Well, 85% of the critics as well.Wadium and Bobby are keeping the dream alive. Thanks guys.
Well, 85% of the critics as well.Wadium and Bobby are keeping the dream alive. Thanks guys.
Wadium and Bobby are keeping the dream alive. Thanks guys.
I grew up with the OT aswell, my favorite SW movie is RoTS and I think TFA is one of the more embarrassing cash ins I have ever seen in my life, so much pandering I wanted to walk out the theater, is not about they didnt take any chances, is about how diabolical and evil that people is in making the same movie twice and you know what? the audience fucking ate it all up.
You love Star Wars. It's gonna be awesome to jump into the universe on the big screen again.
I'm honestly still shocked that this is going to be a thing every year for the foreseeable future. Like I went my entire childhood watching Star Wars on VHS. That was all I had until Episode I came out when I was in high school. As a Star Wars fan those prequel years were a wild ride, quality aside. Then it went dark again. Sure we had the Clone Wars, and then later Rebels, but that just wasn't the same to me as a big budget live action film. Now we've finally gotten Episode VII, which was better than I could have hoped for after the prequels, and we're getting a new movie every year from here on out. It's just crazy to me.
Im still so shook. I need to watch the new SW movies 2 times to even properly process them.
Give it a month or two, it'll suddenly be worse than Attack of the Clones just like The Force Awakens.
I grew up with the OT aswell, my favorite SW movie is RoTS and I think TFA is one of the more embarrassing cash ins I have ever seen in my life, so much pandering I wanted to walk out the theater, is not about they didnt take any chances, is about how diabolical and evil that people is in making the same movie twice and you know what? the audience fucking ate it all up.
Give it a month or two, it'll suddenly be worse than Attack of the Clones just like The Force Awakens.
Give it a month or two, it'll suddenly be worse than Attack of the Clones just like The Force Awakens.
This is honestly ridiculous. The movie was made for everyone not just the hardcore. It's a restart and was supposed to tie old with new.
Nah. Pretty sure you're gonna dig it.
Doubtful. It's not that it being sluggish is a problem, its the lack of compelling characterization and motivations that are. The way it introduces each member of R1 and foists them together feels hamstrung and as flat as their personalities. You aren't taken to any mysterious worlds or settings to picque your curiosity either(ie. Mos Eisley cantina, Luke and the sunsets, etc..). Just a load of trite dialogue and explosions.
Im still so shook. I need to watch the new SW movies 2 times to even properly process them.
I know what you mean. I watched TFA four times on opening day last year and it just wasn't enough. Planning on seeing RO three times in the next 24 hours, but I might bump it up to four if I end up liking it as much as I think I will.
Can we argue about something before you leave again?
Sure, hit me.
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_iii_revenge_of_the_sith/Well, 85% of the critics as well.
Haha, Sith did come out after the saga's low point though. I actually quite like Sith as well despite it's flaws so I'll keep shtum.https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_iii_revenge_of_the_sith/
Yeah I'm gunna go with the posters who have been analyzing TFA on GAF for the last year. Inspires much more hope. And the consensus seems good thus far.
This is honestly ridiculous. The movie was made for everyone not just the hardcore. It's a restart and was supposed to tie old with new.
So is Jar Jar in it?
I love this annual star wars movie thing. Pretty much every year its Gonna be my most anticipated movie
Diabolical and evil? Really?I grew up with the OT aswell, my favorite SW movie is RoTS and I think TFA is one of the more embarrassing cash ins I have ever seen in my life, so much pandering I wanted to walk out the theater, is not about they didnt take any chances, is about how diabolical and evil that people is in making the same movie twice and you know what? the audience fucking ate it all up.
I enjoyed TFA a lot more. R1 felt like star wars without the myth, but the myth was not replaced with anything interesting.
I was looking forward to the spin off movies a lot because I hoped we would get small, smart and intruguing stories set in the star wars universe. R1 was not that, it was still trying to be an epic story and didn't feel smart or special, it only lacked the myth.
That's my first impression and I hope I'll feel it a bit more on a rewatch, maybe I was just tired and not in the right mood. I think I'd even place it below ROTS at the moment.
What exactly makes a story important to tell? What gives a narrative importance?It's a whole Star Wars movie about nothing that was important enough to dwell on until now.
I enjoyed TFA a lot more. R1 felt like star wars without the myth, but the myth was not replaced with anything interesting.
I was looking forward to the spin off movies a lot because I hoped we would get small, smart and intruguing stories set in the star wars universe. R1 was not that, it was still trying to be an epic story and didn't feel smart or special, it only lacked the myth.
That's my first impression and I hope I'll feel it a bit more on a rewatch, maybe I was just tired and not in the right mood. I think I'd even place it below ROTS at the moment.
People call TFA an ANH remake and say R1 feels like TESB but I think R1 caught the look and feel of ANH really well.
Sitting in the theater now! So god damned excited! I love this annual star wars movie thing. Pretty much every year its Gonna be my most anticipated movie
Considering I'm not a Christmas person... at all, this is a holiday tradition I can get used to![]()
As long as they stay good and please for the love of god don't fuck up that Han Solo movie because ohgodthatideasoundsterriblebutfucktherearesomegreatpeopleattachedtoitandIonlywantthemtobehappyandIwanttobehappysopleaseKathleenKennedypleasedon'tfuckthisupkthxbye....
Donald Glover already has his Billy Dee Williams look ready for the shoot in January: https://youtu.be/Aud86OSqQ1wConsidering I'm not a Christmas person... at all, this is a holiday tradition I can get used to![]()
As long as they stay good and please for the love of god don't fuck up that Han Solo movie because ohgodthatideasoundsterriblebutfucktherearesomegreatpeopleattachedtoitandIonlywantthemtobehappyandIwanttobehappysopleaseKathleenKennedypleasedon'tfuckthisupkthxbye....
For me VII was ubershit
I like StarWars. Loved the first trilogy and liked the second one. But I didn't like VII at all.I mean
It actually doesn't seem to me that you like Star Wars in general
I basically always assume I'll have the exact opposite opinion as everyone else on GAF.
I love The Dark Knight Rises.
I enjoy Man of Steel.
I think Iron Man 2, 3, Avengers, Avengers 2, and most every Marvel movie outside of 2 or 3 are pretty bad.
I love the first Captain America.
Zootopia was a snoozefest.
... I thought the Force Awakens was great. An 8/10. But I enjoyed the prequel films, too - but I recognize their faults.
But this thread, man... I just don't know what I'll think.
Cant tell if this is real. This is incredible.For those of you amused by Giacchino's pun-laden cue titles, he released the original titles before Disney presumably ordered him to cut it out. Here they are, spoiler-tagged (just in case although there's nothing notably spoiley).
A Krennic Condition
Jyn and Scare It
Going to See Saw
That New Death Star Smell
Jedha Call Saw
When Ambush Comes to Shove
Erso Facto
Go Do, That Eadu, That You Do, So Well
Have a Choke and a Smile
Erso in Vain
Takes One to Rogue One
World's Worst Vacation Destination
Scarif Tactics
Bazed and Confused
Switch Hunt
Transmission Impossible
Live and Let Jedi