I guess it depends on in what sense you're judging it. You mentioned a story climax, I think the story is terrible, in all the REs, and I don't care about it at all, so it's not a touchstone in the pacing to me. I think the encounters never let up in quality, so I never saw any of it as padding. It all feels very cohesive in game design, even if it's not in story.And it's fine to think that. I don't think anyone is ridiculous for disagreeing. I just think it's full of bizarre padding which seemingly only exists to make the game longer. The game could have easily ended at the castle with a great story climax but instead you get out of the castle and there's... another big tower and a mine cart section and another big tower and a giant Salazar statue and then they decide that's not enough so they high-tail it to this random island full of mercenary zombies and shit and it goes from being one thing to this other thing and once you're there it just keeps going longer and longer and longer.
Sorry. I don't think that's good pacing. I think it's a severe lack of restraint. Again, I don't think pacing strictly means how fast something moves. Pacing encompasses a lot of different aspects.
It's probably the most consistent quality of any game its length I think. Maintaining those combat peaks with the traversal for around twenty hours is just mind blowing.
It's a difficult thing to discuss, because for many it's this pivotal point where one of their favorite franchises took a radical shift, and has never come back, and probably never will. It has a lot of contextual baggage in that sense, if it had been just a new IP, I think it wouldn't be such a controversial game, although also probably not such an influential one either.