São Paulo council approves Heterosexual Pride Day

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZephyrFate said:
2. objectification of men is on a totally different level than the objectification of women (which is why that poster was banned)

3. we don't enjoy any privileges.
Those two points are completely contradictory.
Duki said:
lmao this guy

he literally pointed out that youre abusing a privilege you have on this website and that it is mildly ironic in the light of that brazilian guys words

gaygaf gets to post half naked men with impunity and slobber over everyone in the post your pic thread and ask for more revealing photos and shit

god if someone did any of that shit with women theyd be so banned

we literally just had a great poster banned because he said hed fuck mark zuckerbergs sister

how are you literally managing to find offense at what jorma said
God, can you please just go to the "girl milking cow" thread already and quit whining?

Gaygaf doesn't have a privilege. We gays have to endure all the seemingly random topics turning into girl/boob/ass/model worship threads. Thread about a female serial killer and the OP has a mugshot of her showing some cleavage? Boob thread! Thread about a youtube video of a cat doing tricks that happens to have a cute girl walking by in the background? Hot girl thread! ...But you know what: we don't care. We are not annoyed by it. It's business as usual. Thing is, you don't realize how often threads turn into a boos/ass worship thread, because it's seemingly normal and mundane. But ooh noo if a thread has pics of male models in it. Teh gays be abusing their privilege!!! I think very little people realize that the amount of hot girl threads is vastly greater than the hot guy threads, just because it's less noticeable to them.

And about the post pics thread. I agree the amount of slobbering over gaffers and .gifs posted can get a little excessive at times. But once again, realize that this is just a consequence of circumstances: gaf mainly consists of men, so if there are gonna be people commenting on good looks, it's probably gonna be the gaygaf members and girlgaf. Just know that if the "post pic of yourself thread" was full of girl pictures, it would be a total chaos of the male gaffers falling over eachother to comment on those pictures. Everytime a girl posts pics of herself in that thread, she eventually gets scared away because of creepy comments from straight gaffers. If that's not an indication...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZephyrFate said:
How so? There is no enjoyment of any privileges if objectifying men is a laughably hilarious phrase to begin with?
Because the point is that you don't have to worry about being banned for saying you would have sex with a male member on this forum. That's a socially acceptable norm on here now. Whereas proclaiming any sexual desire for a woman (like Ninja Scooter did for Mark Zuckeberg's sister) got him presumably banned. Granted, I'll throw out the caveat that post history and other offenses might have played into it, but on the surface that's what seemingly happened.

A good definition/synonym for "privilege" is "immunity".


SoulDriver hit the nail, seriously GayGaf never complains when threads turn into boob threads, in fact i even join in most of the time. this is just nuts, there isnt a reason to have hetero day, rights weremt taken from straight people.
reilo said:
Because the point is that you don't have to worry about being banned for saying you would have sex with a male member on this forum. That's a socially acceptable norm on here now. Whereas proclaiming any sexual desire for a woman (like Ninja Scooter did for Mark Zuckeberg's sister) got him presumably banned. Granted, I'll throw out the caveat that post history and other offenses might have played into it, but on the surface that's what seemingly happened.

A good definition/synonym for "privilege" is "immunity".
This is false. I have been banned before for saying krypt0 should shove his 8 inch cock in another member's ass. And that was quite a long ban, too.

cuevas: It's mostly women that refrain from posting pictures thanks to the rabid straight men.


cuevas said:
There's a reason why some posters can't even post their pictures on the forums without being harassed by PMs, mostly males.

say what now? do you mean females getting harassed by males? or males getting harassed by males?


ZephyrFate said:
I could spell it out, since reading is tough for you:

1. we don't enjoy any privileges, we clog at most one topic a month that was originally based on some stupid shit (like hetero pride day) with pictures of hot men, and actually less than that!

2. objectification of men is on a totally different level than the objectification of women (which is why that poster was banned)

3. we don't enjoy any privileges.
1. you literally just listed a privilege, i wouldnt be able to shit up a thread with spam of half naked people ever without being banned

2. you literally just listed a privilege, youre allowed to objectify people with impunity and others arent

3. if i cant read you sure as shit cant count because we're up to two already

fact is yall spammed a thread with some shit that would have gotten anyone else banned, and jorma called you out on it

you literally cant be offended at jorma for this

yet somehow you found a way

souldriver hijacking threads with random pictures of hot women has been banable or lockable for forever. the cow thread is different because its not a thread about say the digestive system of bovines that someone started spamming with kate upton pictures. nobody cares when you post dudes in an annual prettyboy thread or whatever.

ZephyrFate said:
This is false. I have been banned before for saying krypt0 should shove his 8 inch cock in another member's ass. And that was quite a long ban, too.
go to that thread and say "i would fuck mark zuckerberg" without being any more explicit than that

watch as nothing happens to you


reilo said:
Because the point is that you don't have to worry about being banned for saying you would have sex with a male member on this forum. That's a socially acceptable norm on here now. Whereas proclaiming any sexual desire for a woman (like Ninja Scooter did for Mark Zuckeberg's sister) got him presumably banned. Granted, I'll throw out the caveat that post history and other offenses might have played into it, but on the surface that's what seemingly happened.

A good definition/synonym for "privilege" is "immunity".
That has nothing to do with gay "privilege."

If there is a discrepancy between the objectification of men and women, it should be plainly obvious (just by virtue of using the words men and women) that this is strictly an issue of sexism. The more appropriate term to use in this case would be male "injustice" or however you want to put it, which makes me question the purpose of your little diatribe over the last page as sexual orientation is a moot point here.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZephyrFate said:
This is false. I have been banned before for saying krypt0 should shove his 8 inch cock in another member's ass. And that was quite a long ban, too.
I think we both know there is a difference between telling other members to commit sexual acts on someone versus you proclaiming your sexual desires for them. This is what we call a false equivalency.

Koodo said:
That has nothing to do with gay "privilege."

If there is a discrepancy between the objectification of men and women, it should be plainly obvious (just by virtue of using the words men and women) that this is strictly an issue of sexism. The more appropriate term to use in this case would be male "injustice" or however you want to put it, which makes me question the purpose of your little diatribe over the last page.
I posted no diatribe. I was just making an observation.
reilo said:
I think we both know there is a difference between telling other members to commit sexual acts on someone versus you proclaiming your sexual desires for them. This is what we call a false equivalency.

I posted no diatribe. I was just making an observation.
However it does prove that there is no immunity to making gay sexual comments. Personalized or otherwise.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZephyrFate said:
However it does prove that there is no immunity to making gay sexual comments. Personalized or otherwise.
That was not the point nor argument I made. It was very specific to posting about sexual desires towards people/members.


is now taking requests
Souldriver said:
God, can you please just go to the "girl milking cow" thread already and quit whining?

You might have had more of a point if this thread was titled "milking a cow with [male hot model] not wearing enough clothes". I for one would not be whining about spam if i found pictures of male pinup models in that thread.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Koodo said:
A wrong observation. Move along now.
No, it was the right observation. You can move along, if you wish, but don't tell me where to move to.
jorma said:
You might have had more of a point if this thread was titled "milking a cow with [male hot model] not wearing enough clothes". I for one would not be whining about spam if i found pictures of male pinup models in that thread.
Out of curiousity, do you whine when female models are posted in threads? Plus there is a gulf of difference between half-naked men and half-naked women in society's eyes.


So gays enjoy the privileges of...
1. The use of a main street in Sao Paulo Brazil one day out of the year.
2. A handful of tv shows which depict gay characters.
3. Posting pics of hot guys on an internet forum.

I mean, wow, we just have so much to be grateful for. Thanks to the posters who reminded us of all we have. :)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZephyrFate said:
Out of curiousity, do you whine when female models are posted in threads?
In fact, yes. There is a reason the NBA thread doesn't have NSFW pictures of women anymore and I am completely okay with that.
Koomaster said:
So gays enjoy the privileges of...
1. The use of a main street in Sao Paulo Brazil one day out of the year.
2. A handful of tv shows which depict gay characters.
3. Posting pics of hot guys on an internet forum.

I mean, wow, we just have so much to be grateful for. Thanks to the posters who reminded us of all we have. :)
We are such a privileged group of people. When do we become more than subhuman?


is now taking requests
ZephyrFate said:
Out of curiousity, do you whine when female models are posted in threads?

I presume you mean "in threads completely unrelated to female models".
No, I don't have to. The posters get banned on a regular basis.
jorma said:
I presume you mean "in threads completely unrelated to female models".
No, I don't have to. The posters get banned on a regular basis.
Well maybe with enough of your bitching about the not-actual-privileges gay members have, I and others will get banned soon enough.

If only we could determine if this was an actual privilege...


cuevas said:
I don't see too many males asking for shirtless pics from females.
Bare breasts are against the TOS, and the number of females is a minuscule percentage of the forum population. Analogy strike #1.
jorma said:
You might have had more of a point if this thread was titled "milking a cow with [male hot model] not wearing enough clothes". I for one would not be whining about spam if i found pictures of male pinup models in that thread.
How about reading the rest of my post then.

Lots and lots of threads turn into hot girl threads, without any indication of it in the topic title. I'm continuingly amazed and fascinated by straight gaf's ability to turn a thread about a serial killers, or cats doing tricks, or box office numbers, or Apple hardware, or pizza delivery tipping advice, ... into a endless display of hot girl pics and gifs. Read attentively: amazed and fascinated, not annoyed. Gaygaf never complains when we suddenly get bombarded with bouncing boobs when we unknowingly enter a thread.

How about some of you just get a grip and realize you'll sometimes be exposed to a picture of a male nipple on gaf. That has nothing to do with "gay privileges", and all with equal treatment of sexualities on this site.


reilo said:
Because the point is that you don't have to worry about being banned for saying you would have sex with a male member on this forum. That's a socially acceptable norm on here now. Whereas proclaiming any sexual desire for a woman (like Ninja Scooter did for Mark Zuckeberg's sister) got him presumably banned. Granted, I'll throw out the caveat that post history and other offenses might have played into it, but on the surface that's what seemingly happened.

A good definition/synonym for "privilege" is "immunity".


What the.....you can get banned for that? But whatever. I don't want to derail this thread with talk of things completely unrelated to the OP.
Koodo said:
Who knows what you're trying to say?

Insert coin to try again.

No the guys don't ask males to post nude pics, but they do ask for them to show more skin. Go look in the picture thread and see the ratio of males asking for bikini pics from females is when compared to that.
cuevas said:
No the guys don't ask males to post nude pics, but they do ask for them to show more skin. Go look in the picture thread and see the ratio of males asking for bikini pics from females is when compared to that.
Heaven forbid a guy take off his shirt.

That's illegal!


cuevas said:
No the guys don't ask males to post nude pics, but they do ask for them to show more skin. Go look in the picture thread and see the ratio of males asking for bikini pics from females is when compared to that.
Obviously. When the female contingent on Gaf likely does not even make up 5% of the total population, why does it surprise you more men are asked to show skin than women?


cuevas said:
No the guys don't ask males to post nude pics, but they do ask for them to show more skin. Go look in the picture thread and see the ratio of males asking for bikini pics from females is when compared to that.

and since when were shirtless males against the TOS?


ZephyrFate said:
We are such a privileged group of people. When do we become more than subhuman?
Baby steps. Having us around is so hard for them. We have to be cognizant of their struggles and how they don't enjoy the exact same privileges they claim we have. Maybe when there is a straight pride month, our heterosexual overlords will be appeased and see fit to grant us our humanity.
Koodo said:
Obviously. When the female contingent on Gaf likely does not even make up 5% of the total population, why does it surprise you more men are asked to show skin than women?

You would obviously interpret the sentence that way.
Koodo said:
Any freshman statistician would interpret it the same way as well.

It's intuitively obvious to the most casual of observers that that's not what I meant.

ZephyrFate said:
When these members actually speak out about their harassment, it'll be harassment. Until then it doesn't seem like people really care.



cuevas said:
It's intuitively obvious to the most casual of observers that that's not what I meant.
I don't even know what you're trying to say anymore since you've been dancing around the topic and giving non-answers. Care to expand?


Koomaster said:
So gays enjoy the privileges of...
1. The use of a main street in Sao Paulo Brazil one day out of the year.
2. A handful of tv shows which depict gay characters.
3. Posting pics of hot guys on an internet forum.

I mean, wow, we just have so much to be grateful for. Thanks to the posters who reminded us of all we have. :)
obviously a privilege is not a privilege if i can think of some other unrelated awful shit that has happened to me which therefore justifies me having said unrelated privilege

like me being able to eat nutella is not a privilege because i lived in a socialist dictatorship as a child and we had hyperinflation and not enough food to eat properly

oh wait those two things are completely unrelated, and as small a privilege eating nutella is, its still a privilege that shitloads of people dont have

i admire gaygafs ability to twist a conversation about spamming threads on a message board into one about gay privilege as a general concept because it suits your rhetoric

literally no one in this topic thinks or has said that gay people are privileged over straight people in general society

but the fact that youre disadvantaged in many ways in real society also literally has nothing to do with whether you have the privilege of spamming threads on fucking neogaf

ZephyrFate said:
Heaven forbid a guy take off his shirt.

That's illegal!
zephyr are you literally this large a hypocrite

cuevas just told you he finds it harassy and awful!

you have an actual example of a man who is telling you that they genuinely find the incessant attention in that thread uncomfortable, and the demands to show more skin offensive

and you just dismiss this out of hand because... fuck if i know?

you are literally allowed to objectify men in the exact same manner that no one is allowed to objectify women in

asking women to show skin is very validly not allowed because it is creepy and makes them feel uncomfortable

but when a man is telling you the exact same thing its ok just to dismiss this

that sounds like.... like you can do something that other people cant do

man if only we had a word for that
cuevas said:
It's intuitively obvious to the most casual of observers that that's not what I meant.

*Throws computer out*
So how did you post?

and then you added an image and now my post makes no sense


damn you


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Souldriver said:
How about reading the rest of my post then.

It seems you choose a poor example in that case. I guess it might be true that this might be a "not seeing the forest for all the trees" kind of situation, but it is my impression that behaviour such as what you describe in unrelated threads is very much frowned upon, besides all the "would" posts.

zephyr: I'm absolutely not trying to get anyone banned, but surely i'm entitled to express the opinion that spam is annoying?


I have no issues with an Heterosexual Pride Day. If the people of Sao Paulo believe they need one then they have the right to. On the other hand, the reason behind the event is sketchy.


is now taking requests
ZephyrFate said:
When these members actually speak out about their harassment, it'll be harassment. Until then it doesn't seem like people really care.

Don Draper: redeemed! :p

Either way, it sounds pretty creepy regardless of gender of the pic-poster. smh, male gaf!
jorma said:
Don Draper: redeemed! :p

Either way, it sounds pretty creepy regardless of gender of the pic-poster. smh, male gaf!
Funny enough I am watching Mad Men right now and absolutely loathe Don Draper. However, he's also classically hot, so... I'm conflicted.
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