Thanks Ridley Scott
It's gonna be great (to see).
It's like poetry.It's gonna be great
I can't wait to see this video linked in almost every future discussion about the movie, only to have fanboys break it down piece by piece with bullet points and arguments that are merely suggested or interpreted, but not told in the movie.
It's gonna be great (to see).
Q: Why do the Engineers want to kill humanity on Earth?
A: The film clearly shows that Engineers created life on Earth and then guided humans throughout our development, one day hoping that we would come visit them. But we did something very bad. So bad, that it upset the Engineers. And according to the movie, whatever we did, happened two thousand years ago. The only thing that could be is that we killed Jesus, who apparently was an Engineer as well. Here is a quote from Scott: "If you look at it as an 'our children are misbehaving down there' scenario, there are moments where it looks like we've gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, 'Let's send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it.' Guess what? They crucified him."
Out of curiosity, when did the gag of Mike calling Jay "Susan" start?
I believe it was merch video 2 with the pint glasses
I can't believe it, but I think Mike got something wrong about Star Trek in the Alien Covenant spoiler video.
He says Data's daughter Lal eventually went on to create the Borg, but I don't think she had anything to do with them, she just died and that was that.
Maybe he was thinking of the android lady from Stargate SG-1 who created the Replicators.
I can't believe it, but I think Mike got something wrong about Star Trek in the Alien Covenant spoiler video.
He says Data's daughter Lal eventually went on to create the Borg, but I don't think she had anything to do with them, she just died and that was that.
Maybe he was thinking of the android lady from Stargate SG-1 who created the Replicators.
Nerd Crew or real life?
Moments later, Jay brought up Lore as a much more apt example and Mike pretended to know nothing about him.
I think the whole point was that Mike was getting it all wrong. Lal is a bad example, she did not create the borg, and the obvious example everyone was already thinking of was Lore.
Oh, right, I forgot about the Lore episode where he gave that group of Borgs emotions and made them his minions.That was a joke. Lore was definitely the analogy he wanted to make, as an identical robot who is also a secret asshole that experimented on other species.
I hope someone signs them up for that.Nerd Crew or real life?
Nerd Crew or real life?
Get your @redlettermedia NERDCREW SHIRT NOW:
Fucking hack frauds
Does it come in the nerd box?
To be fair a link that just says very cool means Jack shit to me considering everybody says very cool and it could have been anything with that vague text lolNo
But it does come with question as to why yall can't look 3 post above yours to see it was already posted.
I mean
Very cool
Max looks good without the weird hair-flop thingy
Never understood that hairdo
Max looks good without the weird hair-flop thingy
Never understood that hairdo
To be fair a link that just says very cool means Jack shit to me considering everybody says very cool and it could have been anything with that vague text lol
Man, after watching some old episodes i gotta say, Jay has aged liked a fine wine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i'll always have a soft spot in my heart for dumpy Jay
Man, after watching some old episodes i gotta say, Jay has aged liked a fine wine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And Mike has aged like he had too much wine.
Agreed.Max looks good without the weird hair-flop thingy
Never understood that hairdo