: *laughs*


Un Rama
Fantastic episode. That Frank West catch was wonderful.

Len seems like a really cool guy. "the amount of trash that is sat at this table"...*slowly moves len's film out of the frame*


Great ear on Rich there. I would've never have guessed that someone who voiced Frank West would be in such a low budget POS movie.

I'm more surprised that video game voice actors aren't showing up in these videos more often.

And stumbling into playing DB Cooper in a softcore gay film is the most Frank West-y Frank West thing to do.


Is there a stream tonight? Wonder if Rich cares about the new Star Trek. lol
There is it's on right now.

But i missed the first hour so i didn't post the link in here sorry.

He hasn't seen the trailer yet.

It's just Karin and Rich (Jack isn't there, but i don't know why) And Rich is playing Strafe
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