This son of a bitch
Uzume is pretty awesome too

Uzume is pretty awesome too
cj_iwakura said:In concept yes, in execution, no.
TheSeks said:You're saying Phantom Dust is a bad game!? :|
Also it apparently did FFXII before FFXII was FFXII. AWESOME. I so want to track this down even if it's "incomplete because it was meant to play on X-box Live" just to see this stuff in a 2002 time capsule.
cj_iwakura said:I'd post them in-line if we had expandable spoilers.![]()
Deified Data said:![]()
These are custom figures done by a hobbyist. Wish there were professional figures this good. Serph looks a little "Myeeehh", though.
Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
*Glacial Blast of Death*Are you ready?
I've played them. You asked me before! I don't really like any of them very much, but the SFC one is worth playing.randomkid said:So much lovely Kaneko, this thread is so great.
Has anyone actually played any of the Last Bible games? I still can't believe there was a Last Bible Super Famicom game.
And one for Game Gear too, it looks so awesome!
Seriously, what are these games like?
Aeana said:I've played them. You asked me before! I don't really like any of them very much, but the SFC one is worth playing.
Gorgon said:There should be 4 games under Devil Summoner in the OP, not 3 (the two games with Raidou kuzonoha).
cj_iwakura said:Might want to click that link, chief. (I wrote the second half of that article, by the way.)
randomkid said:Where's Last Bible though, huh???!!! Your OP sucks bro.
Vamphuntr said:Really in the mood to replay a megaten game right now. Haven't touched a JRPG since Xenoblade (yuck!).
I'm hesitating between Raidou 1 & 2 and DDS 1 & 2. Raidou 1 gameplay is bloody terrible but the setting and story are fantastic while DDS 1 story is awful while the gameplay and customization are ace.
well, some time ago I asked this to Ishida himself, Strange Journey director, and his answer was "Strange Journey is not SMT4".cj_iwakura said:(Debatable as whether or not it's SMT IV until the end of time; call it what you will, this is a true throwback to SMT I&II, as presented by one of the godfathers of Megaten.)
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)?
reriel said:well, some time ago I asked this to Ishida himself, Strange Journey director, and his answer was "Strange Journey is not SMT4".
"Another thing that bothered me," Kaneko says, "was the trend of the main character always being portrayed as someone special--a legendary warrior, for example. It was the equivalent of saying you can't succeed unless you're from a wealthy family, and I just couldn't stand that. I wasn't born with special genes, and I'm sure most other players weren't, either. No matter who you are, if you're given a chance and have the guts to try your best, you can become a hero...that became the concept of Megami Tensei."
Unfortunately I don't know more than this :\ I send him a pm on his twitter page because I had some doubts about SJ.cj_iwakura said:Interesting. Tell me more?
reriel said:Unfortunately I don't know more than this :\ I send him a pm on his twitter page because I had some doubts about SJ.
Aeana said:There is only one:
cj_iwakura said:What has he worked on before SJ?
suzu said:Sooo... what is everybody's favorite demon(s)? Based on looks, usefulness, or whatever criteria.
cj_iwakura said:Kaneko himself said it as supposed to be SMT4 in conception, but they dropped it because it's not in Japan.
Vamphuntr said:Really in the mood to replay a megaten game right now. Haven't touched a JRPG since Xenoblade (yuck!).
I'm hesitating between Raidou 1 & 2 and DDS 1 & 2. Raidou 1 gameplay is bloody terrible but the setting and story are fantastic while DDS 1 story is awful while the gameplay and customization are ace.
Tenck said:I just got into the series today with Devil Survivor Overclocked. Is as good as the other games? Where do I go after this? I hqve no PS2 though![]()
So might not be able to play them all.
Tenck said:I just got into the series today with Devil Survivor Overclocked. Is as good as the other games? Where do I go after this? I hqve no PS2 though![]()
So might not be able to play them all.
Tenck said:I just got into the series today with Devil Survivor Overclocked. Is as good as the other games? Where do I go after this? I hqve no PS2 though![]()
So might not be able to play them all.
dr3upmushroom said:Seems like a decent enough place to ask: I have a pretty limited experience with the series but I've really, really enjoyed the titles I've played. Loved Strange Journey, loved P3P, loved what I played of P4 (I was plodding my way through it very slowly due to school and I got a new apartment at the beginning of the current semester and wasn't able to bring my TV along. When I saw that Vita is getting a port I just decided to start over when that comes out), and loved Devil Survivor Overclocked.
I'm interested in the P2 port that recently came out for PSP, but I'm wondering how dated it feels. Given that I've liked the games above, am I likely to enjoy P2, or is there a "It's good as long as you're fine with the clunky mechanics" caveat?
dr3upmushroom said:Seems like a decent enough place to ask: I have a pretty limited experience with the series but I've really, really enjoyed the titles I've played. Loved Strange Journey, loved P3P, loved what I played of P4 (I was plodding my way through it very slowly due to school and I got a new apartment at the beginning of the current semester and wasn't able to bring my TV along. When I saw that Vita is getting a port I just decided to start over when that comes out), and loved Devil Survivor Overclocked.
I'm interested in the P2 port that recently came out for PSP, but I'm wondering how dated it feels. Given that I've liked the games above, am I likely to enjoy P2, or is there a "It's good as long as you're fine with the clunky mechanics" caveat?
DigitalDevil said:Digitaldevil, reporting for duty!
I heart SMT. Is it weird that I bought a copy of P2:IS just to keep sealed? I don't even have a psp. Lol
cj_iwakura said:Kaneko himself said it as supposed to be SMT4 in conception, but they dropped it because it's not in Japan.
The Mana Legend said:IS also is the worst Persona game,