It's beyond possible that Sony boosts the specs at this point, right?
It was beyond possible, I think, when fans started fantasizing about what they wanted the Pro to be rather then what the Pro was actually trying to be.
It's beyond possible that Sony boosts the specs at this point, right?
Any idea if PS Share will still capture and stream at 720p?
The PlayStation 4 Pro will grab 4K screenshots and capture 1080p video at 30 frames per second when using the Share button, PlayStation officials tell Polygon.
The console, which hits in November for $399, will also support 1080p video at 60 frames per second for broadcasting, remote play and share play, depending on the network environment, according to the spokesperson.
Broadcast and streaming will depend on the service provider.
YouTube/Dailymotion will support up to 1080p at 60 fps depending on users network environment, while Twitch will support up to 1080p at 30fps.
The original PlayStation 4 captures screens at 1080p and records video at 720p at 30 fps.
I mean, you can't firmware update to boost the GPU clock or anything. It's in production, and likely has been for a couple of months. A friend on FB is telling me that they could update the system to get better performance next yr to counter Scorpio, but I've never heard of a GPU getting a boost via firmware.
Boosting the GPU (if the silicon is even capable of supporting it) would lead to higher temperatures and power consumption. They system would have been engineered to be prepared to take on this added factors, which would make the original decision of running the console at a downclocked state really idiot.
If I'm not wrong PSP got a mild cpu clock upgrade between firmwares (I don't really remember), but that's the only case I know of.
oooooh thanks for finding or linking that haha i'm definitely grabbing one nowaccording to polygon:
thats a little different because iirc they tested it at the higher clock speed and it was fine but ended up downclocking it to save battery life. they unlocked it later to give devs more to work with.
Yeah, but I think the hypothesis that he's talking about would need to be the same way.
Sony would need to know that the console could run at, lets say, 5TF and purposely chose to set it at 4.2TF at launch who knows why.
If the system wasn't tested at the higher clock and they just choose to turn it up, It would be the worst shot in the foot that I can imagine. Just picture millions of PS4 Pros suddenly frying because the overclock was too much.
no plays the same gamesSo do you have to buy PS Pro specific game discs?
Just got this e-mail from Gamestop...this is the best we're gonna get huh. I'm predicting only $100 by launch :[
No you don't need 4k display..Sony made it clear that devs can utilize Pro the way they want...better assets better fps or anything.
It's a PS4 with a GPU that's a little over 2x as powerful. with a 1080p TV, you'll still end up with better framerates and detail, even if you don't change the resolution- provided you're playing a game that takes advantage of it which is everything released after october, and a few games (likely first party) released before then via patch.
if that's worth it to you then drop the $399.
Damn it was $200 for a trade in, just 2 weeks ago.
It was beyond possible, I think, when fans started fantasizing about what they wanted the Pro to be rather then what the Pro was actually trying to be.
Because it worked wonders for Wii U. I think Sony is 100% right to be as clear about this as possible, to prevent confusion over whether it is an upgrade, or a new console, as happened with with Wii U. PS4 Pro clearly messages that this is an upgrade for people who want one. It's nice for me too, because now I know I can stick with my PS4 Noob. I would've anyway, but the messaging of the name eases my mind.Neo = A very cool name made by the creative people and can easily be mentioned by kids and be seen as super cool by people of all ages and both gender.
Pro = A generic name. It's not bad. It's works. However, there are better options.
Well. That sums up Sony (and most companies these days) internal mindset in respect to generic marketing team and executives ruling over creative personnel. We'll never have another cool sounding name like the Megadrive, Genesis, Famicom, Saturn, Master System, Neo-Geo or even the almight Dreamcast. Let the generic world continue...
So I didn't get to see the event live and I have one big question.
Did Sony mention or hint at the fact that this will be the future of PlayStation? Newer more powerful consoles that will be backwards compatible with your games and accessories?
Because that's really what I needed to be sold on the Ps4 pro. I don't mind the upgrade but if 2-3 years from now they announce the PS5 and I can once again throw all my games and accessories in the garbage (not literally but you get what I mean) and start buying new ones I would rather just switch to PC
Did they talk about software 4.00 at all?
Someone can explain me why people are going to buy a ps4 slim if they can have the pro for 100 bucks?
Neo = A very cool name made by the creative people and can easily be mentioned by kids and be seen as super cool by people of all ages and both gender.
Pro = A generic name. It's not bad. It's works. However, there are better options.
Just attended Asia session,
Just attended Asia session,
I need to know more about the gains on a 1080p screen, since i'm not upgrading my TV in the next 2-3 years.
it's 100 bucks
Are there any photos of the back showing the hdd slot? The drive must be user replaceable.
While I'm not a big fan of the design, I like these PS symbols on the side, where the circle is a headset/microphone jack.
Just attended Asia session,
Pretty sure it's not... I think it's just a sunken screw hole.
- 4k support for games *upscale*
- All games will run in 1080p resolution, and some will even run in a higher or more stable framerate
- 1080p60 RemotePlay/SharePlay
- Will support 1080p video at 60 frames per second for broadcasting
- 4K screenshots
- Usb port on the back
- Netflix 4k support
Could be missing alot of stuff so please correct me.
- No 4K Blu-Ray
I mean, you can't firmware update to boost the GPU clock or anything. It's in production, and likely has been for a couple of months. A friend on FB is telling me that they could update the system to get better performance next yr to counter Scorpio, but I've never heard of a GPU getting a boost via firmware.