
Deified Data said:SMT collection isn't exceedingly vast, but it's well-played and well-tended. Nocturne, DDS 1&2, Persona 3&4, Revelations: Persona, Devil Survior, and Strange Journey. I plan on rounding out my collection eventually, once my backlog shrinks a little. Can't wait for Survior 2 - so glad it's not a 3DS thing.
Subscribing to this thread. Item of discussion: What's the most difficult SMT game of the PS2 era? Keep it going!
Deified Data said:Subscribing to this thread. Item of discussion: What's the most difficult SMT game of the PS2 era? Keep it going!
tetrisgrammaton said:I'm pretty mixed on SMT.
I don't particularly like any of the Persona's. But Nocturne is one of my all-timers, and Devil Summoner 2 is close.
As for the other side projects that I've played, I'm fairly indifferent to them; and I'm not that obsessed to go back and play the ones on Famicom and Super Famicom.
vocab said:Don't worry. I think Persona 3 is pretty bad. 20 hours in, and nothing happened.
Jenga said:persona games = neutrality losers
smt games = chaos bros
i mean you guys don't even get a choice!
cj_iwakura said:Wow, you'd hate Persona 4. Persona 3 cuts right to the chase.
Wish I played it so I could compare.cj_iwakura said:Raidou 1 on Devil Mode. Holy crap.
Without all that, I'd say Nocturne. Hardest to break, most rewarding when you do.
TheSeks said:Except that P2:IS/EP is probably the two best SMT games in a good mile.
No fusions outside of spells.
No social links.
Third Person Dungeon Crawling.
Deified Data said:Wish I played it so I could compare.
kai3345 said:I havent played DDS2 yet but is that supposed to be the Kuzunoha Cat in the pic you chose for the DDS section?
cj_iwakura said:I know this is blasphemy in these parts, but that image summarizes why I love Persona 3 more than 4. It's got a style that kicked down the doors of Persona 1&2, and went into something wildly different. It can't be faulted for innovation.
(Fun fact: the Demon Artist in P2 is modeled after Kaz; except Kaz has a better wardrobe.)
Teenagers have broad appeal, I guess. And more free time. Hard to go on crazy adventures when you're holding down a job/studying full-time. Unless you're a loser like Vincent Brooks, or something.Jenga said:so when is smt gonna move into college shit
tired of being some lame ass teenager hanging out with other lame ass teenagers
Jenga said:so when is smt gonna move into college shit
tired of being some lame ass teenager hanging out with other lame ass teenagers
TheSeks said:Huh? All it did was make it kindaEmo"Moe"-blob anime after the late 90's anime of P1/2.
How about I slap your shit? Demon Artist > Cozy's wardrobe. Then again I like the Demon Artists punk/urban outfit.
Jenga said:so when is smt gonna move into college shit
tired of being some lame ass teenager hanging out with other lame ass teenagers
cj_iwakura said:Even though Atlus has done a good job of quality control since Cozy Okada left, I think a certain something left the SMT games when he did. Kaneko's great on visuals, but Okada seemed to love the modern/cyberpunk motif.
Okada's last project with Atlus was Digital Devil Saga, I think. But I believe him and Kaneko had Raidou in mind for a while; check the interview.
("I'm very interested in doing a title that's set in the past.")
(Fun fact: the Demon Artist in P2 is modeled after Kaz; except Kaz has a better wardrobe.)
persona games = neutrality losers
smt games = chaos bros
i mean you guys don't even get a choice!
so when is smt gonna move into college shit
tired of being some lame ass teenager hanging out with other lame ass teenagers
I also discovered the series quite late with Nocturne and since then I've been picking up most new releases and some of the older ones when I can find them for a good deal.SpaceBridge said:What's in you SMT collection?
...and the winning collection is...archnemesis said:I also discovered the series quite late with Nocturne and since then I've been picking up most new releases and some of the older ones when I can find them for a good deal.
Game Boy Color
- Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible
- Revelations: The Demon Slayer
- Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children - Black Book
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children - White Book
Game Boy Advance
- Shin Megami Tensei: DemiKids - Dark Version
- Shin Megami Tensei: DemiKids - Light Version
Virtual Boy
- Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hīhō!
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
- Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Super Famicom
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Shin Megami Tensei II
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Shin Megami Tensei: if...
- Revelations: Persona
- Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Playstation 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: FES
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
- Maken Shao: Demon Sword (close enough with it being developed by Atlus, featuring Kaneko art, and having an occult theme)
Playstation Portable
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Akuma Zensho
- Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
- Three volumes with illustrations by Kaneko Kazuma
- One volume with art by Shigenori Soejima
- Self-printed fan translation of the first two Digital Devil Story novels by Aya Nishitani
Deified Data said:...and the winning collection is...
Not even close. There is (or maybe used to be) a Japanese GAFer who owned all releases, including the music.Deified Data said:...and the winning collection is...
I want it, but it's hard to find around here. It is supposed to be similar to Imagine.TheSeks said:Except he doesn't have the X-box 180 SMT. >_>
TheSeks said:Except he doesn't have the X-box 180 SMT. >_>
I'm not sure if you are thinking of me or not, but that fits my collection. I've got pretty much everything Megaten-related in terms of games and music, plus a ton of other miscellaneous stuff like plushes and strategy guides.archnemesis said:Not even close. There is (or maybe used to be) a Japanese GAFer who owned all releases, including the music.
cj_iwakura said:I know this is blasphemy in these parts, but that image summarizes why I love Persona 3 more than 4. It's got a style that kicked down the doors of Persona 1&2, and went into something wildly different. It can't be faulted for innovation.
Vally said:I have a serious backlog of Megaten games, the only ones I've finished are P3 and P4... have played DDS, Raidou 2 and Strange Journey too, wish I had more time so I could finish them. Right now I'm playing P2 Innocent Sin and I love it.
And I agree with the people who praise the style of the older games; as much as I love P3/P4, games like P2 or Soul Hackers have such a unique atmosphere (will definitely play Soul Hackers when the fan translation is out)
Yeah, it's impressive how different P3 is from P2. I'm glad they're trying to do the same for P5, or so they said in a recent interview. The less it looks like P4 the better.
cj_iwakura said:I know this is blasphemy in these parts, but that image summarizes why I love Persona 3 more than 4. It's got a style that kicked down the doors of Persona 1&2, and went into something wildly different. It can't be faulted for innovation.
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
I like Jack Frost, Cu Chulainn, and Parvati. I always try to keep them in my party for as long as I can.Actually, I like most of the Hindu goddesses. They look so pretty haha.
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
I like Matador just because of his designsuzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
I like Jack Frost, Cu Chulainn, and Parvati. I always try to keep them in my party for as long as I can.Actually, I like most of the Hindu goddesses. They look so pretty haha.
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
I like Jack Frost, Cu Chulainn, and Parvati. I always try to keep them in my party for as long as I can.Actually, I like most of the Hindu goddesses. They look so pretty haha.
cj_iwakura said:The only person I know crazy enough to have played that is Kurt at HG101, who wrote the piece on it.
And holy crap does it look awful.
HG101 said:Shin Megami Tensei NINE, one of the few Japan exclusive games for the original Xbox, is a bit of an outlier amongst the series. The NINE is not to denote that this is the ninth Megaten game (it isn't), but instead it refers the number of alignments in the original series of game (Law, Neutral, Chaos, and Good, Neutral, and Evil.) Like Megami Tensei II, you play as a human living in an underground base after a nuclear disaster. You spend most of your time in the "Idea Space", a Snow Crash-ish virtual world modeled after 1990s Tokyo.
TheSeks said:What are you talking about? That sounds like Phantom Dust on X-box 180 which was awesome!
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
I like Jack Frost, Cu Chulainn, and Parvati. I always try to keep them in my party for as long as I can.Actually, I like most of the Hindu goddesses. They look so pretty haha.