It's not like they were surprised to find a physics engine in their game. They can't hide behind "oh every single thing a woman does shows her panties? it's just realistic physics guys we didn't know this would happen!"
No, the problem is they know their physics engine is shit and their solution on a lot of the weird sexual stuff that's come up thus far has been to just shut it off rather than fix it.
Ugly female characters don't sell.
Asian culture is more superficial about looks. Just look at Korean women K-Pop bands
and a lot of them had a lot of plastic surgery done.
Bosman at Home episode 3: 22 minutes into the video
Paraphrasing: Notice how Nintendo male Mario universe characters have weird bozo shaped bodies, while their female princesses are slender.
Final Fantasy has only one ugly female character in the entire series and it was the villain Queen Brahne in FF9. They made her ugly to make her as unlikeable as possible:
Here is the female villain from FF13 Jihl Nabaat. Fans were upset that she was not used more in the story before she was killed off abruptly. Had she looked like Queen Brahne, nobody would care.
Yes, but that's the rub, you're not only catering to an Asian market. If you're making big games these days, you NEED to appeal to a global audience. If you don't, you get left in the dust or you find yourself under the same scrutiny that Temco or Bamco are under for DOAX or Senran Kagura.
As for Queen Brane...that's sort of a week argument because she, as a character, is supposed to be seen as greedy, slovenly and weak. I think a better examble for your argument is from the same game, Quina
Most didn't like her because she was bizzare and weird, often times ignorant to the point of stupidity, but still charming. The backlash against her was pretty sever, but that didn't stop her from being another interesting character.
And let's not get it twisted, we don't have to love every character in a game. But when you start using a single body type with adjustable boobs and hair, you're going to end up in a place where you can't grow. Everyone looks the same and you just hope that the shallowness of your audience is deep enough to keep the facade going. It's a problem that anime has in spades right now.
Jihl, people wanted her to have a more prominant role because, much like Cidney for FF15, she was featured heavily before the game was released, was talked about like she was going to be a major villain, and was then flushed, figuratively and literally, down a toilet. It made no sense and her villain replacement was a bundle of confusion that served no purpose by to keep the player second guessing until you got to the end of the game. It was wasted potential. Jihl's design was pretty great though.
When Bob was revealed during the weekend
I did the biggest facepalm.
He looks so stupid , hated the way he looks and fights in Tekken prior. I am definitely not the only one who feels this way. Fat characters are whatever it's just the ridiculousness of his fighting style vs his body. I also don't like that they changed Birdie's weight. If your a sumo wrestler like Honda then fine it makes sense but it just looks so damn dumb. That is probably why females have an athletic build because lets be honest females will be judged by the masses for their looks by the masses 9x / 10 vs Males in video games and in RL.
Also hope for no animals in Tekken 7