I enjoy Persona 1 PSP, but bear in mind I own the PS1 version and actually finished it(after 90 hours of pain), so I can very much respect how big an improvement the PSP version is.
TheSeks said:
But... CJ... you're forgetting Eternal Punishment!? D:
It's there in spirit.

No OT to link to, yet. Maybe it'll get a PSN release. It's more likely than a PSP release, and it's sure got a great translation('Lunarvale' references aside). I'd laugh if Atlus put Revelations on the PSN, but that'd hurt their rep too much.
And as for my collection:
Persona 1(PS1/PSP), Persona 2: Innocent Sin(PSP/PS1, I imported it to patch it), Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, Nocturne, DemiKids Light & Dark(GBA), Raidou 1 & 2, Devil Summoner(Saturn), Soul Hackers(Saturn), Digital Devil Saga 1&2, Persona 3&FES, Persona 4, Strange Journey, & Devil Survivor.
Kind of wished I own a copy of SMT1, just because of how great it is.
Also, I'd play Majin Tensei if it got fan translated. I've heard varying things; that it's a poor-man's Fire Emblem, and that it's a god-tier Fire Emblem.