São Paulo council approves Heterosexual Pride Day

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jorma said:
Don Draper: redeemed! :p

Either way, it sounds pretty creepy regardless of gender of the pic-poster. smh, male gaf!
I find it to be a different form of compliment. I don't believe anyone in that thread is actually orgasming or spraying pussy juice over a shirtless picture, it's just playful hyperbole.

SolKane's, uh, questionable background investigations on that last chick were indeed creepy though, because it moved a bit too much into real obsession territory.


But those pictures were posted to cheer up Brazil-Gaf in the face of bigotry by reminding them what hot men their country has and that it's not all bad. Or something. It was entirely mostly legitimate sort of.

Although, it's funny this conversation crops up now that gay-gaf is doing it but every other time it's totally ignored. I don't think I ever remember a post like "Hey guys, seriously stop posting all these hot chicks". Regardless of whether we should be doing it or not, it's quite obvious you're not acting as thread-police, you just don't want to see hot men on your Neogaf. You let all the other times of women being posted go unnoticed then suddenly propose a double-standard when we do it. Of course, you feel like you have the high ground because you can perceive it to be a thread derailment and hide behind that but it sort of falls apart when this is the only time you complain.
Every day is hetero pride day.

Straight people who whine about pride, whine about gay marriage, they all think something is being taken away from them. Nothing is being taken away from them except their illusion of superiority - I guess having that torn away from them is pretty scary.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
This is like having a Kids day because there is a Mothers and Fathers day. Every fucking holiday is hetero pride day, shit every weekend is hetero pride day, and as a hetero it's awesome.
I just want to state, that from what I've seen, its mostly straight GAF who post pictures in the pics thread. GayGAF not so much, although we do comment on it. Now, if straight GAF was annoyed or offended by the slobbering minority of GayGAF, then why would straight gaf continue to post pics, even going so far as to deliver scandalous shirtless shots for us. I mean, if were being pics, then why feed the pigs?

Anyways, Im bailing out of this thread to go watch Jersey Shore, where I hopefully can watch a shirtless Ronnie in the peace of my home.
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