Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


Internet phenomenon Rich Evans will do a voice in Edmund McMillen's (Binding of Issac) next game.
Is [gainful employment] replacing [physical and emotional abuse]?

At this rate Rich should pursue a career in voice acting, not even joking.
Considering this is Rich's second voice acting gig in recent days, I would expect that Rich already dropped his resume in at a talent agency.

It makes a ton of sense, because Rich doesn't have the post-production background of Mike/Jay/Jack, but he appears onscreen about as much as they do. And voice acting is a better part-time job for a non-editor than sweeping the floors at RLM.

Next up: TV commercials. Look out Wilford Brimley, Rich Evans is gonna steal your diabeetus job.


So are they getting him entirely based on his unique voice and laugh? I don't think he can laugh on command.

Maybe they will ask Mike for their archive of Rich Evan's microphone audio.

Or have Rich watch a bunch of stuff like this

to have audio to rip.

they did, yeah. Think that was a stream though, so whether it's up on youtube is anyone's guess.

Here it is

It is made better as it also a Jay stream.

I have gotten a bit tired of just Jay and Rich since it seems to be by and large a lot of the same things since Rich doesn't really try to keep up on the latest happenings.

Every damn time Rich has to make a big deal out of saying "ocarina." He thinks he is doing it on purpose because it annoys the chat while it is more likely they have new viewers who are trying to correct a damn near 40 year old man about the pronunciation of a simple word.


Drunky McMurder

Also, every Benjamin voice is McGuryk to me, after all these years, its all I see.

Me too. I saw him a couple years ago at a music festival doing a set for himself and the other comics more than the people in the audience. As I was walking away to see a band and despite having seen his real human face, I still heard Coach McGuirk screaming "Why did you rape me" at some unsuspecting volunteer who came up on stage.


A new HitB was released two whole days ago but I still can't watch it because I actually plan to see this movie, but haven't had time yet.

I had to do the same until I saw the movie yesterday afternoon. Funny too, cause they basically don't say a single thing about the movie before going, "FUCK IT! Let's get into spoilers!"

Honestly though it was a pretty boilerplate review. Felt like a very surface-level examination of the movie that they didn't put much thought into.
len is like a less shitty max landis

Len is one of their best guests in both the episodes he's been in. He fits in because he has a different vibe from the group, rather than seeming kind of like a fanboy like Landis does.


I think Rich came close to decking Mike when Mike made the joke about Rich putting child porn on somebody's computer during the "how to get revenge" video. They even went as far as to bleep the joke, for some reason.
eh I don't like Len

I don't think he brings particularly funny or insightful comments, he just stands there awkwardly and discusses action movies.

Canadians all day everyday



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK
So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK

Best of the Worst:

- Hard to pick and choose without going through the whole list, but I'd say watch a couple of the Wheel of the Worst variations. If you like those, watch the regular episodes. The difference is that Wheel of the Worst it's random crap videos that people send them. It could be an obscure tv episode, a random video, a concert, an exercise video for the elderly, etc... While a regular Best of the Worst is where they choose 3 b-movies with a theme they haven't seen, then watch them.

Half in the Bag:

- Jack and Jill as person above me said is a classic. Besides that one, someone in here refresh me which episodes is the ones they do their fake horror movie trailer pitches..

- Maybe watch the oscar specials. The one Boyhood was in is gold.


- If you're aware of the nerd culture circle jerk over everything star wars and are cynical over it there is of course the famous Plinkett prequel reviews that put their name on the map.

Besides those there are also trailer reactions. Watch the Fuck You It's January videos even if they're older now, the 2017 one is the best ever.

The Nerd Crew video podcasts has been amazing. All of their videos discussing ghostbusters and Rogue One are also gold.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Honestly, they're all good. I would just start from the beginning with the Best of the Worst stuff.
So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK

I mentioned it earlier in this thread but the Best of the Worst with Eloise Cole, the Grief Therapy Clown, is my favorite thing they've ever done.

We hooked your baby up to the aquarium...that didn't know I'm your last hope!
So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK

For the hitb some of the reviews are part of double review episodes, I'm just gonna name the specific movies that you need to see reviews for.

Resident Evils, A million ways to die in the west, haunted house, boyhood (and whatever episode was after boyhood), rogue one, shut in, ghostbusters 16, pixels, batman v superman

For botw all the wheel of the worst episodes


So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK

As someone that was in a similar position about a year or so ago, I would say watch the videos recommended here and if you like them, just start at the beginning of the Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst playlists on Youtube and watch all of them.

The quality is high enough that it's worth watching everything and I think you'll enjoy it.


Has anyone stitched together all the non-review parts of Half in the Bag yet?

It's been a long road leading up to Jay and Mr. Plinkett getting married.


you can't put a price on sparks
Has anyone stitched together all the non-review parts of Half in the Bag yet?

It's been a long road leading up to Jay and Mr. Plinkett getting married.

it happened at some point, no idea if there is a newer one than what i previously saw


So i've been watchin' some of their vids and gotta admit i really like their humor style.
What are the "must watch" episodes?

The "no brand con" episode for instance is amazing LINK

I would call the first four BotW episodes some of their best material.

Then any episode with the Canadians is also good.

Edit: and also any Christmas special.

Has anyone stitched together all the non-review parts of Half in the Bag yet?

It's been a long road leading up to Jay and Mr. Plinkett getting married.

This guy seems to do a HiTB plot video every year.


Like most of their reviews over the past couple years!
Fucking hack frauds.
Their move to get reviews out on opening weekend has really hurt their craft, as much as I hate to admit it.

So like the movie itself.

Yeah, you're not wrong. Watched the original Quadrilogy over the past couple days, Covenant seems about on par with Alien 3 assembly cut. Kinda cookie cutter, a neat sequence or two, but ultimately kinda boring and forgettable.
Their move to get reviews out on opening weekend has really hurt their craft, as much as I hate to admit it.

The series is called Half in the Bag. It's about getting slightly drunk and talking about movies they've just seen. It should never have been held to some higher standard.

For me personally, Re:View is that thing.


The series is called Half in the Bag. It's about getting slightly drunk and talking about movies they've just seen. It should never have been held to some higher standard.

The only standard I'm holding them to is the one they set with their old videos. Maybe I'm attributing too much of the blame to them instead of the movies they review, but a lot of their recent HITBs have been for bland/safe movies like Covenant or whatever bi-monthly Marvel flick is out at the time that doesn't make for a particularly interesting review. But they gotta get that YT money so keep on keepin' on, I guess.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
The series is called Half in the Bag. It's about getting slightly drunk and talking about movies they've just seen. It should never have been held to some higher standard.

For me personally, Re:View is that thing.

Yeah Re:Views are where it's at. The last one with Jay and Josh on Fire Walk With Me is one of my favourites.


you can't put a price on sparks
The only standard I'm holding them to is the one they set with their old videos. Maybe I'm attributing too much of the blame to them instead of the movies they review, but a lot of their recent HITBs have been for bland/safe movies like Covenant or whatever bi-monthly Marvel flick is out at the time that doesn't make for a particularly interesting review. But they gotta get that YT money so keep on keepin' on, I guess.


Half in the bag's purpose is for the bigger movies now.

They've split off the bad movies into best of the worst

They've split off the semi-old or old movies to re:view

They've purposefully granularized the show and half in the bag is no longer a catch all since they have more than just half in the bag now.

The art house movies no one watches is a better candidate for a re:view down the line but it doesn't seem like they are precluded from doing new ones in HITB either. But we already know jay and mike don't always see the same ones and they don't do the quick cuts thing because x reason. Probably cause they have so many other things going on
Okay I saw the movie yesterday so I finally got around to seeing the newest HitB.

To my surprise, I pretty much agree with most of what they said. I had the same complaints. They didn't spend a lot of time elaborating or digging into it, but the ideas they touched on I agreed with. Funny to watch them start complimenting Prometheus after seeing Covenant. Sad trombone.
Yeah I think most people I watch/hear reviews appreciate that the movie did something different from alien.

My issues with prometheus largely come from the dumb scientists. Besides that though I actually didn't mind it too much


Okay I saw the movie yesterday so I finally got around to seeing the newest HitB.

To my surprise, I pretty much agree with most of what they said. I had the same complaints. They didn't spend a lot of time elaborating or digging into it, but the ideas they touched on I agreed with. Funny to watch them start complimenting Prometheus after seeing Covenant. Sad trombone.

They mentioned the primary complaint I have about the Alien prequels...and I think this is how many people feel about them. These movies are answering questions that nobody asked. I have never watched an Alien film and thought to myself "i wonder where they come from?".


They mentioned the primary complaint I have about the Alien prequels...and I think this is how many people feel about them. These movies are answering questions that nobody asked. I have never watched an Alien film and thought to myself "i wonder where they come from?".
That's really a complaint for prequels in general.
They mentioned the primary complaint I have about the Alien prequels...and I think this is how many people feel about them. These movies are answering questions that nobody asked. I have never watched an Alien film and thought to myself "i wonder where they come from?".

Yeah, prometheus and alien covenant are held back by being tied to the alien franchise. Had the two films been just a sci fi adventure series about finding god and faith in a world where life was created by science etc I think they'd be far better received.

Yu Furealdo

Supposedly Rich is voicing the main character in that McMillen game mentioned earlier, which is pretty awesome imo. Though I'm wondering just how much work he's doing for it since I can't remember much voice acting being done in SMB or Isaac.
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