I just really don't know who to trust with blockbuster reviews regarding my taste anymore.
There should be some sort of Mad Max metric. I'd like to rule out everyone's opinion that didn't like that movie very much. Would make things a bit easier.
Are people judging this by the prequels, by Episode VII, by superhero movies?
Not a Rogue One problem btw, I just don't know which reviews to trust - I like RLM, but not for Blockbuster reviews, Double Toasted, but not on Blockbuster reviews

Open for good ones.
That being said: I didn't unconditionally love Godzilla (dope visuals, horrible characters) and I guess he didn't suddenly had an epiphany in the character department judging by the early impressions. Hopefully that everybody likes them, doesn't mean that the last 30 minutes are just an action overflow... Excited for tomorrow evening to find out for myself.