Is it bad that it's the first time that I hear about and .
Then again, it's been a while I've followed a game's launch this close.
8/10 from random sites is good though, not that I put much faith into reviews. I liked TNO
It's nothing to get all upset about. Don't tell me you've never swatted a bothersome fly! In essence, it's the same thing.
Is it bad that it's the first time that I hear about and .
Then again, it's been a while I've followed a game's launch this close.
8/10 from random sites is good though, not that I put much faith into reviews. I liked TNO
I don't understand why you don't care about his opinion. Sure, slasher is a big fan of the genre and that may, subconsciously sway his judgement a bit, but I would take a honest opinion of someone who knows his stuff and has a true passion for the genre over some game "journalist" who probably sees reviewing games is not into as just a chore to make ends meet. He's not getting payed for this,and I'm sure he will point out flaws as he sees them.
Over the years I've grown weary of profesdional reviewers and came to value my peers' opinions a lot more. Another poster I always pay attention is Dusk Golem. People who know their stuff and share similar interests. Not saying there aren't professional reviewers like that, but it's been hard to trust media lately. Sometimes Gaf impressions are the best barometer,imo.
Since I have made some critical posts of Slasher in this thread I want to make one thing clear. I don't think his review will suck. I have no doubt his enthusiasm is earnest and that he will be putting in his best effort at creating comprehensive and entertaining coverage of the game.
However, as far as using his review as a barometer of quality or an indication of how I'll feel about the game... well, I probably won't. Imagine if a "professional" reviewer working for a major outlet had spent months openly hyping themselves and others for the game, acting basically as a promoter despite having access to only the same public knowledge we all have. How would you feel about their review when it eventually came? So many GAFers gives reviewers so much shit, much warranted, plenty unwarranted, so I have to imagine that many would agree with me that acting as a hype-man AND reviewer is just kind of sketchy. Not like "he was paid to do all this" sketchy, but just "how should I evaluate his own evaluation of the game given his long-term emotional investment in the game?"
On a personal note, I feel it's the job of devs and pubs to sell me on a game and it's the consumer's role to push back and be skeptical. Marketing is adversarial for a good reason. I find it somewhat unappealing when gamers themselves take up the mantle of promoter even though they have no special information about the product beyond what we all have. It happened for Lords of Shadow, it happened for DmC, and I found it irritating then as well. So if I've come off as rude in my criticism in threads about this game, this is why.
I don't want to imply people shouldn't be excited about games. Hell, I wish I was able to get this excited about games that I hadn't yet played. But the fact remains that lots of us on GAF are excited about games and we don't all manifest that excitement by doing free PR work.
So that's probably the last I'll say on this subject, and I look forward to getting the game sometime this coming week.
Do we know how long this game is going to be? I have a friends who wants to get it, but he doesn't want to buy it full priced if it turns out to be really short (~6 hours or less).
Is it bad that it's the first time that I hear about and .
Then again, it's been a while I've followed a game's launch this close.
8/10 from random sites is good though, not that I put much faith into reviews. I liked TNO
If anything I think Resident Evil 4 has terrible pacing. It's solid for about 2/3 but later into the castle and on it really outstays its welcome. Pacing means more than just how "fast" scenarios move by. So I'm not really sure what to make of that comment either way. As long as the slow stuff in Evil Within feels organic with the whole, I don't really mind the slower pace. What I didn't like about RE4 was how it just started getting so very random and just throwing whatever into the game because they could. I didn't think that was a good thing at all, and it ended up making the game feel extremely bloated and caused the tone to change way too much.
Never heard of them. Well, you seem to like em so I'll take your word.Videogamer is not random. They are a really good british outlet. That's where Matt Lees also worked for a while for example.
Do we know how long this game is going to be? I have a friends who wants to get it, but he doesn't want to buy it full priced if it turns out to be really short (~6 hours or less).
Resident Evil 4 has "terrible pacing" and "outstays its welcome" coming from a guy who loves Lords of Shadow. I can't even.
That village looked awesome in the video. Really good stuff. I can see how a beefy PC would improve the game experience providing 60fps and fast loading times after a death. Would probably dramatically improve the fun.
Holy shit good, or holy shit bad?
LMAO oh shitResident Evil 4 has "terrible pacing" and "outstays its welcome" coming from a guy who loves Lords of Shadow. I can't even.
Putting Team Silent name to something is serious business.
I'd say like... 10-12 minimum, 15 average?
The two completion times we have so far are 15 hours & 40 minutes, and 15 hours & 55 minutes.
I am betting some will complete it faster, some longer, it's looking like a 12-17 hour long game.
I don't understand why you don't care about his opinion. Sure, slasher is a big fan of the genre and that may, subconsciously sway his judgement a bit, but I would take a honest opinion of someone who knows his stuff and has a true passion for the genre over some game "journalist" who probably sees reviewing games is not into as just a chore to make ends meet. He's not getting payed for this,and I'm sure he will point out flaws as he sees them.
Over the years I've grown weary of profesdional reviewers and came to value my peers' opinions a lot more. Another poster I always pay attention is Dusk Golem. People who know their stuff and share similar interests. Not saying there aren't professional reviewers like that, but it's been hard to trust media lately. Sometimes Gaf impressions are the best barometer,imo.
Dayum. Got my finger hovering over the checkout button on best buy...
You'd be surprised at alot of gamers impulse buying games just because others like said games really well. But deep down they don't necessarily enjoy them. Vanquish comes to mind, RE4 has been said and I expect TEW to do the same.
I was hoping for this initially. I'm talking a 60fps experience. Also, since the consoles seem to have day one patches would the PC have it's patches? The PC is ported by a third-party studio meaning Tango themselves doesn't support the game, so would the third party studio apply the patches or is PC version of TEW s.o.l.?
Man, you still haven't done nothing(purchased)?
Less talking/posting and more action bruh.
Soundtrack so far is mostly quite with general ambient/creepy noises except for the save room song you hear from a far when a save room is near. When things get crazy you get the usual intense scary "oh shit" music. Nothing special though or amazing.
The classic RE's are way superior in soundtrack however this is not what this game is trying to be. The game is kind of like being inside of a rolling ball, it's a clusterfuck of things and environments you are going through. That's as much as I could say without spoiling anything.
Note: the embargo for media that received The Evil Within from Bethesda is on October 14th, the day of release. As Bethesda declined to send us a review copy of the game (presumably due to the score we gave Wolfenstein: The New Order) we bought our own copy. As such said embargo does not apply, hence why the review is live now.
There is still an obligation to provide a good experience so having an outside studio involved doesnt necessarily mean fixes wont come. But im expecting very limited support on the performance side of things. Will have to rely on PC experts to provide tweaks and configs to get things working like always.
As someone new to the PC gaming experience......damn.
If anything I think Resident Evil 4 has terrible pacing. It's solid for about 2/3 but later into the castle and on it really outstays its welcome. Pacing means more than just how "fast" scenarios move by. So I'm not really sure what to make of that comment either way. As long as the slow stuff in Evil Within feels organic with the whole, I don't really mind the slower pace. What I didn't like about RE4 was how it just started getting so very random and just throwing whatever into the game because they could. I didn't think that was a good thing at all, and it ended up making the game feel extremely bloated and caused the tone to change way too much.
If anything I think Resident Evil 4 has terrible pacing. It's solid for about 2/3 but later into the castle and on it really outstays its welcome.
Im happy im not alone on this.
While I wouldnt say horrible pacing, I always felt the game should have been a bit shorter.
Well it's a bit of an exaggeration. Nearly all of my PC games have full support, and sometimes over and beyond support. Only a couple things in my account were shat out and left to die.As someone new to the PC gaming experience......damn.
It's really weird to me that the reticle is always visible, as though the designers think you'll want to use blind-fire fairly often. Given the lack of ammunition, it seems counter to the game's own aims. Blind fire is for machine guns in Gears or War, not pistols with 2 bullets. Can anyone who's played a fair amount comment on whether blind-fire is actual useful/viable so much so that it justifies shitting up the visual presentation of the game?
Lmao at that door kick + face stomp + burn combo in the videogamer vid. Game is looking really tense with how tough everything seems.
Is it spoiler-safe to watch?
Is it spoiler-safe to watch?
You mean the quick-aim/shot mechanic? Worked great in RE6 and personally more games need them.
I understand the awkwardness of the reticule staying in the game, I thought there was an auto option for this. Maybe a patch will help with that,
facepalm completly facepalm
Randy PITCHford is not a gaming journalist but he fits in the same category, figuere that one out.
Seems like a bizarre oversight, however, persistent reticule it surely will be for me.There's an option to turn the reticule off...but then it will just be gone the whole game, even when you aim.
So you either A) have a reticule on the screen the entire game despite not having a lot of ammo and just seems really odd or B) no reticule at all
Hell no, it's almost half an hour of the third chapter. I watched like a minute.
SOme slight story stuff but actually not much at all. Will give you a good sense of the atmosphere and gameplay mechanics.
There's an option to turn the reticule off...but then it will just be gone the whole game, even when you aim.
So you either A) have a reticule on the screen the entire game despite not having a lot of ammo and just seems really odd or B) no reticule at all
Seems like a bizarre oversight, however, persistent reticule it surely will be for me.