Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


Subete no aware
There is it's on right now.

But i missed the first hour so i didn't post the link in here sorry.

He hasn't seen the trailer yet.

It's just Karin and Rich (Jack isn't there, but i don't know why) And Rich is playing Strafe
Surprised the chat hasn't made him watch it.


This is the second re:View that I have to skip because I haven't seen the material, but am interested enough that I would like to watch it. The first one being the Escape From New York one, which is ridiculous because 1) I claim to be a big John Carpenter fan, and 2) ... I fucking own the movie. For like 2 years now. I just keep forgetting about it when I have the time to watch it.


Unconfirmed Member
That was a great ReView. So hyped for the new series. I'm definitely in the camp in hoping the tone is more FWWM than the series.


That was a great ReView. So hyped for the new series. I'm definitely in the camp in hoping the tone is more FWWM than the series.

It's David Lynch, I'm going to guess something different entirely.

That's the best thing about this revival. Twin Peaks is strange enough, David Lynch can get stranger, so really it can work in an immeasurable number of ways. But if I were to nary a guess, probably more in tone with the series considering that cast list is fucking huge.
On the last BotW:
btw, I am not the only person to have noticed that the O in Raw Force is almost precisely the Greendale logo in Community, and that that is kind of bad, right?

For reference, it's an O with a star in it.


My first experience with twin peaks was this movie. When I was about 19 years old I had it on late at night when staying over a friends house. I was high and the only part we caught was the very last bit where things are getting fucked with the father dragging everyone around and the flashing light and the cuts to the red room with the little guy. My friends and I were traumatized forever since we had no idea of what this was and were kind of out of it. Puts me off to even try watching the series to this day, literally still that unsettled by it haha


My first experience with twin peaks was this movie. When I was about 19 years old I had it on late at night when staying over a friends house. I was high and the only part we caught was the very last bit where things are getting fucked with the father dragging everyone around and the flashing light and the cuts to the red room with the little guy. My friends and I were traumatized forever since we had no idea of what this was and were kind of out of it. Puts me off to even try watching the series to this day, literally still that unsettled by it haha

I started watching the original series with no knowledge of any of it (never felt like watching it when it originally aired). From what I have seen of the first season it is really entertaining, because everything is a bit "off" from reality. I imagine it gets more bizarre as the series progresses kind of like the devolution of a pathological mind as it spirals toward self-destruction.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Bigfoot vs DB Cooper, lol. Why would they watch this? Did they get trolled?

Have you seen some of the stuff they've watched? They'd review an instructional video.


I'm surprised there is no actual D.B. Cooper movie, could be interesting, the writer/director would have a lot of leeway too.

edit: Holy shit at the Space Cop in Uganda, lol.
Alien sounds like a miserable time. Didn't even have the courage of its convictions after Prometheus. lol

Saw it with 2 friends yesterday morning. I felt kinda even on it walking out but when we sat down for lunch and went through it we all just kinda came to the conclusion we didn't like it or just hated it.
Saw it with 2 friends yesterday morning. I felt kinda even on it walking out but when we sat down for lunch and went through it we all just kinda came to the conclusion we didn't like it or just hated it.

it's funny how you can think something is fine when you're just leaving, and then think about it more and get angry lol
Is anyone else really disappointed we didn't get a HiTB for the John Wick films? The simple premise of those films, coupled with their incredible execution and style, seems like something Mike would really be into. An action hero whose motivations are clearly defined from the onset.

Such a missed opportunity to see them discuss it at length.


Is anyone else really disappointed we didn't get a HiTB for the John Wick films? The simple premise of those films, coupled with their incredible execution and style, seems like something Mike would really be into. An action hero whose motivations are clearly defined from the onset.

Such a missed opportunity to see them discuss it at length.
Maybe we'll get a re:View someday.
A new HitB was released two whole days ago but I still can't watch it because I actually plan to see this movie, but haven't had time yet.



you can't put a price on sparks
i dont even care that much about watching half in the bag spoilers anymore. i usually forget the spoilers before i get around to watching the movie, or its usually not that big of a deal to begin with.
i dont even care that much about watching half in the bag spoilers anymore. i usually forget the spoilers before i get around to watching the movie, or its usually not that big of a deal to begin with.

I tend to enjoy forming my own opinion of a movie first before digging into it through another person's voice. If it's a movie I don't care about or don't plan to see, I watch the HitB anyway. But in this case, I want to go in fresh.

I actually disagree with their opinions very frequently, I watch them more for their entertainment than for their opinions. They make me laugh while talking about subjects I enjoy. I don't want to have their opinion seeded in my mind before I go when it's likely I won't even agree with them anyway.

But it's been two days and I need my fix, man.
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