Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


So were going to pretend RLM doesn't have a shoddy history of saying stupid stuff when it comes to movies diversifying? Ok, I'll refrain from having this conversation then if were not going to be genuine about the topic.

You could just quote the part that bothered you.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Isn't it always RLM's schtick when it comes to being criticized always to double down on all the stuff. I find it hilarious when people try and attack them because of it. The only reason they do it is because pissing off people like that is fun and none of them realize that the only reason it's happening is because of their own actions.

I found the Ghostbusters stuff hilarious, mostly because the movie itself was utter garbage. Seeing so many people attack others as sexist for not liking or not wanting to see a bad-looking movie was equal parts pathetic and hilarious.

Anyway, as for the movie, their reviews and the general positive buzz its been getting make me want to see it. Probably would if I wasn't in the middle of midterms and had the time. I can't believe DC made a fun movie, especially after BvS was so bad that I felt ripped off after seeing the movie for free.

Ghostbusters was a shitstorm because it was difficult to tell why people were ragging on the movie.

1.) People mad at it being a reboot of something they have nostalgia for.
2.) Sexist assholes mad that it replaced men with women.
3.) People who were unhappy with how it turned out.

Since the lines between these types of people were blurry to the point of basically being nonexistent, it created the perfect shit-storm for online discussion. How can you discuss it when a good chunk of the people are arguing from a irrational position?

The denouncement of equality and belittling women who are happy they finally have a mainstream and popular female superhero is just stupid (and something I should have expected from RLM).

I think they have a point about role-models. I don't think people out of elementary school should idolize fictional characters. Children don't understand the concept of attainable goals, but you should graduate to the concept as you age.
On the other hand, Mike in particular did downplay children looking up to characters like Wonder Women and I don't think he gets the importance of giving Wonder Woman her own movie. I think Jay does to a large degree.

Skipping to
Jay basically explains exactly WHY it's a big deal, without saying it.

It's kinda ironic in a way, since Mike seems to know more about the history of the creation of Wonder Women.

Ultimately, there is a huge gulf between not seeing the importance of Wonder Women being a box office success and genuinely good movie and being mad that it was made.

They both also praise it for successfully catering it's feminists roots, while still being a satisfying movie for those just looking for a superhero flick.
So were going to pretend RLM doesn't have a shoddy history of saying stupid stuff when it comes to movies diversifying? Ok, I'll refrain from having this conversation then if were not going to be genuine about the topic.

they have a history of cracking a joke at it if that's what you're saying. They're cynical and tend to see it from a commercialized side. But in this case they weren't any more cynical that they usually were and said there are better options for role models and that media using a version of 'Finally women have a role model to follow!' is undermining actual women who are better vs a fictionalized warrior.Which was just them being them.

Reminder that in a BotW episode they made fun of and joked about a point GAF would attack them on when they said 'if you didn't vote for Trump that's just as bad as voting for him' and proceed to laugh. They're very much a mix of different degrees of political opinions, but for them nothing is above mocking or joking about.


They do get the female dialog about Ghostbusters and Wonder Woman right in this review.

Paul Feig's Wonder Woman has been shelved.


Subete no aware
I get the feeling it's Mike and Rich who hate "SJWs", since they are the most vocal at not understanding and completely dismissing identity politics.
I get the feeling it's Mike and Rich who hate "SJWs", since they are the most vocal at not understanding and completely dismissing identity politics.

Funny they are also the biggest personalities and 'the face' of the whole crew as well. As much as I like Jack I don't think many would cry if he didn't appear as often. Same with Josh. They are both so vanilla you could replace them with somebody else and nobody would really miss them after a few weeks.

Have Mike or Rich leave RLM though and it could be economically detrimental. Jay as well. But I think at this point Rich is more popular than Jay.


Subete no aware
Funny they are also the biggest personalities and 'the face' of the whole crew as well. As much as I like Jack I don't think many would cry if he didn't appear as often. Same with Josh. They are both so vanilla you could replace them with somebody else and nobody would really miss them after a few weeks.

Have Mike or Rich leave RLM though and it could be economically detrimental. Jay as well. But I think at this point Rich is more popular than Jay.
Jack and Rich basically had a somewhat heated argument where Rich decided to shut down during a Wonder Woman talk. It was kind of awkward. lol

Jay is sort of blank slate, so he just sort of agrees with Mike on the show, which means there's really no one there to at least try to talk about this issues without completely dismissing them.

Man this review makes me feel like they voted for Trump.
I'm pretty sure Rich is one of those "independents" anyway. lol
Jack and Rich basically had a somewhat heated argument where Rich decided to shut down during a Wonder Woman talk. It was kind of awkward. lol

Jay is sort of blank slate, so he just sort of agrees with Mike on the show, which means there's really no one there to at least try to talk about this issues without completely dismissing them.

I'm pretty sure Rich is one of those "independents" anyway. lol

wait... what's this about Jack and Rich arguing? Was it in a stream? Do we have a link? I assume Rich said something fucked up and Jack argued back?
So were going to pretend RLM doesn't have a shoddy history of saying stupid stuff when it comes to movies diversifying? Ok, I'll refrain from having this conversation then if were not going to be genuine about the topic.

It's probably tough to see from up on that horse, but perhaps the issue isn't us and is instead your odd insistence that your point of view is the only genuine one.
I get the feeling it's Mike and Rich who hate "SJWs", since they are the most vocal at not understanding and completely dismissing identity politics.

I may be wrong, but I feel that it's less Mike hating SJWs and more that he has a general dislike for any political discussion, particularly when it comes to indentity politics.

He doesn't strike me as the type to take anything too seriously, so when these touchy subjects pop up on an RLM show, he makes jokes about it.


Subete no aware
wait... what's this about Jack and Rich arguing? Was it in a stream? Do we have a link? I assume Rich said something fucked up and Jack argued back?
Jack saw WW so it came up on tonight's stream. No real discussion though, other than bringing up the whole issue itself.

Also, Rich got pissed off at some Rick and Morty Alien thing and yelled for a minute. lol

I may be wrong, but I feel that it's less Mike hating SJWs and more that he has a general dislike for any political discussion, particularly when it comes to indentity politics.

He doesn't strike me as the type to take anything too seriously, so when these touchy subjects pop up on an RLM show, he comes up with something cynical and laughs at it.
I don't think they are actively malicious like people who scream cuck or whatever, but their dismissive attitude on race and gender is probably why a lot of the GG/alt-right/whatever crowd count them as on "their side".


People are constantly blowing things out of proportion. Everything is black and white, with us or against us, label everyone and everything. Just stop watching their show if you're so bothered by it.
man it has to suck if somebody doesn't like Mike or Rich since they're so prominent.

Luckily as of right now the only thing that would get me to dislike members of RLM would be if they Jontron it up.


Subete no aware
man it has to suck if somebody doesn't like Mike or Rich since they're so prominent.

Luckily as of right now the only thing that would get me to dislike members of RLM would be if they Jontron it up.
I don't dislike them per se. They're fine when they're not trying to explain how I should feel about movies because movies are just supposed to be "good".
(I don't even disagree with them is the funny part, so it's probably good that Rich refuses to have a public opinion on anything controversial, lest you start mining their twitter history for something questionable).


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Yeah, I don't think the guys are bad people, regardless of their personal politics or whoever they voted for or whatever. I think it is just hard for them to relate to things they haven't personally experienced and they don't really feel the need to make an attempt at relating either. Couple that with their jokey, triple down attitude and it can be uncomfortable because it just seems like they're ignoring things for the meanness of it.

But to bring it back to their point about Wonder Woman and how their argument reveals a bit about their blindspot:

Their point during the couple minutes they devote to the feminist angle of the movie is basically that girls and women shouldn't need a Wonder Woman to look up to and that it's a disservice to the countless real, pioneering women who already don't get enough recognition. And, in a vacuum, they are absolutely right. You shouldn't need to look up to fictional characters when there are so many real people to look to for inspiration.

But where their blindspot comes in is that they don't realize they get benefit of growing up in a culture where they were allowed to idolize male superheroes and watch movies about them. That's an experience that, for the most part, women, people of color, and countless other groups do not get the benefit of. It's easy to say "oh, you don't need this," when practically everything has been tailored to you.

They're basically arguing that people deserve better treatment over equal treatment. I think there is value in some of that thought, but I also think there is value in a girl being able to go to a movie and feel a connection with the hero on the screen, even if it is an overblown, fictional representation of one, just as any 6 year old boy could over the last 40 years of superhero movies.
on a different note, realized i've never bought merch from them and corrected that.

bottle opener plus a couple of shirts.

Did they run out of the beer glasses? Not like I drink so much beer I actually pour it in glasses, but didn't even see them listed.


It's probably tough to see from up on that horse, but perhaps the issue isn't us and is instead your odd insistence that your point of view is the only genuine one.

Shrug, if you want to ignore their SJW jokes, and everything that pushes diversity is just marketing comments then sure. I wasn't offended its just stupid and it is in all of their videos which they feel the need to make those comments for, and I love RLM.
Yall keep dreading they say something that will make them out to be sexist/racist and they proved it wrong in get out. I expect they'll like it and say it's worth watching, just not nowhere near the best.

Now I'll watch the video and confirm

I was dreading the review, because Mike absolutely hated Gadot in BvS. He hated her accent, said that she was a terrible actress akin to an athlete at SNL and said that he wouldn't want to watch a solo movie with her.

"I couldn't understand what that bitch was saying"
I was dreading the review, because Mike absolutely hated Gadot in BvS. He hated her accent, said that she was a terrible actress akin to an athlete at SNL and said that he wouldn't want to watch a solo movie with her.

"I couldn't understand what that bitch was saying"
And yet in the review he eats crow like, even if only in editing, when they show this statement alongside the movie tomato score. Doesn't seem he changed his mind on her acting though, just that the director was competent enough to use her effectively.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It's kind of weird. I normally might not bother to see Wonder Woman (or any other comic book movie that might look underwhelming) in theaters, but I actually am slightly influenced to want to see it sooner than later just so that I can watch this Half in the Bag episode.

The internet marketing hooks sure are insidious :p

Man Of Steel was my final DC movie until they reboot but I've still enjoyed RLM's last three DC reviews. Unless you're worried about spoilers? If you've seen any of the promotional material for this then it seems like there's only one of them, but it's pretty big I guess. But they said they saw it coming from a mile away so maybe not.

Man this review makes me feel like they voted for Trump.

Oh no, they're only mildly positive about something you love... the horror.

EVOL 100%

I'm not sure if the poster thinking they would probably have voted for Trump is serious, but they present Hilary as a positive female role model, and whenever they talked about Trump they presented him in a negative light. They also find and ridicule a lot of racist caricatures that pop up in movies.

They don't get super offended on that kind of shit and they seem to be really cynical on diversity in movies, since they seem to have a problem on studios pushing it as a marketing tactic. I don't think they really have a problem against diversity itself.

They do have some blind spots as mentioned here, but I think it's unfair to associate them with the alt right crowd

EVOL 100%

nobody did, people just love to get upset about the possibility of people getting upset

five-dimensional chess, gotta be ahead of the progressive curve
I think you're getting upset about the possibility of getting upset about - ah fuck it

Seriously though people can be offended or mildly annoyed, or anything. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the matter


The fact that they're confused or weirded out by the reaction of womens' excitement towards Wonder Woman as a meaningful figure, and just going "WELL WHAT ABOUT YOUR MOM, GUYS? WHAT ABOUT MARIE CURIE?" kinda speaks to their... I dunno... tone-deafness? Privilege?

Like what are they going to say to the black guy who gets really emotional about the Black Panther movie's mere existence? Like it's just shitting on someone's party over semantics.

Frankly, I expected some way worse comments out of them, but their eye-rolling at that notion is pretty dumb. Like I'm a fucking 27 year old brown dude, and I feel heart-wrenchingly thankful when a brown person is on screen and isn't shoved into being A) a lazy stereotype, or B) your nameless terrorist villain.


Parts of this review made me really uncomfortable.

RLM acting so cynical and distrustful when it comes to matters of diversity is starting to turn me off them a bit.


I just think that stuff makes them uncomfortable, so they avoid taking a side.

Their points on looking up to Wonder Woman does hold some water (I'm black and I don't look up to Black Panther), but they discredit the fact that this is the first woman superhero single movie that doesn't suck which is why a lot of people are celebrating.


So not worth it
Their point about role models was on point, and the reason they raise it here is because people emphasize that "now girls have a role model to look up to." RLM has never understood reverence of fictional beings and movies, this point is essentially the same they make with Nerd Crew and the Star Wars reviews, so I'm legitimately surprised that you weren't turned off before now if that's your beef.

They make the point that they do not think Wonder Woman is worthy of being a role model, because there's nothing there to aspire to be. You're not suddenly gonna develop super powers and fight super villains. As they say, if there's a role model in this movie for women to look to and aspire to be, it's the director of the movie.


but they discredit the fact that this is the first woman superhero single movie that doesn't suck which is why a lot of people are celebrating.

i'm pretty sure they did the exact opposite, saying that if this is what you're looking for in that movie at least that one doesn't suck


I just think that stuff makes them uncomfortable, so they avoid taking a side.

Their points on looking up to Wonder Woman does hold some water (I'm black and I don't look up to Black Panther), but they discredit the fact that this is the first woman superhero single movie that doesn't suck which is why a lot of people are celebrating.
Then don't say anything at all? (I mean they can its their video but if thats the case then I'm not sure why they bother taking a side).

Their point about role models was on point, and the reason they raise it here is because people emphasize that "now girls have a role model to look up to." RLM has never understood reverence of fictional beings and movies, this point is essentially the same they make with Nerd Crew and the Star Wars reviews, so I'm legitimately surprised that you weren't turned off before now if that's your beef.

They make the point that they do not think Wonder Woman is worthy of being a role model, because there's nothing there to aspire to be. You're not suddenly gonna develop super powers and fight super villains. As they say, if there's a role model in this movie for women to look to and aspire to be, it's the director of the movie.

Their point about role models was very specifically aimed at Wonder Woman and women having a fictional female role model. Its been ten plus years since the comic book movie hero boom and theyve also done tons of reviews for these movies on HITB. This is the first time where they really felt the need to start it off by being cynical about women having a fictional role model. And on top of that, they didn't make the argument that all fictional role models shouldn't be looked up to in this video, they gave a list of women role models and were poking fun at people excited to have a fictional woman role model.

The nerd crew and the like are very cynical towards nerd culture which I think is a bit disingenuous to relate towards having role models. Even if they think thats stupid, the fact that they can't see why it would be important for women and feminists to have the first female led hero movie in a overly saturated male led market is incredibly short sighted on their part. The appreciation of WW being a film and fictional role model is for the existence and representation that it gives to women, not because they think theyre going to get some super powers. No idea why it wasn't a big deal for 10 years for males to have fictional role models that are super heroes but the second a female gets one we have to be cynical and facetious about why that would be viewed as important. Its just a stupid argument.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Jay seemed to be biting his tongue all throughout the review, especially when Mike just goes off on weird schlock tangents about what the movie should have been.

I think they are so overly allergic to manbabies worshipping and dissecting every minutiae of Star Wars and religiously making those elements part of their core identity that they can veer too much the other way and mock anyone who can possibly ever be shaped by fiction. We are all creatures drawn to stories and myths and archetypal characters. That the story is mere entertainment doesn't rob them of their power to shape our minds, but can actually enhance its uptake.

You can't tell me that Spock and Spiderman didn't influence Mike and Rich through their teenage years, fictional as they are. Just because they are self-aware and cynical now doesn't mean those characters didn't shape their curent worldview. If little and teenage girls are able to find something like they did with Spock and Spiderman and the literally hundreds of fictional male heroes out there, then all the power to Wonder Woman.
Their point about role models was on point, and the reason they raise it here is because people emphasize that "now girls have a role model to look up to." RLM has never understood reverence of fictional beings and movies, this point is essentially the same they make with Nerd Crew and the Star Wars reviews, so I'm legitimately surprised that you weren't turned off before now if that's your beef.

They make the point that they do not think Wonder Woman is worthy of being a role model, because there's nothing there to aspire to be. You're not suddenly gonna develop super powers and fight super villains. As they say, if there's a role model in this movie for women to look to and aspire to be, it's the director of the movie.

And actresses, just not the character directly. Same way with Carrie Fisher versus the character.

Speaking of which, when hearing the 'fish out of water' thing, I was thinking about that Born Sexy Yesterday video and I'm wondering if this movie subverts that trope and plays it straight (which I think it doesn't, considering the spoilers given, but I'm not sure). I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know.

edit: and yes, Jay was definitely holding back a bit, but then they're doing a humorous review show (though the current storyline kind of needs to die in a fire, honestly. THAT really seems to be entering phobic territory -though it was a vehicle to unleash Mike's evil laugh, but still).

I do understand Morningbus's comment on having something to idolize though, but I am not sure a capitalist product is really where you should look for that. However, with another Bay-tastrophy about to hit us all (you guys are asking who would vote Trump and Bay isn't the first guy you think of? Come on! ), I would be a fool to claim products have no influence at all. But that's not up to us or some schmucks in Milwaukee, but the people making them.


What? Jack is the only openly liberal person of the 4. lol
I think he's the only one who unapologetically said he voted for Clinton.

I've listened to a large majority of the Twitch streams. Being liberal doesn't discredit ignorance.

Rich is their king of hot takes and expected. Jack comes across generally as the most down to earth member, but he dismissses a lot of random things.

I never consider Josh a part of the fold. He would be the most even-keeled if I did for certain.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Josh needs to find his media niche that he can fill. Maybe a TV review show with Jack?


People are constantly blowing things out of proportion. Everything is black and white, with us or against us, label everyone and everything. Just stop watching their show if you're so bothered by it.

Pretty much. It was neat to learn about Wonder Woman's feminist roots and Mike's opinion on the whole "finally a superhero film for girls!" aspect comes off as a middle aged white guy from Wisconsin. It's not like he's repulsed, he just sees the cynical aspect of it - how it could very well be a bunch of virtue signalling by corporations, without seeing that whether or not that's true it's STILL important. Which is whatever.
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