Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

EVOL 100%

I'm more baffled about how much Mike's voice changed

It's like his voice followed in its master's path of becoming an alcoholic who doesn't give a fuck
Yall keep dreading they say something that will make them out to be sexist/racist and they proved it wrong in get out. I expect they'll like it and say it's worth watching, just not nowhere near the best.

Now I'll watch the video and confirm
Yall keep dreading they say something that will make them out to be sexist/racist and they proved it wrong in get out. I expect they'll like it and say it's worth watching, just not nowhere near the best.

Now I'll watch the video and confirm

That would be beyond childish.
Review was good. The beginning was funny, the rest was relatively serious, but well thought out.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yall keep dreading they say something that will make them out to be sexist/racist and they proved it wrong in get out. I expect they'll like it and say it's worth watching, just not nowhere near the best.

Now I'll watch the video and confirm

gaf just tends to like to stick a mustache and say everything they oppose has the worst opinions ever on every subject and is subhuman

makes it easier
Just finished it.

they opened the video with a bit of an obvious point of view of 'we shouldn't be looking at superheroes as role models if you're older than 6', but besides that generally positive thoughts on the film besides the ending.

Don't know if I'm interested enough to watch the movie by myself, but hey nice to see RLM won't be a hot discussion point among people who don't watch them and dislike them for little to no real raisin.

Edit: oh and forgot to say, they reference the
fact Jay got hot
thing we were just discussing recently, good timing lol
Wonder Woman's creator, William Marston, is so interesting they're making a movie about him releasing this year.

And Mike is a demon for that Aquaman joke.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
gaf just tends to like to stick a mustache and say everything they oppose has the worst opinions ever on every subject and is subhuman

makes it easier

Tell me how you really feel.

I was just worried because I didn't need a repeat of the Ghostbusters shit where they couldn't just be done with it.

I'm about halfway through and they like it. They touch on the feminism stuff a little in the beginning and it isn't bad. They still have a blind spot, there, I think, but I also don't think they're bad people either. It's just something that's hard for them to relate to.
Predictably they don't enjoy the politics that surround the movie, but regarding the movie itself and the messages actually contained within it, they enjoyed it well enough and think it will please both the politically minded viewers and the ones simply seeking entertainment.

Mike makes fun of himself for previously disparaging the idea of a WW movie with Gadot and they take every opportunity to throw Snyder under the bus in favor of Jenkins. Jay liked it more than Mike because that drunk wanted more cheese as usual.

They do have complaints, particularly about the ending, but they still recommend it.


The review was good largely agreeable imo.

But my god that ending. Mike's laugh and the slow reveal. Definitely one of the better skits in recent memories.
Tell me how you really feel.

I was just worried because I didn't need a repeat of the Ghostbusters shit where they couldn't just be done with it.

I'm about halfway through and they like it. They touch on the feminism stuff a little in the beginning and it isn't bad. They still have a blind spot, there, I think, but I also don't think they're bad people either. It's just something that's hard for them to relate to.

With Ghostbusters they didn't stop because they kept getting shit on, and they double down in a hilarious fashion when folks keep bothering them for their opinion. See: star wars.

Coincidentally in here they also mention they hate the fact there is so much political crap behind this fun movie. If they had said something negative chances are they would have been dragged to the political twitter fights and doubled down again. So I think we're in the clear in this regard.

Jay's been hot for at least a year now.
Yeah but I guess with the current 'plot' of Plinkett and Jay getting married they had a chance to mention it as a joke
With Ghostbusters they didn't stop because they kept getting shit on, and they double down in a hilarious fashion when folks keep bothering them for their opinion. See: star wars.

Coincidentally in here they also mention they hate the fact there is so much political crap behind this fun movie. If they had said something negative chances are they would have been dragged to the political twitter fights and doubled down again. So I think we're in the clear in this regard.

Isn't it always RLM's schtick when it comes to being criticized always to double down on all the stuff. I find it hilarious when people try and attack them because of it. The only reason they do it is because pissing off people like that is fun and none of them realize that the only reason it's happening is because of their own actions.

I found the Ghostbusters stuff hilarious, mostly because the movie itself was utter garbage. Seeing so many people attack others as sexist for not liking or not wanting to see a bad-looking movie was equal parts pathetic and hilarious.

Anyway, as for the movie, their reviews and the general positive buzz its been getting make me want to see it. Probably would if I wasn't in the middle of midterms and had the time. I can't believe DC made a fun movie, especially after BvS was so bad that I felt ripped off after seeing the movie for free.
They made fun of Boyhood for a while too.
Also Ghostbuster was partially because of it being a Sony picture movie and you know how they feel about Sony Pic.


But my god that ending. Mike's laugh and the slow reveal. Definitely one of the better skits in recent memories.

Unusually well scripted too for these hacks.

Also, I'd go full gay for Jay, I mean, look at young mans beard. Wouldn't you?
I spend ten seconds in paint to make their thumbnail acceptable by youtube movie critic standards


they're welcome
Is it me or has HitB lately been kinda boring to get through.

It used to be their main videos when people weren't aware of BotW. Now folks are rightfully aware that Best of the Worst exists and that it is INFINITELY superior to any of their other video series outside of possibly Nerd Crew.

So yeah, they aren't doing wacky movies in HitB as often anymore and tend to just focus on the big movie of the week/month. Reserving all of the wacky shit to the better series. This has turned largely into a serious review series.

Though it's nice when we get the episode here and there they pitch a horror film.



Comic book HitBs are stale because you can only say different things so often about a very specific genre of movies with similar stories and images. I would rather see them talk about something like Colossal or Free Fire.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I'm about halfway through and they like it. They touch on the feminism stuff a little in the beginning and it isn't bad. They still have a blind spot, there, I think, but I also don't think they're bad people either. It's just something that's hard for them to relate to.

I think it's more the case that it's pretty much impossible not to roll your eyes or get snarky in response to things like this.
Comic book HitBs are stale because you can only say different things so often about a very specific genre of movies with similar stories and images. I would rather see them talk about something like Colossal or Free Fire.

yeah this too. It's more exciting when they are talking about another film.

Or a film SO BAD it's fun to hear them shit on it, usually when Rich is around for the episode. When it's an ok to good comic book movie they can't really say much besides describe the plot. When it's a dumpster fire, at least you have the fun jokes they'll make.


I haven't read watch their reviews for a while and don't want to be a downer but this review like someone else said was just meh and din't do much for me.


Comic book HitBs are stale because you can only say different things so often about a very specific genre of movies with similar stories and images. I would rather see them talk about something like Colossal or Free Fire.

yeah this too. It's more exciting when they are talking about another film.

Or a film SO BAD it's fun to hear them shit on it, usually when Rich is around for the episode. When it's an ok to good comic book movie they can't really say much besides describe the plot. When it's a dumpster fire, at least you have the fun jokes they'll make.

Yeah probably both of these. There's only so much I can care about a 30 minute review of a middle of the road comic book movie I guess.


The denouncement of equality and belittling women who are happy they finally have a mainstream and popular female superhero is just stupid (and something I should have expected from RLM).


So were going to pretend RLM doesn't have a shoddy history of saying stupid stuff when it comes to movies diversifying? Ok, I'll refrain from having this conversation then if were not going to be genuine about the topic.
The denouncement of equality and belittling women who are happy they finally have a mainstream and popular female superhero is just stupid (and something I should have expected from RLM).
They take issue at the idea of Wonder Woman being the first and only role model for little girls to look up to, a sentiment that seems to be buzzing around the film despite said film not even implying that. I do not think they're saying there should be less female role models or that they "have enough", but that the sentiment is a bit disrespectful to the roles women looked to before, be they real people or otherwise.
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