You kidding? I had him going full Nicholson on 75% of all those guys. He was an excellent teammate for me.
So many glitches and problems with this game on XB1. Just experienced this one for the second time since last night: I'll be playing normally and all of a sudden the game audio will cut out completely (system audio is fine). Nothing works to bring it back. So I completely quit out of the game and restart it, and then it won't progress past the title screen. Freezes there every time, and nothing corrects it including ejecting and re-inserting the game disc. Only fix is a full hard boot of the system. The first time it happened I was in chapter 10, and if it had screwed up my save file I think I would've been done with the game forever.
He attacks when he feels like it. I mean, I'm not really complaining, because he is still a one-man army, with proper backup.
His AI is so terrible it makes you not want to, though.
I've never seen a partner NPC beast through a combat section like he did. Such a boss.Oh my fucking God, don't mess with Joseph whenhe's got Mjolnir in axe form
Jesus, just moppin' em up, one right after the other. Dude needs a shower.
I've never seen a partner NPC beast through a combat section like he did. Such a boss.
I've never seen a partner NPC beast through a combat section like he did. Such a boss.
I've never seen a partner NPC beast through a combat section like he did. Such a boss.
Tee hee hee, apparently Flash bolts work on. Gonna try that the next time I face him. Sounds like you can literally turn that fight into a less than 60s fight easily that way.the chapter 10 boss at the start when he's eye-stalking you
Seriously. I was expecting that part to be a pain in the ass but then he's just all, "nah, I got this."He deserves like a fucking statue for that or something.
No idea what you mean, because he's actually a lot easier before that point. Before that point you can't die unless you're just horrible at moving at all. You can also liberally use stealth tactics as well. How on earth do you get hit by hisanyway? He doesn't change directions when doing them.barges
There are some parts of the game that make me question whether members of the dev team were even sentient creatures capable of intelligent thought.How could anyone think that's fun? It's just mindblowing. I can't possibly fathom a reason why no one would stop and say "hey guys, this is a stupid thing to include."In chapter 7 there is a spot when random spikes just shoot out and kill you. There's no audio or visual cue that something might be wrong. There's no switch sticking out anywhere. Just your 5285th hanging body then you walk by it and bam, dead.
There are some parts of the game that make me question whether members of the dev team were even sentient creatures capable of intelligent thought.How could anyone think that's fun? It's just mindblowing. I can't possibly fathom a reason why no one would stop and say "hey guys, this is a stupid thing to include."In chapter 7 there is a spot when random spikes just shoot out and kill you. There's no audio or visual cue that something might be wrong. There's no switch sticking out anywhere. Just your 5285th hanging body then you walk by it and bam, dead.
Actually the hanging bodyis roped to a mechanism if you look closely.
why waste a flash bolt? just shoot it with a pistol, it'll fall out all the same, not for as long but you can repeat it no prob!
There are some parts of the game that make me question whether members of the dev team were even sentient creatures capable of intelligent thought.How could anyone think that's fun? It's just mindblowing. I can't possibly fathom a reason why no one would stop and say "hey guys, this is a stupid thing to include."In chapter 7 there is a spot when random spikes just shoot out and kill you. There's no audio or visual cue that something might be wrong. There's no switch sticking out anywhere. Just your 5285th hanging body then you walk by it and bam, dead.
Nope.Might still be 25% off on gmg.
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Question does the upgrading really hinder your experience if you don't upgrade certain things?
Also what is supposed to be the tell for the invisible dudes? I can't ever seem to get a grasp what gives their position away, it can't be that vague little blur of a thing that is hard as fuck to see in this game.
No, it's before that. The part you mention was completely obvious even without the character saying anything. I started laughing as soon as I walked into the room.
Uh, never actually been able to hit it on theeye itslef, because it literally has to be looking at you for you to hit it and by that point it's too late. Hitting the stalk doesn't drop it, that's for sure.
Hmm, didn't manage to get killed then but yeah that hanging body was obvious but I could understand why maybe someone would miss it. Generally whenever I see spikes above, I just steer away lol.
You can shoot the eye immediately as the battle starts if you inch out to the right from pillar you start behind. Then if you manage to hide under a car, or make him lose track of you and he stops to "scan" again, it's basically another free shot.
Someone said you can kill the chainsaw maniac, is that correct?with just a Flash Bolt and then run up to him and knife him
Considering the fact that yourI think the locations make absolute perfect sense. They might hop around a bit, but likewithin the mind of a deranged scientist killer and experiencing his nightmares, things can be placed all over or out of order.memories
Holy crap chapter 10
Someone said you can kill the chainsaw maniac, is that correct?with just a Flash Bolt and then run up to him and knife him
Someone said you can kill the chainsaw maniac, is that correct?with just a Flash Bolt and then run up to him and knife him
Yeah, the part that killed me didn't have any spikes. They just shot out of a normal wall with no suspicious signs. I'm fine with traps you can't actually see and avoid.
I always used the pillar to shoot from at the start, and as soon as I would line up my shot to actually hit the eye (that was looking right at me), it would instantly move because I was detected. Can't hit the eye when it's actually moving around.
It'll take more than one, but yes, Flash Bolts do work.
Huh, the prompt isn't appearing while he's stunned, what button is it? Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Huh, the prompt isn't appearing while he's stunned, what button is it? Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Oh, you have to crouch to do it. Bit clunkier than it should be.
Yeah, okay, that's fucking stupid. Thank you very much.
Uh, never actually been able to hit it on theeye itslef, because it literally has to be looking at you for you to hit it and by that point it's too late. Hitting the stalk doesn't drop it, that's for sure.
I don't remember that at all. I'll be looking for this in. Also, there are things that are a lot worse in this game. Namely some of the idiodic dialogue.chapter 7, but I sure as hell don't remember an instant death from out of the blue scenario
Have fun raging when you crouch but the prompt still doesn't pop up because lol i dunno
Have fun raging when you crouch but the prompt still doesn't pop up because lol i dunno
Nope! if its in the distancelooking the other way, i pop caps in it and down it goes. as long as you hit the eye it will drop mang.
Might be standing at the wrong spot. I've been having a hell of a time trying the bottle -> stealth kill but I realized that's only a kill from the front, not the back.
for some reason
The camera has to be centered on whatever you're looking at for the prompt to appear, it's ridiculous.
Wow... I clicked like it was nothing. Major spoiler (and you used tags, I know).
To risky to be here for me.
Maybe major spoilers shouldn't be used as a part of a sentence that easily in a non spoiler thread...
I know it's my fault, but still...![]()
Yeah, the part that killed me didn't have any spikes. They just shot out of a normal wall with no suspicious signs. I'm fine with traps you can't actually see and avoid.
Yeah, okay, that's fucking stupid. Thank you very much.
The camera has to be centered on whatever you're looking at for the prompt to appear, it's ridiculous.
smh. So it's the same issue as picking up items? Makes everything feel so finicky.
Chapter 12 wastrash